
The Tipping Point for Changing How You Live

I get a lot of messages from readers who say they are intrigued by many of the concepts in Lessons from Madame Chic, but don't know how to incorporate them into their lifestyle. Some feel intimidated, particularly with the ten-item wardrobe challenge, and wonder how they are going to implement the idea into their life.

Believe me, I hear you! When I was living in Paris with Famille Chic I was astounded with many aspects of the way they lived (no snacking? capsule wardrobe? say what??). I knew that I wanted to emulate their elegant lifestyle but it seemed like I had such a long road ahead of me. How on earth could I translate their Parisian je ne sais quoi into my own Southern California life?

The answer is two-fold. You must have a desire to want to change and you must practice the changes on a daily basis. When you do this, you will eventually reach a tipping point whereby you consciously change the way that you live. There will be no looking back. The concepts I grapple with the most are always using the best things you have (which I'll discuss next week) and living life as a formal affair. These are two things I work on daily and I'm reaching my own personal tipping point with them.

To hear more about the tipping point for changing how you live, watch this week's video. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

This week I would love to know... what concepts from Lessons from Madame Chic would you most like to implement into your life?

Check back this Thursday, when I will have a very exciting giveaway for you. See you then!

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  1. I am very interested in the 10 item wardrobe and I love the term you use to describe your personal style..."laidback luxe".
    I live in Vancouver and I think laidback is a part of the west coast lifestyle.
    This term has really helped me to go through my wardrobe and also to know what I want to add to it so that it really meets my needs and makes me feel good.
    I am also interested in table linens and ways to enhance the visual feast that is such an important part of eating well.
    This video is an inspiring way to start the year. Thank you.

  2. When my children were growing up we used to use the best each night for family dinner. Candles, cloth napkins, pretty plates (but not the china), & teaching manners and the art of conversation by example. I won't say it was formal, but it was always special. Now with my last about to leave the house next year, I regret not using the china! I still have eight months before she leaves for college, so I'm going to bust out the gold leaf rimmed Lenox for Sunday dinners. And add flowers. Thank you Jennifer :)

  3. Wanted to say thanks for your blog and book. Reading both have gotten my mind twirling about changes that I need to make. One change that began this past Sunday is eating dinner together at the table.(Shift work had gotten the better of us) It was wonderful! We are looking forward to next Sunday's meal cloth napkins and all! Thanks.

  4. Greetings Jennifer! Congrats on the USA Weekend! I saw it in my parents' newspaper over the break.

    The lesson in your book I would most like to improve is my snacking. I can't completely cut it out (low blood sugar), so if I have to snack, at least it should be something healthy I chose and not something just grabbed out of convenience.

    Take care~D

  5. hi Jenifer, fantastic book. keep refering back to it for tips.
    Just wanted to ask you how do you seem to stay disciplined and in the same mindset all the time. Dk uou ever feel like "why I am trying"......or "whats the point".
    Think I just need to make the changes for myself and nobody else.
    Happy new year. xxxx

  6. My favorite novels are An Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, Pride and Predjudice and Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I have not read them since I was in college, but still remember them today (that was 20 years ago).

  7. I am 56 and at this age you have added a lot to my life. Thank you for doing what you do! Jennifer.
