
How to Deal with Intimidating Situations (and Other News)

Before we begin, I want to extend my prayers and love to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy. May you and your loved ones stay safe...

How to Deal With Intimidating Situations

You are equal to any situation you encounter.

Oftentimes we think we might not be worthy or good enough for a situation. We might think people are judging us or that we are not qualified. That is why I love this quote from Marlene Dietrich so much. It reminds us that we are equal to any situation, that we are enough.

Glamour is assurance. It is a kind of knowing that you are all right in every way, mentally and physically and in appearance and that, whatever the occasion or the situation, you are equal to it. —Marlene Dietrich

At first glance, the quote seems to be about glamour, but really it's about so much more than that. It's about empowerment. And it's great advice to take for dealing with intimidating situations.

Watch my video to see why this is one of my favorite quotes, and how you can make it work for you. If you are unable to see the embedded video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

This week I would love to know... how do you deal (or not deal) with intimidating situations?

And in other news...

This past week I wrote an article for Tips on Life and Love called, 5 Essential Pieces for The Perfect Fall Wardrobe. I hope you enjoy my picks!

Book News

Lessons from Madame Chic comes out next Tuesday! To lead up to the celebration, there are giveaways taking place on the following blogs this week: The Simply Luxurious Life (thank you, Shannon, for the lovely article too!), Classic + Glam blog and Polly-Vous Français.

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3 Essential Slips for Your Undergarment Wardrobe

Undergarments truly are the foundation of great style and slips are no exception. Up until recently, slips have taken a dive in popularity. I know I used to think of them as unnecessary and old-fashioned, but in reality slips can remedy a myriad of problems with our dresses— some problems which we might never have thought about before!

Nordstrom has a wonderful slip section, and that is where I generally find my slips. The slips featured in this week's video are:

Commando Mini Cami slip

Commando half slip

TC "Torsette" shaping slip

Watch this week's video to see my slip collection and hear my thoughts on how invaluable they can be for a modern wardrobe. If you are unable to see my embedded video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

This week I would love to know... what kind of slips do you wear?

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Losing the Baby Weight & Breast Cancer Awareness

This has been a heavily requested topic... losing the baby weight.

I have many thoughts on the subject that all fall in line with my general philosophy on life (quelle surprise!).

Of course I am not always good at taking my own advice. Right after having my second baby I felt frustrated almost instantly with the extra weight I had to lose. But these things take time. It's a gradual shift that occurs, that goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle and attitude.

Watch my video (which was recorded at the end of a rather long day!) to hear my thoughts and tips on losing the baby weight. If you are unable to see the embedded video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

This week I would love to know... what has been your experience with losing the baby weight?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. My mother-in-law, Jane, is a brave breast cancer survivor. Her inspiring story is a great reminder of the importance of getting regular mammograms as early detection is what saved her. Please don't delay. Schedule your regular mammogram today!

To donate to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer research click here.

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Keep Classical Music Alive

I listen to it while making breakfast in the morning, and while cleaning the kitchen at night...

I listen to it when I drive...

I listen to it when I write...

And it's on in the background when I read...

Classical music is such an integral part of my day. It's my favorite genre of music. I grew up listening to it in my parents' home and it has remained with me ever since.

Classical KUSC is such an amazing resource. It is a listener supported classical music station— one of the last of its kind.

They are 91.5 fm for those of us in Los Angeles. Or you can listen to them anytime, from anywhere in the world, on their website: www.kusc.org

I am told that they are on iHeart radio as well (Thank you reader Janu Tornell for this information!)

You can listen to KUSC anytime for free, but if you feel as passionate about keeping classical music on the radio as much as I do, please consider donating to them and becoming a member. No donation is too small!

Watch my embedded video to learn more about Classical KUSC, their special broadcasts, and their lovely newsletters. If you are unable to watch the embedded video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur.

To learn more, visit www.kusc.org, or click here.

To donate to Classical KUSC click here.

P.S. My favorite composer is Chopin... who is yours?

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The Evolution of the Daily Connoisseur (and How I Spend My Days)

The Daily Connoisseur is constantly evolving and many of you have noticed that the videos are playing a starring role in the content of the blog. This is completely intentional. I love doing the videos and I hope you love to watch them! It's a great creative outlet for me (I did start out my career in Theatre after all!) and it is a fun way to communicate with you.

Even though I only post once a week, I put a lot of effort and energy into this blog. It is not just finding the time to shoot the videos, I also edit them, and for the most part I compose the music in them (on my MacBookPro in Garage Band, for those wondering). A lot of thought goes into each and every detail.

With regard to writing, I write every day— when my children nap during the day or at night when they are asleep (it varies). What am I writing? My future books! Writing books has always been my dream and what an amazing thing that I am finally able to realize this dream. I never take a break from writing, it is done every single day, even if it is only for 10 minutes. My writing mentor, Al Watt, taught me to write every day, even Sunday, and that's what I've done ever since.

Does this mean I won't have essays on the Daily Connoisseur? Not at all. This blog will continue to evolve as I do. Who knows what's in store for us...

Right now is the most exciting time of my life. I am thoroughly enjoying being a mother. My children are my priority right now. I'm a stay at home mom, with them every day, doing the best job in the world I can do and loving every moment (even the hard ones). I can't even believe that my youngest will be 5 months old in a few days time. It is shocking me how fast time is flying.

Also with the release of Lessons from Madame Chic right around the corner a lot of other exciting things are happening. I'm looking forward to promoting my book and starting this new chapter in my career. Right now it's all about finding a delightful balance and rhythm to life and the way it's all evolving now feels magnificent.

I am planning many exciting companion videos for Lessons from Madame Chic that will air in about a month's time and will address many of your requests with them (can we say 10 Item Wardrobe??).

So I will continue to work on the blog, write my books and enjoy my family and I want to thank all of you for your support along the way.

A note on emails
I love to hear from readers and want to thank everyone who has reached out to me in the past. I used to be able to respond to each query but now due to the high volume of emails I'm receiving I'm not always able to respond. The best way to contact me (and get a response!) is via Twitter or Facebook.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend... Monday's post and video is about a subject very near to my heart. See you then!

For all of you writers out there, my writing mentor, Alan Watt, has published books from his 90-Day Novel series. His teachings have been instrumental in writing my own books.

The 90-Day Novel: Unlock the Story Within


The 90-Day Rewrite: The Process of Revision

Both are amazing books that help you get the words on the page. Enjoy!

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