
The Chic Assignment Check-in, July | Langston Hughes, Camille Saint-Saëns & More

Welcome to The Chic Assignment check-in for July, 2020. We are going to dive into the works of both Camille Saint-Saëns and Langston Hughes, plus much, much more. 

Chic Assignment no. 1 Let's enjoy further performances of The Swan. If you have time this month, check out this astounding performance from Uliana Lopatkina of The Dying Swan

Also, check out interesting facts about Camille Saint-Saëns' life from this Classic FM article

Photo from classicFM.com

Saint-Saëns was a brilliant composer who had tragedy mar his personal life. The Swan from Carnival of the Animals is one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever listened to. 

For Chic Assignment number 2, we read the excellent poems of Langston Hughes. 

I love this image of him on the typewriter.

You can learn more about Langston Hughes by reading his biography here. You can also read his collected poems here. 

I was very moved by his poetry, as you can see in today's video. My takeaway? Poetry is deeply relevant... Yes, even in this day and age. If we all listen to each other... truly listen... we can have more compassion.

Chic Assignment number 3 was to dress the table beautifully. I love setting the table with tablecloths and placemats. Sometimes I mix the two. How did you dress the table this month?

And Chic Assignment number 4 was to mix up our beauty or health routine. Well, you know I've been experimenting with my makeup... particularly my eyeliner for hooded eyes. In today's video I try a "bat liner" technique, which is a "cat eye" technique for people with hooded eyes. It looked better in person... let's just leave it at that! haha! 

Thank you to The Elegant Connoisseurs for bringing us today's video. They are the top tier in my Memberships platform on YouTube. Remember, it is free to subscribe, but if you'd like more out of the channel, including weekly vodcasts and a monthly livestream, consider joining to support The Daily Connoisseur. 

Julie Kolman, My Confident Closet 
The Secret OWL Society digital planners 
Katherine Rae
Mercedes Gilligan
AAM Truth Teller
Bethany Baldwin
Carli Thom
Christine Bolla 
Caroline Haydu
Denise Gende
Jet Rowley-Herron
Heather Barrera 
The Heern Family
Jenny Candelaria
Leslie Morris
Loraine Tadman
Joanna Sitarz
Linda Eklof
Marie Caudill 
Maria Conder
Melissa Ricci

📍I am currently updating the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, therefore it is not currently available for sale. I will announce when the updates have been made. Everyone who has already purchased the course can still access the old one and will get all of the new content for free. Thank you for your patience!

📍Take my new eCourse, Carry Yourself with Poise. There are so many amazing ladies on this course, bonding and building friendships as we rally around elegant living. Tamara writes, "I absolutely adored this course! One of the best investments I have ever made in my life. Jennifer, I would like to thank you for taking the time to create a course that is enriching. I look forward future courses."

📍Become a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I do one livestream as well 3 episodes of my new Vodcast (a video podcast) per month. (Link must be accessed on a computer.)

📍Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.

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#フランス人は10着しか服を持たない   アメリカ人のジェニファーさんが留学先のパリで学んだ、暮らしの質を高める秘訣をつめこんだ一冊🌼  この本を読んで実践したのは、  ✔️完食をやめて3食のごはんを楽しむ(たまに我慢できない)  ✔水をたくさん飲む  ✔服は自分に似合う良い服だけを買う。衝動買いをしない。着ない服は整理する。  ✔五感をフルに働かせて、小さな日常の中に楽しさを見つける努力をする  の4つです✨  「今あるもの」「今持っているもの」を最大限に活かしながら  いつもの日常に楽しみを見つける姿勢を持ちたいと思わせてくれた一冊でした🌱   生活の質をあげたい、 パリのシックな生活を垣間見たい、 物欲が強くてこまってる、  という人に特におすすめです🙌   #jenniferlscott #lessonsfrommadamechic #japanese #bookandcoffee #eucalyptus #houseplants #読書 #朝活 #モーニングルーティン #読書とコーヒー #読書好きな人と繋がりたい #コーヒー好きな人と繋がりたい #観葉植物のある暮らし  #梅雨の過ごし方 #フランス #丁寧な暮らし #ミニマリスト #ユーカリグニー
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Comment of the Week

I hope you enjoyed this Chic Assignment check-in. Let us know how your Chic Assignment is coming along. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog.

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  1. Hello, Jennifer! Thank you so much for creating the monthly Chic Assignments. They are such a great way to sprinkle more elegance into our lives. I had already been doing a version of this. Eons ago, I read online someplace that when this one woman visited Paris, she always liked to PAWSE - that is, visit a Park, enjoy the Arts, Walk through the streets as a flâneur, Shop for something she couldn't get anywhere else, and Eat at a wonderful café. I loved doing those things in Paris, too (like you, I studied abroad for a semester), and I decided to incorporate them into my life here in the US, too! Today, I live within walking distance of the University of Chicago, and my husband and I were able to enjoy lots of music performances there for free - recitals by music majors, jazz combos, and even whole symphonies! Since the advent of COVID, I was missing these performances. I'm happy to say a few migrated online during quarantine! I know how much you love piano, so I think you would like this recording of Ständchen (Serenade). It's by Schubert and arranged by Liszt. Once again, thanks so much for the Chic Assignment. I look forward to August's!

  2. Poetry is really the most precise, concise form of writing. You can be shot in the heart by a handful of words.
    Sorry, I'm not a fan of the bat eyeliner. I think less is better.
    I put out cloth napkins at every meal but my husband refuses to use his. He uses a piece of paper towel instead. The only reason I have ever gotten out of him is that he doesn't want to make more work for me. I've explained it takes no extra work nor extra detergent nor water to wash one more napkin. I don't iron them, just smooth and fold them out of the dryer. After 31 years, I still put a cloth napkin in front of him at every meal, and he still ignores it. It looks nice to me and I guess I just make believe he's using it. I live denial and in hope!

  3. What a moving reading. Thank you for sharing your empathy and vulnerability. Beautiful.

  4. Hi Jennifer,
    I am a newbie to your blog and YouTube channel and I feel like I relate to so much of your traditional way of thinking and just life in general. I don’t have any social media accounts so I don’t know if I’ll get an answer on here or not but I’m dying to know what kind of planner you use now? I watched one of your videos from a couple years ago that describes the Happy Planner and when I clicked the amazon link it looks like it is no longer available on there? I am a new homeschool mama and have 3 littles and would love a physical planner to use in addition to my phone calendar that I share with my husband for appointments and other important events.

  5. Hi ladies, thank you so much for participating in The Chic Assignment this month. I appreciate your comments!

    Krystal, I loved the happy planner. This time I picked up one I found on Catalina Island that is an artists' planner that has beautiful illustrations. Welcome to the blog!
