
Jennifer Plays Shubert's Moment Musical + Hoffman Academy Giveaway

On this special Thursday blog post, I have another piano performance for you: this time I am playing Schubert's Moment Musical. This upbeat and lively piece was a really fun piece to learn. To hear my performance, check out the video above, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

Hoffman Academy Piano Lesson Giveaway

I've had many people tell me they wished they could play the piano, but never learned as a child. Of course you can take lessons with a teacher at any age, but for those of you who would like to learn from home, try checking out the Hoffman Academy. The Hoffman Academy allows you to learn the piano online. Designed with the absolute beginner in mind, Mr. Hoffman's lessons teach you not just how to play, but how to read, understand, and create music. After seeing many of my seek out the arts videos, the Hoffman Academy wrote to me about their easy and affordable lessons. Many of the lessons are absolutely free and the materials, such as the complete unit one, are very affordable at around $20.

The Hoffman Academy have kindly offered to give away two Complete materials for Piano- Unit 1 to lucky readers of The Daily Connoisseur! So if you've always longed to learn the piano, but never knew how to begin, or if you'd like your children to learn, this giveaway is for you. This giveaway is open to all readers, including international ones. Just enter below. The winners will be announced on the widget in one week's time. Best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more on the Hoffman Academy, please check out their website or facebook page.

This week I would love to know... how are you seeking out the arts in your own life?

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  1. I seek the arts by attending plays in the local area- love doing this so much. I also encourage my children to play the piano & violin. Love your performances, Jennifer!

  2. Beautiful song and you did a lovely job of playing it. I love the arts and I also go to our local theater for plays. I played the piano many years ago so maybe I need to get back into that routine. First I will need a piano though. Love your blog and all your books.

  3. Thank you for the performance! You DO inspire me to play more and learn some new pieces. I took lessons a little as a child and still play for my children but rarely challenge myself and learn new pieces and niw I want to. I just read your book Lessons From Madame Chic and I loved it! I think it should be required reading in schools! I asked my 15 year old daughter to read it and she is enjoying it as well. Thank you for helping to encourage others to value refinement and the arts and old fashioned values (like manners!)

  4. Thank you for the performance! You DO inspire me to play more and learn some new pieces. I took lessons a little as a child and still play for my children but rarely challenge myself and learn new pieces and niw I want to. I just read your book Lessons From Madame Chic and I loved it! I think it should be required reading in schools! I asked my 15 year old daughter to read it and she is enjoying it as well. Thank you for helping to encourage others to value refinement and the arts and old fashioned values (like manners!)

  5. Thank you! We have a piano and yet have not taken the time to learn how to play. Those lessons would be awesome. Right now, I seek out the arts by making jewelry - and mostly learning new techniques with jewelry!

  6. Loved your latest performance and I'm so glad you showed us your book. I recognized it immediately! My copy has an added copyright in 1962 and the price was up to $3.95. I think it must have been my father's copy and I hadn't looked at in years. Now I'm inspired to learn something from it. I'm so impressed that you find time to do things like this even though i know you must stay very busy with your family and your writing.

  7. What a lovely performance Jennifer! I am continuing my drawing challenges and am now working on contour drawing. :)

  8. You have really inspired me with your three Madame Chic books. Right now I seek out the arts through listening to classical music and visiting our local art museum with my children. I hope to add some concerts and plays later this year. I want to pick up piano again and these lessons would be a great refresher and a way to begin teaching piano to our oldest daughter. Now we just need to get a piano :).

  9. Great job! :) I really need to get back to playing the piano because I remember being good. It would be a shame to throw that down the drain! Thank you for your continual inspiration!

  10. Wonderful, Jennifer! Baby Chic will be very bright... I have been wanting to learn an instrument my whole life. I love music and I was very into singing when I was a young teen, but I slowly drifted from it after I as no longer a part of any in-school musical groups. Ever since you've recommended taking up an old artistic passion, I have been trying to listen to more "singable" music and have been thinking about learning to read music. I have started multiple times in the past, but just get frustrated and give up, which is really a shame because everyone in my family and my husband's is quite musically (and generally artistically) gifted. It would be a great thing to have my son learn along with me eventually. My mom took up her classical guitar again, after I pushed her a little. Thank you for the exquisite reminder to pursue the arts and for your recommendation of the Hoffman Academy... I will be looking into it.


  11. Brava! I have been thoroughly enjoying your performances and thank you for sharing them with us. They are both lovely to listen to and such an inspiration! We seek the arts through our memberships to the local black box theatre (my husband prefers black box to Broadway) and the local art museum. We find that these memberships expose us to things that we might not otherwise have purchased tickets for which means our horizons are continually expanding. We are not always huge fans of what we see but even then it provides hours of conversation for us. I also love tuning into the Metropolitan Opera's Saturday Matinee which is broadcast on our local public radio station. It is one of my dreams to see a live performance one day!

