
10 Ways to Keep it Classy on Social Media

In today's video I'm sharing 10 Ways to Keep it Classy on Social Media. Social networks are constantly evolving and the etiquette for this field is ever-changing. Today's video is meant to act as a guide to keep social media usage on the healthy side. I am looking forward to reading about your experiences using social media below.

Here are my best tips for keeping it classy on social media:

👑 Don’t overshare Avoid over-posting on social media. Keep it classy by living your real life way more than your virtual one. Detox from social media if this is something you struggle with. You don’t need to update the world on your day several times a day. Save some things. Hold them back.

👑 Be mindful of what you do share Be careful sharing pictures of partying and/or drunken antics, swear words, etc. You never know how they will come back to haunt you later.

👑 Don’t tag people without asking permission first We have all been tagged in a picture where we look highly unflattering. If you plan to post a picture on social media, it's good manners to run it by everyone else first.

👑 Consider your children’s privacy We all love our children and think they are the greatest, best-looking, smartest kids in the whole world (I think that about mine ☺️), but that does not mean we need to post everything about them on social media. Guard their privacy. If your children are older, ask how they feel before you post something about them. If they are too young to understand the implications, just consider erring on the side of privacy.

👑 Don’t steal someone else’s thunder Are you a guest at a wedding? Don’t even think about posting a picture of the bride before she herself posts. Someone in the family is pregnant? Don’t announce you’re going to be an aunty before the couple announces the baby. Your relative just got an amazing new job? Don't break the news before they do. In short, don't steal someone's thunder on social media.

👑 Don't be reactive I've learned this one the hard way. For many years, on social media, when I received a direct attack, I would not only respond, but react. I try not to do that anymore. It never looks good and it isn't classy behavior. To be a class act, keep your cool and don't be reactive. If someone leaves me a negative comment now, I generally ignore them.

👑 Don’t overly promote your business on your personal page It's totally fine to mention your work and business every now and then. Certainly celebrate accomplishments and milestones, but if you plan to promote your business on a daily basis, consider starting up a separate business page. Many people go on social media to connect with friends and family and they don't want to be marketed to all the time.

👑 Don’t post passive aggressive posts If you have a problem with someone, but you are afraid of confrontation, avoid posting passive aggressive posts about the person or the situation. We've all seen that vague, yet sarcastic meme that we know is a dig at someone. Avoid the drama. If you have a problem with someone, go to them directly with your problem. Don't take to social media first.

👑 Don’t be a troll The internet can make us feel bolder than we would in real life. Many times people will casually say something on social media they wouldn’t dare say to someone’s face. Don’t be a troll. If you have a complaint, make it in a polite way. No all caps, name calling and 10 exclamation marks please.

👑 Don’t make yourself look totally different than you actually look We all use filters. I use them too. They can brighten up an image and yes, make you look better. But don’t go overboard. We’ve all seen strongly filtered and/ or photoshopped images of people. It totally alters the way they look. To keep it classy, embrace how you really look. You’re handsome and you’re beautiful just the way you are.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
I traveled to LA this week to shoot an upcoming episode of the new podcast, Good Kids. It was good fun! I'll be sure to share the link when it is out.

Comment of the Week
Lori B. writes, "I play classical music in my third grade classroom when we are doing writing. I have been incorporating the Chic Assignment suggestions and my students are loving listening to the different composers. Thank you for helping me bring culture to my students."

Dear Lori, I am so thrilled that you are incorporating the Chic Assignment with your third grade classroom. Please tell your students I say "hello"!

Thank you for watching today's video. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on keeping it classy on social media.

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Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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Outfits of the Week + New Charm Bracelet

I'm sharing another week of outfits from my fall ten-item capsule wardrobe in today's video. It was an odd week, with each day at nearly 90 degrees F! I'm sorry I am not showing you boots and coats but the weather here is not there yet. I'll make up for it when we travel to England this winter...

I'm also exploring the world of charm bracelets today. I have always loved the look of charm bracelets and love the tinkling sound they make even more. I chose the components of this bracelet from Jeulia Jewelry (code JENNIFERAV15 gives 15% off).

The bracelet is composed of the basic bangle sterling silver bracelet, starry night safety chain, and heart with blue stone charm. Their sterling silver bracelets are delightful!

