
Daily Connoisseur Holiday Gift Guide

Welcome to The Daily Connoisseur annual Holiday Gift Guide. This is the biggest guide I have ever done and today's video is packed with high-quality ideas.

I enjoy featuring unique businesses that you likely have never heard of. Let's jump right in.

The Madame Chic books make a beautiful and treasured gift for any special lady in your life.

Connoisseur Kids makes a wonderful gift for families. I have so many messages from people around the world who are enjoying this book with their children.

The Daily Connoisseur x Nutcracker limited edition mugs make great holiday gifts for fans of The Daily Connoisseur blog. Here are the Clara and Sugar Plum Fairy mugs.

The Naipo oCuddle is an amazing neck and shoulder shiatsu hot stone massager. This would make a great gift for men and women. It is so effective. The technology here is amazing! Also, check out Naipo's Black Friday carnival where their famous massagers are heavily discounted.

Sleepwear and Lounge

Leimere make beautiful and affordable cashmere loungewear. What a unique gift idea that would be welcomed by any lady.

Speaking of presentable sleepwear, the Fleur't floor length nightgown and gorgeous plum robe make an elegant gift that would be so treasured. Use code JENNIFER20 for 20% off

Montelle Intimates make this lovely bust-support chemise in dozens of colors. I just love mine and know it would make an excellent gift. Code JENNIFER20 gives 20% off.

The high-quality Plush Necessities robes are made for men, women, and children. These beautiful robes are so well-made and are a wonderful addition to any presentable sleepwear wardrobe.


A lovely cashmere sweater from Mott & Bow code JLS10 for 10% off

Mersea travel wraps are unique wraps that are so giftable.

Lilysilk silk camisoles come in a beautiful gift box. Code Daily12 for 12% off


Emile Cordon miracle lip balms and cashmere lip pots make luxurious and exquisite gifts. Code JENN10 for 10% off.

Bend Soap Co. make lovely goat milk soaps, lotions, and bath products. Code DC10 gives you 10% off.

Londontown 9-free nail polish have beautiful gift packages. Code JenniferS gives you 25% off.

A'del natural cosmetics make natural and organic makeup and skincare products.

I love Mirapur essential oils which are started by the lovely people at The Sudsy Soapery. Code HOLIDAYGUIDE gives 15% off.

The Cellar Door Candle Co. make artisanal candles, essential oils, and diffusers. Code 10%Holiday gives 10% off all regular items.


Tello and Rose make this chic and patriotic handbag. Free shipping is their current special.

Ana Luisa Jewelry make unique and fresh jewelry designs. Code Jennifer10 for $10 off.

Skye is an elevated minimalist brand and they also have etherial jewelry. Code Jennifer20 for 20% off

Rachelyn Jewelry has a beautiful collection of dainty, feminine, handmade jewelry pieces, crafted by Rachel Carns. Code HOLIDAY15 for 15% off.

Mont Kiji silk scarves
make chic silk Parisian scarves. They also have a custom scarf option that would make a memorable gift. Code connoisseur for 20% off

Home & Garden

American Blossom Linens make thick, luxurious, organic bedding. Code Jennifer25 gives 25% off.

Beddy's zip-up bedding makes a well-made bed easy to achieve. Code JenniferS20 gives 20% off.

Riverbend Home is an online home store that has hundreds of great gift options, including the following: hourglass, copper measuring cups, tabletop telescope, magnifying glass set, bicycle book ends.


Tea Bloom provide exquisite blooming teas. What a show-stopping present for a tea lover in your life.

Teami Blends make health teas and tumblers. Code JLS30 gives 30% off $34+

A Needak rebounder makes a unique family gift for men, women, and children. I love exercising on my rebounder. After the holidays, everyone is more health-conscious and this gift would be great in anticipation of the new year.

Art & Stationery

Preserve Journals are celebration journals made for mothers. Your family write in your journal for each special occasion instead of the traditional card. This book is beautifully made and when used, will create a gorgeous keepsake for generations to come.

