
Packing Notes

On my last day in London I am able to reflect on what a great holiday I have had. The weather is beautiful here now but even when it wasn’t I was able to appreciate this wonderful city. As Alexander McCall Smith suggests, one must have the ‘right attitude to rain’ in order to live and visit the United Kingdom.

Packing wise- this trip was a semi-success. I made some mistakes, wished I’d brought a few things I hadn’t and didn’t use everything I brought. I think the next time I travel my packing skills will be on par with that of a well-oiled machine- a well-deserved product of trial and error.

This trip was tricky as I spent the first week in a very hot location (Portugal) and the next two weeks in a slightly chilly location that turned hot (London). Below I will list the items that I brought with me that I used over and over again and which proved invaluable:

-Dark fitted blazer (great for the plane and pairing with jeans for a casual dinner)

-A cashmere cardigan

-Three pairs of jeans: one tailored for heels, one tailored for flats and my black skinny jeans.

-Four tops that I love that I was able to pair with blazer or cardigan for chilly days.

-Two or Three layering tanks (mine are all from Michael Stars)

-Two bathing suits (they don’t take up much room do they?)

-One cover-up for the beach (mine was a little boring this year- next time I’m going for a bright Pucci-inspired one… might as well make a statement, no?)

-Two dresses for eveningwear and special events. This trip I found myself having tea at Claridge’s and lunch at Wentworth Golf Club. Both of the dresses I brought were black (so boring!) Next time I will bring more appropriate colors for spring.

-Black pashmina for the really chilly days and nights.

-Two pairs of ballet flats by London Sole, one pair of heels(Ferragamo are the most comfortable), and one pair of gold sandals.

There you have it… my packing notes for an early spring foray through Europe.

I would love to know how you pack for your spring holidays…


Hello from London!

After spending a very relaxing week in Portugal (Santa Barbara de Nexe to be exact), I now find myself in London enjoying the beautiful city- the not so beautiful weather- and the lovely people.

The weather was very agreeable in Portugal so I shouldn't complain too much... My days were spent swimming in the pool or laying on the beach and exploring small towns all throughout the Algarve- My nights spent dining with family and friends in the quaintest restaurants we could find.

The Portuguese are fabulous at doing seafood and the one of the restaurants that stood out the most for me, called O Alagoas, specialized in the most spectacular seafood kebabs. I had the monkfish and prawn combination... delightful.

So after spoiling myself with sunning, eating and doing virtually no work whatsoever, I now find myself in London where the culture and intrigue of the city has propelled me to get back to work on my book- which I shall (hasn't happened yet- but tomorrow... tomorrow).

I must also report that the light packing has really worked a treat. So far I haven't cursed myself for 'not bringing enough things' and I actually think I could have gotten away with packing less than I did! Who knew? At the end of my trip I will make a note of the items that I didn't use at all and store the information for later- in order to further my goal of becoming a connoisseur of packing!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and are enjoying your week...

Image by Thomas Wood


Off to Portugal I go...

Today I am off to Portugal for my holiday by the sea! I mentioned earlier this week that I would endeavor to do my best with packing light. I must admit, that when initially packing for the trip all of my promises flew out the window and my suitcase was rather stuffed (OK it wasn't 'rather' stuffed... it was very stuffed- I could barely close it!) Then guilt began to kick in and then self loathing... why oh why could I not get this right?

After a conversation with my father- who is very good at packing light (For a six week stay in the South of France, he packed enough clothes for one week and simply had his laundry done while there), I reevaluated my belongings and am proud to say I actually have room in my suitcase! I have packed for one weeks worth of day clothes and four different options for evening wear. That should do me for about three weeks...

Ah, it feels good to travel light... and, of course, it leaves plenty of room for picking up things along the way...


Painting of Portugal by artist Anna Blincoe


The Politics of Fashion

Not since Jackie Kennedy has the political world been so fashionable. Yes, I should be packing for my trip this weekend and running a hundred copious errands but I can't help but peruse the Daily Mail pages to catch a glimpse of the most glamorous first ladies in the world: Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni Sarkozy- both in England (with their husbands, of course) for the G20 summit. The stunning ladies are both sporting pussy coats (quelle coincidence!) in very different colors- both look incredible... politics hasn't looked this good in a long time...