Here are the outfits for this week:

On Sunday I'm wearing the J.Jill charcoal wrap dress with a braided headband and navy ballet flats (linking similar). On my nails: Vendetta by Londontown (code JenniferS gives 25% off first-time orders) and my phone case is Casetify

On Monday I'm wearing the Everlane Japanese picnic dress over a half-tee with my nude patent sandals and Ana Luisa earrings (code Jennifer10 gives $10 off first-time orders)

On Tuesday I'm wearing the Zara tunic dress (linking similar) with black leggings and a velvet scrunchie.

On Wednesday I'm wearing the Burgundy floral dress with a navy cardigan, navy bow sandals (similar), and Ana Luisa earrings

On a blustery Thursday I'm wearing Cream v-neck cashmere sweater code JLS10, black cropped jeans code JLS10 for 10% off, nude ballet flats, infinity belt

On Friday it's the Midnight floral dress (similar) under a cropped twist black tee for a new layered look. In my hair is the velvet scrunchie.

I hope you enjoy today's video and that it gives you capsule wardrobe inspiration.


📍The Bend Soap Co. holiday scents are here. Their sugar scrubs are some of my favorite products and make great gifts. Use code DC10 for 10% off.

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

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Thank you for sharing your pictures of Connoisseur Kids on social media. Tag me with the hashtag #ConnoisseurKids and your Instagram could be featured on The Daily Connoisseur.

Comment of the Week
Kathleen writes, "If we spend one-third of our time sleeping, then a little arithmetic may be in order: spend one-third of your fashion budget on sleepwear. (Not all at once! Over time; and be frugal and wise in your choices.) For fun, set aside a special portion of your closet for these clothes and a special drawer (lined with, say, Crabtree & Evelyn scented paper) so that pajamas and nightgowns are not crammed up against a sea of sweats, and bathrobes are not posted on a hook behind some hidden door. Thanks so much. I may be a surgeon, but I'm a homemaker first. And chic, I hope. I love your channel. Look forward to every post. Doc"

Doc, I loved your comment. I never thought about how much time we spend in our sleepwear. You are so right! Thanks for your great comment.

Thank you for joining me today. I would love to know how your fall ten-item wardrobe is coming along. Let us know in the comment section below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.

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Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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Presentable Sleepwear: Why You Should Wear It + Essential Components

As part of The Chic Assignment for October, we are taking notice of our sleepwear. Aiming to be presentable with our sleepwear is not just a superficial aspiration. When we are presentable in our own homes, when no one is looking, we are continuing our authentic quest to look presentable always and to dress for respect.

In today's video, I'm sharing why wearing presentable sleepwear is important and sharing the various styles available. There is inspiration here for everyone. Let's take a look at a few styles featured in the video...

An essentail component to presentable sleepwear is a robe or dressing gown. These not only function to keep us warm, but they can also cover up more revealing nightgowns and are perfect to throw on at the last minute or to just putter around the house. I'm wearing Plush Necessities spa robe and slippers in today's video.

For those of you who get really hot at night and don't like to wear pajamas, chemises are a great option. They are very lightweight and feel as though you aren't wearing anything at all. I love the bust support chemise from Montelle Intimates because of its thick fabric, high quality, and feminine details. Another great resource is Lusomé, which has a line of sleepwear that has breathable, moisture wicking sleepwear to benefit those who get hot at night.

One of my favorite nightgowns to sleep in are My Victorian nightgowns. I love how billowy and comfortable they are and also their nostalgic nod to the past. I am also listing a long-sleeve version here. Visit my Amazon store for even more Victorian sleepwear options.

Another high-quality sleepwear brand I love is, Natori. This set I have is a few years old, but the quality is there and it still looks great. You can see Natori sleepwear here, robes and wraps, and gowns here.

As we move into exploring winter sleepwear, I love this plaid sleep shirt to stay cozy in. This is a few years old, so I am also listing a similar one here as well as a longer plaid night shirt. I'm wearing this with leggings and the shearling slippers from Lands' End.

A Pajama set is an essential for presentable sleepwear. Whether you like wild prints, or more subdued sets like this black set with white trim (linking similar), a nice pajama set is a presentable option and great to wear, especially if you are a guest in someone's home.