Nikki Moreno, my dear friend on YouTube, has an Etsy shop that sells her beautiful watercolor artwork.

Carrot Top Paper Shop is the creation of my friend, Jenny Williams, who creates art around literary heroines. I love this Anne and Diana Kindred Spirits print. Get 20% off with code CHIC20

Maileg make adorable mice and furniture. My daughters loves these high-quality toys.

Also mentioned in the video, Elevenses, the game.

馃搷I posted a skincare update video this past weekend that did not make it to the blog. Find out why I switched back to Paula's Choice. To never miss a video, make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel and click the bell for notifications.

馃搷Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

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Lessons from Madame Chic in Poland...
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W stories zapowiedzia艂am, 偶e mam zamiar wyj艣膰 dzi艣 z Instagrama na ca艂y dzie艅. No ale polubi艂an robi膰 wpisy przy porannej sobotniej kawie. To odpr臋偶aj膮ce. 馃檪 By膰 sob膮 w dzisiejszych czasach jest cholernie trudno. Szczeg贸lnie je艣li jeste艣 troch臋 ekscentryczny 馃槀. Trzeba wypracowa膰 do siebie dystans oraz godzi膰 si臋 na pewn膮 samotno艣膰 (kt贸ra wcale nie jest taka z艂a). Czujesz, 偶e musisz stara膰 si臋 by膰 bardziej zrozumia艂ym, co doprowadza do naprawd臋 艣miesznych sytuacji. ❤️ Wczoraj podczas spotkania z kilkoma super kobietami z @olsztyntoastmasters zwr贸cono mi uwag臋, 偶e za ka偶dym razem przepraszam, 偶e robi臋 co艣 pierwszy raz. Zacz臋艂am si臋 艣mia膰 - ka偶dej innej kobiecie powiedzia艂abym 偶eby sobie tego nie robi艂a. 呕e to absurd. Przecie偶 po to posz艂a艣, 偶eby si臋 uczy膰. Po co si臋 tak t艂umaczysz... Robisz z poczuciem winy to, czego chcesz si臋 nauczy膰. No s艂odziutko 馃槀. Nic tylko poklepa膰 po g艂贸wce. Skromno艣膰 to jedno. Ale g艂upie t艂umaczenie si臋 to ju偶 brak pewno艣ci siebie. A ja a偶 taka niepewna siebie przecie偶 nie jestem. 馃槀 By膰 sob膮 wobec bliskich os贸b wcale nie jest 艂atwiej. Zawodzi膰 czyje艣 oczekiwania. Czyta膰 nie to. Ubiera膰 si臋 nie tak. Mie膰 sw贸j 艣wiat... I to wszystko ja sama sobie... Ju偶 z tego wyrastam, do艣膰 p贸藕no. Przecie偶 nie jestem po to, by spe艂nia膰 oczekiwania kogo艣 innego. Na szcz臋艣cie mam bardzo m膮dr膮 mam臋 oraz kilka autorytet贸w, od kt贸rych ucz臋 si臋 wiele - nawet tutaj, na Instagramie. Prawda jest taka, 偶e albo b臋d臋 sob膮 i b臋d臋 si臋 tym cieszy膰... Albo b臋d臋 ca艂e 偶ycie nieszcz臋艣liwa pr贸buj膮c by膰 kim艣, kim nie jestem. Wyb贸r jest prosty moim zdaniem. 馃 #ksi膮偶ka #ksiazka #czytamksiazki #czytambolubie #kochamksiazki #ksi膮偶kiprzykawie #warsztatystylu #jakzostacpaniaswojegoczasu #zarzadzanieczasemdlakobiet #lekcjemadamechic #planer #lovetoread #lovebooks #booksandcoffee #haveagoodday #sunday #psc #olabudzynska #mariam艂y艅ska #jenniferlscott #ksiazkiostylu #bookstagram #bookstagramtopasja

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Comment of the Week
Regarding my Homemaker's Presentation post, Daisy Muse writes, "I love this! Seeing all the women all dressed nicely and smiling made me cry! When I taught first grade, I didn't think it mattered how I dressed. After all, who wanted to wear nice clothes, shoes, and perfume when you had to take thirty children outside to recess in the heat and humidity? One day, I tried dressing up for school at the advice of a fellow teacher. Everyone's attitude was improved--the students' and mine. Looking presentable works!"

