
Homeschool Schedule Ideas + FREE Homeschool Planner Printables

 According to this article from The Associated Press, interest in homeschooling has "exploded" amid the pandemic. 

"As parents nationwide prepare to help their children with more distance learning, a small but quickly growing number are deciding to take matters entirely into their own hands and begin homeschooling."


We are well into our fourth year of homeschooling and I am excited to see so many families embrace this lifestyle and try it out for themselves. Many new homeschool parents often ask for scheduling help. While homeschool schedules are free and less rigid than traditional schedules, they can also be tough to plan for this very reason. 

I have created two free printables for you to use in your own homeschool. So whether you are temporarily distance learning or have decided to homeschool full time, I hope these schedules prove useful to you.

Here are the free printables I have created for you. The green printable is for one day and the floral printable is for the week. Feel free to download one or both printables to help you schedule your day. 

Here is the Homeschool Schedule for One Day. You can download this one here. 

Here the Homeschool Schedule that is formatted for the week. You can download it here.

On a final note: I would like to address a common misconception. The online distance learning that is taking place across the world right now due to the pandemic is not the same as homeschooling. Many parents have expressed frustration with this model of learning. I am not knowledgeable in it and only know first-hand accounts of what my friends have told me about it. True homeschooling is different. You set your own schedule, use your own chosen curriculum and get that one-on-one instruction with your children. Lessons are often concentrated and less time is spent doing desk work (or in the case of distance learning, computer work). True homeschooling is fun and liberating and makes your children excited about learning. If you are a homeschooling parent, I hope you'll leave a comment encouraging others in the journey.

Here are the YouTube channels I recommend in the video:

I hope you enjoy today's video. I'll see you on Monday for the ten-item wardrobe video!
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  1. Hi Jennifer!

    Love your tips! I do have a question: what do your younger two children do during the 3 hours you do of concentrated home school with your older two girls? I’m struggling with this right now!

    Thanks so much!

  2. Dear Jennifer, thank you for these resources. My family used Home pop to go along with our United States geography study. I wasn’t sure how else to get this question to you, and I was wondering if you might do a video on staying centered and focused given all that is happening in our country right now. I feel like regardless of which political isle one is on, we as mothers and caretakers are under such stress as we wonder what the future of our nation will be. I know the best thing to do is let it all go and just focus on my family and loved ones and being a light in the world. However, I also feel it is so important to be informed and finding truth right now takes a lot of research and work. I know you don’t talk politics on your show. (Thank you for that!) but maybe just generic tips that help you stay centered. Thank you so much! xo. Amanda