    Thank you again for the beautiful playing.

  12. That was lovely Jennifer, good for you for practicing and keeping it up. You are a terrific role model for your kids. I made sure both my kids learned to play the piano although I never did and I regret it. Do you think I could actually learn online? I'm 45 years old. I suppose I should try. Thanks for giving me the idea.

  13. What a wonderful giveaway option - congratulations for continuing to drive the arts agenda!

  14. Thank you for sharing your music with us Jennifer! I decided 20 years ago to make the arts a priority in my life. I began taking local art classes, then attended art school to learn to paint and draw. Today, painting is my passion and my profession. In particular, the French Impressionists have been my focus of study, leading me to travel to France to visit their studios, museums and painting locales. I paint my memories of my travels and I teach painting at a local college. I'm so happy that I followed my heart down this path so many years ago. I hope that you continue to devote time and energy to the arts in your life too!

  15. Jennifer, What a delightful piece of music. Very nicely done. Thank you for entertaining me so well this morning.


  16. A generous and motivational giveaway. Thank you.

  17. A generous and motivational giveaway. Thank you.

  18. Arts to me includes anything from creating a Monet collage on one of my pinterest boards to attending my local symphony orchestra. I could list everything we do, but I think, to be quite honest, the best inspiration for me has been to surround myself with creative people who are likewise insatiably curious and love the arts. It then becomes inevitable for me to be immersed in a visionary environment.

    Vis à Vis

  19. I am very lucky to still be a student because I get access to many free music performances via our school's music academy. I also love visiting the museums, and they are free in my country! As an occasional treat, I would watch a ballet performance. Motivated by their elegance and flexibility, I have since picked up adult ballet classes! I feel that society deems that certain arts like piano and ballet must be learnt since young but that is certainly not true! We are all entitled to enjoy arts, whatever our age/ gender/ socioeconomic status.

  20. Hello Jennifer,
    Thank you for playing this beautiful piece. I was very excited to see your competition - our family has outgrown our small rental home and when we move to a larger house, my mother's piano will be moving in with us, too! She knows I have always wanted to learn and as my children get older and go to school I will have a few hours by myself each day. I am looking forward to finally having the time to learn 😊

    Thank you for your lovely blog, I have been reading/watching for the last month or so, scanning the archives etc. It is so reassuring to know that good manners, composure, and etiquette are alive and well in so many homes. This is how I hope to manage my home, and I hope the world will be a bit better off for it.
    - Elisabeth (Australia)

  21. Hi Jennifer,
    I enjoy so much your videos and I really admire you for committing to these musical challenges. It is a brilliant idea!
    My way to have art to my life is playing cello :) I studied it for 18 years and graduated at the Conservatory of Music but then I decided to go for a different job and put music aside for a couple of years, which was indeed a pity.
    Now I have committed myself to start again, even if it is just for my own pleasure and just having my house walls as listeners! And I find so much pleasure and joy playing again all the beautiful music I spent so much time studying in the past. My executions have now much more flaws and imperfections, but I would say that I enjoy doing it more now than in the past, just because I have no pressure on me. It has become just a pure source of self-improvement and total happiness. My current favorite piece to play is "Adagio & Allegro" by Schumann, a marvelous piece.
    Georgiana (Italy)

  22. I sing every week with my church choir. It allows me to keep up my love of music and singing and still have time for everything else in my life.

  23. Thank you for that Jennifer I think if I might be so bold to say that you have improved since you performed a few months ago, I really enjoyed it, that is one of my favorite pieces too. At the age of 63 I am learning the tenor recorder which is quite a challenge but it keeps my brain on it's toes as well as my fingers!! I have never played an instrument before this but it has always been a desire of mine to do something before it's too late!

  24. Jennifer, I always enjoy these performances, and find them quite inspiring. My story with piano is much the same as yours. Thank you for sharing the title of the book you're using ... I was able to find a nice one on eBay for just a few dollars and am delighted with the selections - so many of my favorites. I am looking forward to many hours of pleasure at the piano! Appreciate you so much.


  25. Well done Jennifer. You are absolutely right about returning to your music. I get paid as a professional to perform under pressure in great concert halls but I can remember the days when I just did it for fun and when and if I retire, I will return to doing it for fun. David

  26. Wow! Thank you. How exciting! I believe I have won, what information do you need from me?

    I love your inspiration. We seem to be invited to a lot of parties at the moment, so we are going to those and just trying to get out and be more social. I also joined a book club and went to my first meeting yesterday and it was really nice.

  27. That was delightful! Really well done. Count me as another reader who enjoys your piano videos.