Daisy, I love that. Your experience shows how important it can be to look presentable always.

I hope you enjoyed today's holiday gift guide and that it gave you inspiration for gift ideas. I am taking the rest of the week off. I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration with your family. Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next Monday!

With love,


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Chic Assignment Check-in | November 2019

Welcome to The Chic Assignment Check-in for November.

Have you enjoyed this month's assignment? I have enjoyed reading your comments. Today's video is nice and long as we explore each topic, lingering a longer moment on Caspar David Friedrich.

Trudy M. sent me this quote and I thought it perfectly describes the mission of The Chic Assignment:

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Chic Assignment no. 1

Listening to Bach's cello suite no. 1 in G major has been a real treat this month. I find it boosts concentration and makes me feel motivated to complete my everyday tasks. How about you?

Chic Assignment no. 2

We explore the tragic biography of German romantic painter, Caspar David Friedrich. The loss of his mother and two siblings affected his life and paintings. The particular tragedy of his brother's drowning was an event that haunted Friedrich throughout his life. You can read the whole biography here.

Chic Assignment no. 3

As the weather gets colder and we move toward winter, I have been adjusting my skincare routine. The next video you see will go over my revamped routine (and I'm returning to a classic!).

I also have struggles in this area, particularly with my hands, which seem to suffer from severe dryness. If you have any tips for me, they would be greatly appreciated.

Chic Assignment no. 4

This month, I enjoyed baking with apples, including an overnight apple oatmeal recipe that was so scrumptious! I placed two cups of oatmeal and four cups of water into the slow cooker. I chopped 2 apples and mixed those in, along with a sprinkling of cinnamon, two prunes, and a drizzle of maple syrup. This is the perfect fall oatmeal.

I also enjoyed making an apple crisp and decorating my salads with seasonal fruits such as pomegranate and persimmon. Thanksgiving is also around the corner, and I plan to make my favorite pies. What do you plan to make for Thanksgiving?

The following books were sent to me by Daily Connoisseur readers who were inspired to write their own books! I am always so happy when I hear that the blog has inspired others to create as well. I have not had the chance to read these books yet, but I wanted to share them with you here:

In Pillness and in Health by Henriette Ivanans

Beach Glass: Finding New Beauty in What Survives the Storm by Linda Binley


Spies, Lies, & Teacups by Elizabeth Ancona

Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes


馃搷Join us for The Chic Assignment for November.

馃搷Visit The Daily Connoisseur merch store for holiday gifts, perfect for fans of The Daily Connoisseur blog. The limited edition Nutcracker mugs are absolutely delightful.

馃搷Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

馃搷Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
I am running a giveaway on my Instagram for e-cloth's deep clean mop and mop head.
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馃尶Giveaway馃尶 I have partnered with @eclothusa to host a giveaway here for you on Instagram. We are giving away one e-cloth signature deep clean mop and extra mop head. E-cloth make excellent clean with just water products and I truly love them. To enter the giveaway you must do the following four things 馃搷be subscribed to my YouTube channel (link in my bio) 馃搷 follow me here on Instagram 馃搷 follow @eclothusa 馃搷 leave a comment letting me know your favorite part of the day & why. Winner will be announced in one week on this post & contacted in the dm. Giveaway open to US and Canada only. Thank you for your support of my channel. I am rooting for you to win! Love, Jennifer #ecloth #giveaway #bestmop #dailyconnoisseur #eclothgiveaway #cleaning #cleanwithme #cleanwithwater #naturalcleaning #makeitsparkle

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Comment of the Week
I am so overjoyed by your warm reaction to Monday's Homemaker video. Countless women told me the video brought them to tears. I am so thrilled that so many were moved by the message and by the cameos of those extraordinary women.

