
On Living a Refined and Elegant Life

I’ve been getting a lot of emails from readers lately that all have something in common- they are happy to have found an online community of people (us!) that share their quest to lead a more refined and elegant life.

We are a dying breed after all. We believe in etiquette, manners, traditions, and formalities. We want only quality in our lives- from our experiences to the things we possess. We are not interested in the rat race or keeping up with the Joneses. We are interested in taking pleasure in the small things, in clearing out the clutter of our lives and evolving each day. We want to not just exist, but to thrive.

I am so grateful to be a part of this community with you on The Daily Connoisseur where we can explore the very intricacies of these things together. Thank you for all of your emails, comments, tweets and postings- I read every single one.

And thank you to so many of you that have read Lessons from Madame Chic and who have told me how much you love the book and the lessons learned. If you’ve enjoyed the book, please share your experience with others by posting a review on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Doing so will help to spread the word and increase the online community of people who ‘get it’. ☺

Sending love from Santa Monica,

Jennifer x

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  1. Yes, sadly elegance is rare these days but thank god for the internet where people in search of an elegant life can connect.

    Thank you for a wonderful blog.


  2. Love the book. I haven't finished it yet (savoring it.. reading a chapter or 2 each night). I got a real kick out of the window washer!
    When I finish it I will review it on Amazon and the like. :)

  3. Hello Jennifer:
    Increasingly in this ever busy and chaotic world one can lose hope that there people who still care to spend time communicating at a deeper level with people, who are prepared to have an individual point of view and who do maintain high standards in all aspects of their personal and business lives. We are glad of this opportunity to connect!!

  4. I'm thrilled to have read about you on CNN.com. Have been reading and taking notes from older entries. Both of my daughters are enrolled in a language immersion program with our public school system...FRENCH of course! Your blog and book will be sooooo helpful as a teaching aide as they age. I know you'll be an inspiration to them as you have been to me. THANK YOU for sharing!

  5. Well, I am looking forward to more of your posts on living a refined and elegant life. I'm also mesmerized by your manners and in the youtube videos. Lovely.

  6. I will join the chorus and say that I so enjoy your blog and appreciate your posts. Exepriences and simple pleasures are tantamount in my life! It is refreshing to know that other people value simplicity, classical music (we share that!!!), beauty, and living simply but well. Thank you!! I am taking an Internet break for the holidays, but I will return in the New Year (I hope to have received and read your book by then as well). Have a lovely holiday season!

  7. Beautiful Things- Thank you!

    Merveilleux- Thank you- the window washer was a trip! Haha I will never forget it. Glad you are liking the book :)

    Jane and Lance Hattatt- You both embody elegance. Thank you for your contribution to this online community!

    Kelley- Thank you so much. Best wishes to you and your daughters!

    Luli- Thank you so kind! And I'm really glad you like the YouTube videos... Another new one will be up this Thursday...

    Polly- Have a wonderful holiday and a great break from the internet. I will probably take one of those for a week after Christmas- bliss! :) And it's wonderful to meet another person who shares a love for classical music :) Best wishes

  8. Hi Jennifer! I am reading your book and I love it! I'm taking my time to really savor it:)

    I'm at the part where you write about how Famille Chic looks great all the time, and I love this concept- and of course I am reading it as I am wrapped in layers of fleece. Now I am wondering: how does one stay chic and comfortable in a cold house?

  9. Hi Jess- so glad you are enjoying the book! Great question about keeping warm and looking presentable. The Chics were big fans of high quality sweaters (cashmere or wool) and would wear those in the house. Also they kept their shoes on (which I don't do- we take our shoes off actually but I always have chic slippers :) Combined these things kept us all warm... At night I wear my robe... Hope this helps and hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Happy new year! xo

  10. Yes, thank you! Happy new year to you, too!

  11. Enjoyed the book immensely and have recommended it to many of my friends. One note, it's not being sold in chapters/indigo here in Canada, which is pretty much our only bookstore. I bought it on my kindle, but many of my friends I've recommended it to do not have kindles, and can't get the book unless they order online and incur shipping costs.

    Also, just wanted to thank you for the Benedetta deodorant. Works so well!! I've been trying everything natural with no success and this works like a charm. Thank you thank you!!

  12. Thank you Joey- I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! I will look into getting Lessons from Madame Chic into Chapters/Indigo in Canada. In the meantime please ask your friends to request it to the bookstore- that might help speed up the process! So glad you enjoy the Benedetta deodorant too :) Thanks again.

  13. I found you by accident on youtube about a year ago, and then read your books. Finally found my tribe! I just found these blogposts, and I am loving them!!! Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the last one on earth that has these beliefs. I really enjoy your content especially the chic assignments. I wish you were my next door neighbor and we were having tea time together.
