
Ten-Item Wardrobe Chat

Before we jump into this week's post, I wanted to share the new author photo for my upcoming book with you. Thank you to Kevin McIntyre for another great photo shoot!

Ten-Item Wardrobe Chat

The ten-item wardrobe continues to be the most popular topic of discussion from Lessons from Madame Chic, and the questions continue to come in. Many of you are asking the same questions so I decided to do this chat video to answer the most popular ones for everyone to hear.

The first half of the video is shot in my parents' home. I had a dreadful cold (that felt like it was never going to end!) and was staying with them while I recovered. The second half of the video is shot back in Santa Monica.

Here are the topics addressed in the video:

Winter wardrobe updates I haven't purchased much since I showed you my fall/ winter ten-item wardrobe for 2013, but I do show you the the purchases (mainly tee shirts) I have made, including a lacy Zara tee that I simply adore!

Should I have a ten-item wardrobe for both work and home? This is the question I receive the most. It all depends on what you need to wear for work. If you have a drastically different dress code to what you would normally wear on your down time, you will need to have a separate work wardrobe.

Should my children have a ten-item wardrobe? This is the second most popular question I get. With the little ones it is harder to be as minimalistic because they change sizes so often (especially the baby/ toddlers) and they have so many outfit changes during the day due to dirt and spills, but yes, our kids can have a capsule wardrobe. The most important thing is to instill the values of a ten-item wardrobe in them so they don't grow up with the same shopping neurosis we did!

I also address other topics in the video such as: the ten-item wardrobe is not a diet (I like that, don't you?) and limited thinking.

Check out this week's video for the full chat. Thanks for all of your get well soon wishes on twitter. As you can see in the second half of this video, I am feeling much better!

If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

Please let me know in the comments section how your ten-item wardrobe is coming along. I love to hear from you on twitter, facebook and instagram too! Use the hashtag #TenItemWardrobe to send me your pictures and/or feedback.

Have a marvelous week. Our Untethered Soul Book Club starts next week! See you then.

For more on Kevin McIntyre, visit kevinmcphotograph.com

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