Ebony C. writes, "This was the most beautiful video! It really inspired a kindred spirit feeling in me, I feel a sense of community with hundreds of people from all over the world. You raise us all up Jennifer."

Thank you so much, Ebony! I felt the same way about the video.

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Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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A Homemaker's Presentation

Hello my fellow connoisseurs. In this series, I like to explore the life of a homemaker, as it can be complicated, complex, hidden, and deeply important. Today I’m going to share thoughts on the Homemaker’s Presentation. How you present yourself at home.

How we present ourselves. A secret I learned while living in Paris, that I’ve never been able to shake, is that we should look presentable always. Not look perfect, or expensive, but presentable. And yes, this even applies at home. In fact, I would suggest that it is even more important to look presentable at home than out in public. Why? Because how we live at home, is indicative of how we truly are.

Now a common dilemma that homemakers face is: what if I get dressed, do my hair and maybe even makeup, and then I just ruin everything with a long day of cooking, cleaning, and parenting?

After posing this question, many homemakers decide to dress for drudgery. Yes, drudgery. They expect that the outfit will be stained, that the hair or makeup will go unnoticed, so they dress in old ratty clothes such as sweat pants to get through the day.

I’m here to encourage you. You don’t need to dress for drudgery. If you do so, you are setting yourself up for a life sentence of wearing drab, stainable clothing, because every day is filled with chores, cleaning, and cooking. Meanwhile your true style is being stifled and your creative expression through dress is gone.

A question I posed to myself when I became a parent was this: how do I want my children to visually remember me? Of course, I want them to remember me for my inner qualities and those are likely the first that will come to mind, but your family will also remember you visually as well. I want my children to be well-adjusted adults, and so I must look the part too.

And a final thought. If we save our best clothing and appearance for that one rare day in the future where we don’t have any housework to do, it’s the equivalent of having beautiful china teacups that you never use, that just collect dust on a shelf. What’s the worst thing that can happen? We stain our clothing. Well, if you can’t get the stain out, at least you went out with a bang. :)

Looking presentable comes in many different forms. Our style is varied and unique, as diverse as we are. I am inspired by remarkable women who express their true style with joie de vivre on a daily basis.

The ladies who are featured in this video are very near and dear to my heart. They each have amazing channels and I encourage you to check them out and subscribe. They are linked in order of appearance:

Marie-Anne Lecoeur
Kim | Free to Family
Teri | Terigigi
Devoreaux | The Modern Lady
Fiona | How to be Chic
Robin | Faith & Flour
Audrey Coyne
Laurie | Pride in Photos Beauty
Kat | A Better Life with Flylady Kat
Joy Forney
Rosenda | Little Pink Casa
Coleen | Uncomplicated Motherhood
Jamie Cat Callan
Melissa | Melissa55
Shaye | The Elliott Homestead
Hilary | Old World Home
Amy Maryon
Alena | The Darling Academy
Mrs. Shockley
Falon | Moss Family TV
Rachel | Sweet & Simple Home
Nikki | Inspired by Nikki

I hope today's video inspires you.

Featured in today's video, my dress, my apron, my velvet hair tie, my nail polish (JenniferS for 25% off), and the multi-purpose cleaner I used (a new natural brand called, Squeak... it's excellent!)


馃搷Join us for The Chic Assignment for November.

馃搷Visit The Daily Connoisseur merch store for holiday gifts, perfect for fans of The Daily Connoisseur blog. The limited edition Nutcracker mugs are absolutely delightful.

馃搷Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

馃搷Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

On Instagram
Connoisseur Kids on Instagram...

Comment of the Week

Michela O. writes, "I really loved this video! my mother taught me to take care of my clothes and how to wash them and I will always be grateful for this. I love the combination of cashmere with silk and with elegant and timeless jewels. I live in northern Italy and I often wear warm clothes like cashmere sweaters that I wear under my coat."

Dear Michela, I can imagine northern Italy is so beautiful. Thank you for your comment!

Thank you for watching. I would love to know how you like to dress at home. Did today's video inspire you in any way? If so, please share.

