
Christmas Message 2014

Thank you for another wonderful year on The Daily Connoisseur. This is my last video of the year as I will be taking a break until January. I am greatly looking forward to 2015 and have some very exciting news to share with you upon my return.

So until then... Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and I am wishing you a very happy new year!

Please check out my video above to hear my Christmas message to you. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

At Home With Madame Chic is featured on Bella NYC as a book that will warm you up this winter.

On December 28th, check out my radio appearance on At Home With Cheryll and Sam, discussing At Home With Madame Chic.

Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
Enjoy the merriment of the season and "deprive yourself not" when it comes to holiday treats while still maintaining your standards. Be present while you are eating. Enjoy but don't overindulge past your comfort zone.

On my author guestbook page, Debbie writes:

I adore both your books – I read them both cover to cover! I remade my mornings to be more “Madame Chic” and now have a proper breakfast, sitting down and eating together, with my son, even on weekday mornings. It’s something I look forward to with great delight and prepare for the night before. Such a difference. I’m trying many of your hints. The idea to take pride in domestic tasks and “not to be lazy” are things I’ve taken to heart and really feel good about – thank you!

Thank you Debbie!

And thank you to all readers who have commented and contributed to the blog this year. You are appreciated more than you know.

See you in the new year!

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  1. Happy Christmas to you and your family, Jennifer. I'm sorry you will be having your first Christmas without your grandmother, but maybe you can enjoy looking at photo albums, telling stories about your grandmother, and perhaps cooking something she used to make. I make scones a few times a year to celebrate my grandmother, and of course we drink out of beautiful teacups that remind me of her too.


  2. Merry Christmas, Jennifer! Happy New Year to you and your family. Now you really have us in suspense! What is the exciting news? A new baby? Madame Chic the TV show? Another book? All of the above?

    Anxiously awaiting the update in the New year! Be well!

  3. Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your lifestyle with us.I wish you a Merry Christmas and all things good in 2015.

  4. I'm eagerly awaiting the news you have for us! I'm guessing a new book?

    I want to take this time to thank you for all the inspiration that you have provided. Even though I thought I knew a lot about living a pleasurable, harmonious life, there was much that you have taught me that I put into practice every day. There are a number of people around proselytising living the good life. You, however, have something that I have found lacking in them: warmth. I honestly believe that you care about us and that you sincerely want us all to live better, happier lives. I just want you to know that you are succeeding in this. I was happy before, but I am incrementally happier because a lot of the ideas that I picked up from you.

    Have a wonderful holiday!

  5. Merry Christmas to you! I'm giving a good friend Madame Chic at home for Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas to you as well! You're adorable & lovely - I feel good just listening to you and I'm ancient!

  7. Jennifer, a very Merry Christmas to you and your entire family. Thank you for your continued inspiration! As a result following your inspiration over the last few years...I have streamlined and simplified my life. I sold my home the end of August and downsized. The move was so much easier due to following your suggestions. Thank you and I look forward to your news in 2015!

  8. Thank you Jennifer and Merry Christmas to you and your family. I loved At Home with Mme Chic & intend to reread it during my upcoming summer break.

  9. Hi! I wish you and your family all the best for holidays and year ahead.

    P.S. I wonder if you know, when will your book 'come' to Croatia?

  10. Merry Christmas to you and yours! I stumbled upon your first book at the library, and now own that and your latest book. Just lovely. Thank you so much for your blog. I look forward to your posts in 2015!

  11. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones
    And A Safe and Healthy Coming New Year!
    I always enjoy your posts and books
    Thank you

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  13. Jennifer, Thank you for your videos and books all year long. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your promotion of what I call "High vibration" living. It only takes a little bit of contact with those who are not living the same way to appreciate just how important it is. I think that your sharing of Marie Kondo's book will end up being most important to me in the New Year. I already did a lot of culling this year, but I'm ready for round two~ Best wishes for a Happy New Year~!

  14. Thank you for inspiring posts.
    and Happy New Year

  15. Dear Jennifer,
    I am a new cheerleader for you. Thank you for bringing poise into our conversations! My children went to school in Hershey PA for a time & all dined at The Hotel Hershey after an etiquette class where they learned all about silverware. These little things make life sparkle. Thank you.
    Kind regards, Sandra