This cozy flannel sleep shirt is from Nordstrom sleepwear and is another cozy, yet casual and presentable option for winter weather. You can see more Nordstrom sleep shirts here.

For those of you who are looking for more budget sleepwear options, check out your local thrift store, or Walmart's sleepwear selections. Also worth checking out are the pajama sets at Target as well as sleep shirts at Target.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in Vietnam from Bloom Books.

📍Yesterday, only on YouTube, I shared a video called, The One Thing I Must Do with My Children.
Be sure to subscribe to my channel and click the bell to be notified by email whenever I upload a video.

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
Here's another view of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic in Vietnam...
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Dù bạn là ai, có bắt đầu từ đâu, dù bạn có là người chân ướt chân ráo bước vào cuộc sống có thần thái hay là người đã có kinh nghiệm, thì bạn đều có thể thu được lợi ích từ việc hết lòng sống với phiên bản tốt nhất của chính mình mỗi ngày, từ khoảnh khắc bạn thức dậy buổi sáng tới khi bạn ngả lưng nằm ngủ. Đừng để lối sống của thế giới khiến bạn nản lòng. Hãy để nó thúc đẩy bạn tỏa sáng rực rỡ hơn. Bạn sẽ trở nên khác biệt. Dù bạn có thể bị hiểu nhầm, cảm giác sẽ không lấy gì làm dễ chịu. Nhưng rồi bạn sẽ tạo ra sự thay đổi cho ai đó. Và đó là điều quan trọng nhất! Vậy nên, hãy xắn tay áo lên và sẵn sàng làm việc chăm chỉ. Hãy sẵn sàng nuôi dưỡng nghệ thuật thần thái và thay đổi cuộc đời. Bởi, chỉ riêng cuộc đời bạn cũng có thể thay đổi cả thế giới! Đồng hành cùng bạn trên hành trình xây dựng thần thái: http://bit.ly/madamechic3_tiki #MadameChic_RatthanthaiRatParis #Bloombooks_camhungsong

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Comment of the Week
Elizabeth R. writes, "I’m a 17 year old student which is definitely not your target demographic yet I love your videos!! 💗💗 I’ve been watching you for 5 years, thanks for inspiring me always."

Elizabeth, your comment was wonderful for me to read. I love that this blog reaches both young and old and everywhere in between. What a truly beautiful community of women! Thank you for watching.

I would love to know what your favorite type of presentable sleepwear is. Please let me know in the comments below and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur. Have a wonderful weekend!

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Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: This post is not sponsored. Links in the post may be affiliate. The Plus Necessities robe and slippers and the Montelle Intimates chemise were gifted. All opinions are my own.


Chic Assignment Check-In October, 2019

Welcome to The Chic Assignment check-in for October. Today is a Chic Assignment spectacular. Ben will be reading the 2nd half of The Raven and I will be playing Schubert's Serenade on the piano for you.

This is a longer video as I did not want to cut any corners, so here are the time stamps if you need to skip around:

Presentable sleepwear 1:43
Use your best 6:18
Edgar Allan Poe biography 8:19
Ben reads The Raven 17:03
Jennifer performs Serenade 22:01

The biography for Edgar Allan Poe is from the Poe Museum.

I perform Schubert's Serenade from a piano book that belonged to my grandmother. I always preface my piano performances by letting you know that my playing is full of flaws and errors, and yes, our piano could probably be tuned... but I share my performances to encourage you to just play! Play for fun. Play for joy. Play for beauty in your day. Don't worry if you have mistakes or bad tempo. Just play and enjoy without needing to be perfect, I certainly do :)

I truly hope you enjoyed today's video.

On my nails: Londontown Vendetta code JenniferS for 25% off first-time orders

My charm bracelet (I love) JENNIFERAV15 for 15% off
Basic Bangle Bracelet Sterling Silver
Starry Night Safety Chain Sterling Silver
Heart with Blue Stone Charm Sterling Silver

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

Comment of the Week
Katie writes, "Thank you so much for this reminder. I have taken a 6 month break from Facebook and noticed how much happier and calmer I feel during the six months. I don't feel like I'm missing out on things or that everyone has it together better than myself. Occasionally I'll take a peek on Facebook but I now know when I have been on too long because I become ungrateful.
When I start feeling ungrateful, I start singing "Count Your Blessings" and it turns my attitude back in the right direction.
I truly enjoy your blog and Youtube channel! You are a blessing!"