I'll see you next time for The Chic Assignment check-in.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

*NEW* Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

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All About Cashmere | How to Care For It + Style Tips

Let's talk about cashmere today: how to wear it, how to pair it, and how to take care of it.

Cashmere is fine, soft wool, originally from the Kashmir goat. It is one of the most highly-sought sweater types and thankfully is now more readily available and affordable. Five great affordable, high-quality places to get cashmere today are Mott & Bow, Everlane, Lilysilk, Boden, and Leimere. Please note: with nearly everything I feature on the blog, I reach out to the companies to see if they can provide a discount code for you, which is why you see so many below. Yay for discount codes!

Cashmere pairs beautifully with silk. I love the contrasting textures of the cool silk and the warm, soft cashmere. There are two ways I like to wear silk and cashmere.

The first way is with a silk scarf. This scarf is by Mont Kiji, which is a wonderful artisanal silk scarf designed in Paris by a Daily Connoisseur reader, Junhee (code connoisseur for 20% off). My cashmere sweater here is by Everlane. Those funny light spots in the photo are from reflecting light...

The second way is by pairing it with a silk camisole. This is particularly helpful if you have a low v-neck. The peek of lace is very pretty and covers the right places. This silk camisole is by Lilysilk code Daily12 for 12% off. The cream v-neck is by Mott & Bow, code JLS10 for 10% off.

Cashmere sweaters can dress up a pair of jeans. Cashmere cardigans can be worn with everything from casual tee shirts to dresses.

Leimere is an excellent resource for cashmere lounge wear. I am featuring one of their pieces in my upcoming holiday gift guide. This Leimere set is so soft and comfortable and would make really presentable lounge wear or pajamas to wear in front of family during the upcoming holiday season.

Cashmere pairs beautifully with both diamonds and pearls (real or faux).

There is something classic about a cashmere sweater and so pairing it with traditionally classic jewelry pieces is always a safe, but sure bet. Whether your jewelry is real or faux, doesn't matter. It's just about finding the right pieces that stand out in a subtle way.

My SKYE Odette 18K gold pearl earrings (code Jennifer20 for 20% off) and Ana Luisa NY pearl necklace code Jennifer10 for $10 off pair nicely here with this chic black Lilysilk cashmere v-neck, code Daily12 for 12% off.

Let's talk about how to care for cashmere.

I have always used The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo when hand-washing my cashmere. It's simply the best!

Start by submerging your sweater in a cool tub of water with one or two capfuls of the cashmere shampoo. Agitate the sweater and let soak for up to 30 minutes.

After your sweater is finished soaking, run it under cold water and then press the water out (never wring your sweater).

Lay your cashmere sweater flat on a towel after you have pressed out most of the water. Then roll the sweater up in the towel as you would a sleeping bag. This gently presses the water out further. Finally hang your sweater flat on a drying rack or on another dry towel.

If you have pills or lint on your sweater, this sweater pill remover is the most amazing tool! I found it on Amazon and it's only around $10. My nail polish is Vendetta by Londontown JenniferS for 25% off first-time order

I hope you enjoy today's video.


馃搷Join us for The Chic Assignment for November.

馃搷Visit The Daily Connoisseur merch store for holiday gifts, perfect for fans of The Daily Connoisseur blog. The limited edition Nutcracker mugs are absolutely delightful.

馃搷Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

馃搷Check out my affordable eCourses: The Ten-Item Wardrobe, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home.

Instagram of the Week
Connoisseur Kids on Instagram...

Comment of the Week
Beth L. writes, "I love this! Your books have completely changed my life for the better. The tips have added so much peace and pleasure to my every day WAHM life. I’m so glad you chose that top lol I was hoping you would because it is so beautiful on you!"

Dear Beth, thank you for your comment. I am so happy that the Madame Chic books have impacted your life in such a positive way. Just wonderful.

Thank you for joining me today. I hope you found this video useful. I would love to know how you like to pair your sweaters. How do you wash them? Do you have any tips for us? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

*NEW* Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the ten-item wardrobe, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: This post is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate. The cashmere, with the exception of the Boden cardigan, was gifted.