Dear Katie, I had a breakthrough moment where I realized I didn't need to post pictures of my children on Facebook if I didn't want to. I felt I had to keep up with birthdays, first day of school, etc. Once I realized that sharing wasn't necessary in that area, I have felt much freedom. I only share if I truly want to now and as a result, haven't shared on my personal Facebook page in several months. Thanks for your comment!

I hope you enjoyed today's video. I look forward to seeing you on the blog soon! Please keep your Chic Assignment updates coming. I enjoy reading them very much!

Visit my newly designed Author Website

*NEW* Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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The 4th Biggest Enemy to Homemakers

Hello my daily connoisseurs, in today’s video I’m going to share with you the fourth biggest enemy to home makers. Can you guess what it is?

I like to explore the world of homemaking because our jobs as homemakers are complex, satisfying, and important, but also deeply fraught with enemies. It's a good practice to call the enemies out so we are better able to move on with our tasks at hand.

Let's discuss the fourth biggest enemy to homemaking.


Yes, that’s right, comparison. The act or instance of comparing.

We have all heard the expression: comparison is the thief of joy. Well, a truer statement could not be uttered. And in today’s modern social media age, comparison is easier now more than ever.

If you call yourself a homemaker, then I’m guessing you have a place to live… a house, an apartment, a townhome, a place where you dwell. Let’s pause right there. If that is the case, and we have a roof over our heads, food on our tables, and a bed to sleep in at night. We should rejoice with gratefulness.

But instead, what do we do? We hop on Instagram and instantly feel pangs of jealousy that so-and-so’s home looks so amazing. Look at that sofa, that rug. Those houseplants. That person has better dishes than you. That person just wallpapered. That person has a swimming pool, That person just redid her master bathroom.


We start to look at what other people have… and it all looks so perfect. When we look at our own things… they can start to look shabby. Outdated. Awful.

Yes, our joy is being stolen every time we look at what someone else has and wish that we had it ourselves. We must not compare our homes to others. Some people have larger budgets than we do. Either that or they are going deeply into debt to live in such a beautiful space. You never know the true story behind the glossy Instagram picture. We must be content with what we have and budget responsibly for upgrades in the future.

I understand this struggle just as much as you do. I compare my home all the time. How do you think I’m able to write this? We were blessed to be able to renovate our kitchen this past year and guess what I’m longing to do now… the bathrooms. All of them! One thing I have learned about decorating and upgrades is, you are never satisfied. So let’s cease all comparisons and just be joyful and grateful for what we currently have. Let us make our homemaking a tribute and an act of gratitude for our homes. And when we finally get to do the upgrade, we will appreciate it so much more.

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
Lessons from Madame Chic in Vietnam

Featured in today's video: My headband
My necklace
My dress (similar)
My apron
I'm cleaning with e-cloth (clean with water)

Comment of the Week
Miss Fizz writes, I feel like a touch of class has just been added to my life that I never had, since finding your channel a couple weeks ago. So many beneficial changes for myself and home have taken place with your elegant influence. Closet cleaned out, (more) clutter cleared, apron wanting to be purchased ;), teas being sipped on (lol), classical music in the home, and most importantly the complete ownership of being a homeschool mom, stay home manager/homemaker and wife. The Lord's led me to this channel to help stir the classy woman that's been hidden under sweats, pjs workout attire, unkempt hair and dark under eye circles for almost 5 years and brought about the one that matches the joyful life I live in the Spirit. Prayers to you and your family and may God continue to bless you in your work of guiding others.

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Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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5 Ways to Keep it Classy as a Parent

Continuing last week's discussion on how to keep it classy in a trashy society, today we are veering in a slightly different direction: how can you keep it classy as a parent? Parenting is a beautiful calling— one that brings us so much joy. But parenting can also be very trying. Even the most level-headed people can lose their cool. In today's video, I'm sharing 5 ways you can keep it classy as a parent.

👑 Remain calm Our children will get hysterical. Tensions will run high. We might feel tempted to join in on the hysteria (I've certainly done this before), but to keep it classy, aim to remain calm. This can be hard when you are at the end of your tether, but when regularly practiced, remaining calm becomes your first line of defense.
👑 Look presentable, even at home Your children do notice what you wear. If you are in the rut of wearing sweat pants everyday, make a concerted effort to dress up instead. Your children will notice and it will elevate your energy and confidence.
👑 Dress appropriately for your children's special events What we wear conveys so much. When we dress appropriately for our children's special events (recitals, graduations, awards ceremonies, etc.) we are showing our respect to them and all of the other children and teachers being honored.
👑 Don't allow yourself to be rushed There will be times where everyone in the family needs something from you (this is what often sends me into "shut-down mode", ha!) Don't allow yourself to get stressed or feel rushed over this. Just calmly prioritize each request and don't forget to delegate.
👑 Set the classy tone in your household The adults get to set the tone in the household. What music would you like to listen to? What is the art that is displayed? What is lauded in your home? The atmosphere sets your children's affections.

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

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At Home with Madame Chic on Instagram...
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What are you reading right now and why?⁣ ⁣ Currently I am reading the book of Jeremiah in the Bible, and am making my way through The Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. Next on deck is At Home with Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott.⁣ ⁣ Reading is my most favorite pastime that I have to be very disciplined to do. I have to carve out the time and stay away from reruns of The Office, otherwise I won’t be able to ever accomplish the reading I love so much.⁣ ⁣ My “Why” behind each of the books I am reading:⁣ •The Bible, because of spiritual development and understanding.⁣ •The Charlotte Mason Companion for learning new ideas on how to homeschool effectively and grow in wisdom on the subject.⁣ •At Home with Madame Chic because I truly want to look presentable always, but most of the time I look like a homeless rat that rolled out of bed and stayed that way throughout the day! (That is meant to be humorous!)⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ •⁣ #charlottemason @simplycharlottemason #homeeducation #lookpresentablealways #motherculture #madamechicseries @dailyconnoisseur #reading #wisdom #knowledge #understanding #growth #goals #mywhy #discipline #growing #dailyreads #readinggoals #ourdailyhomelife #yourdailyhomelife

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Comment of the Week
Mara M. writes, "I used to wear yoga pants and plain shirts and tie my hair up to clean. Then I started paying attention to how it made me feel. I felt bad. I was embarrassed if I had to answer the door. Now I dress nicely every day, even if it is jeans. I still put on the jeans. And I feel sooo much better, even just being at home. I also got a bun pin so that I could put my hair up neatly when necessary."

Mara, these breakthroughs make me so joyful. I'm thrilled you are discovering the power of dressing up every day. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

In today's video, my dress is by Velvet by Graham & Spencer and my pearl jewelry is Ana Luisa (code Jennifer10 gives $10 off first-time orders).

Thank you for watching today's video. I would love to know your thoughts on how to keep it classy as a parent.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

*NEW* Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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Emmy's Best & Worst Fashion, Celebrity Modest Clothing Line & Presentable Sleepwear | 3 Articles on Dress

Welcome to another edition of 3 Articles on Dress. Today we are analyzing Emmy's fashion, including best and worst dressed, discussing a modest clothing line endorsed by actress, Mayim Bialik, and underscoring the importance of presentable sleepwear.

I normally have this series sponsored on my channel and I've had some great sponsors in the past. Today's post is not sponsored, but I wanted to bring a great resource to your attention: The Eat at Home Meal Plans. This is a service that provides you with complete color coded shopping lists as well as recipes. They have four different categories: Traditional plan, Wholesome Traditional, No Sugar no Flour, and Instant Pot/ Slow Cooker. You can get plans for the month, or get them for the entire year. I'm currently doing the Instant Pot/ Slow Cooker plan and am learning so much. I roasted a whole chicken in the slow cooker on Sunday with their recipe and it turned out so well.

The Eat at Home meal plans are a great resource for frazzled home cooks or any cooks who are experiencing burn out coming up with meals every night for their family. Use code TDC25 for 25% off the annual plan which gives you access to all four meal plans (traditional, wholesome, no sugar/ no flour, Instant Pot).

Let's get into the articles on dress.

✏️In the first article I discuss some of Cheat Sheet's best and worst dressed selections for the Emmy's.

My best dressed was Emily Hampshire, who looked gorgeous in this crimson J.Mendel dress.

I would love to know who your best and worst dressed picks are.

✏️In the second article, I discuss actress, Mayim Bialik's, endorsement of the modest clothing line, Kosher Casual. Mayim was both praised and criticized for aligning with this brand as some people take offense to her use of the word 'modest'. I applaud Mayim speaking up about her dressing preferences, even if is not a popular perspective in Hollywood. What do you think?

✏️In the final article, we see a real life scenario that exemplifies how important presentable sleepwear is: Jason Donovan tackles neighbour's fire in underpants

Actor, Jason Donovan, noticed a fire across the street from his Notting Hill home and ran with his fire extinguisher to help. Only trouble was... he was in his underwear! He jokingly tweeted that this "was a good reason to always wear pjs to bed".

One of The Chic Assignments for October is to wear presentable sleepwear. I am planning a presentable sleepwear video, that will hopefully be ready for you soon.

My dress in today's video is Draper James and my charm bracelet in this video is by Jeulia and I love it. I'll talk about it more in a ten-item wardrobe video. Code JENNIFERAV15 gives 15% off. These are the three components of the bracelet: bracelet, star and moon chain, blue stone charm.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

📍For my Russian readers, I was a guest on Anastasia Zhukova's YouTube channel discussing the ten-item wardrobe.

📍Join us for the monthly Chic Assignment. For October we are enjoying Schubert, Edgar Allan Poe, presentable sleepwear, and enjoying our best every day.

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

📍Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
One of my amazing readers from Thailand, Chutamas, is a portrait artist. She surprised me with this portrait on Instagram. She is so talented. Thank you, Chutamas!
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#drawing#watercolors#portrait#illustration#dessin#aquarelle#realisticpainting#insatapainting#artinstagram#art_realistic#Writer#Jennifer L. Scott ฉันไม่เคยคิดมาก่อนเลยว่าจะได้พบเจอหนังสือเล่มนี้ และเธอผู้นี้เป็นผู้เขียนหนังสือเล่มนี้ กฎแรงดึงดูดได้ทำงาน ดึงดูดให้ฉันได้อ่านหนังสือที่ฉันอยากอ่านและฉันมีความรู้สึกว่าฉันมีความคิดคล้ายกับผู้เขียนหลายอย่างเลยทีเดียว คนที่เหมือนกันย่อมดึงดูดกัน ฉันรู้สึกถึงความเชื่อเหล่านี้ และความใฝ่ฝันอีกตำแหน่งหนึ่งคือการเป็น นักเขียน 555 ขอบคุณผู้เขียนและหนังสือเล่มนี้เพราะว่าฉันอ่านแล้วรู้สึกดีและมีความสุข คำตอบที่ฉันอยากรู้มีอยู่ใหนังสือเล่มนี้ เรียบร้อยแล้ว ฉันอยากรู้ว่าหน้าตาผู้เขียนเป็นอย่างไร ฉันเลยค้นหารูปในกูเกิ้ล ประมาณว่าเห็นหน้าแล้วถูกชะตา เลยวาดรูปของเธอซะเลย😍😍🇫🇷💐

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Comment of the Week
donmetz11 writes, "Jennifer, I'll tell you how we had the time to be more civilized and dress nicely in the past!!! 😊. VERY LIMITED TV TIME in the evening, 1 (one!!!!!) telephone in the house (with a short cord). ROUTINES. Certain days for laundry, shopping, cleaning the house, food routines, getting up and getting dressed decently every day etc. There weren't endless activities for children at schools. Life was more centered on the home, instead of endless busy, busy activities for children. More women worked in the smaller and simpler home than now. Priorities were different. That's how. 😊❤️👍💕💐. You are doing an unbelievable and fantastic job!!! I only wish that I could have done a fraction of the job that you do when my children were little. Thank you for helping and changing many people's lives!! 😍"

Donmetzll, thank you for your comment. It was voted up many times on YouTube! I agree that life was simpler in the past and there were not as many distractions. Everything works hand in hand. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Thank you for joining me for today's video. I would love to hear your opinions on all of the articles discussed. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.

With love,


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