
The Chic Assignment Check-In | September 2020 | Dorothy Parker and Haydn

Welcome to The Chic Assignment Check-In. Let's learn more about Haydn, Parker and more this month. 

 ⚜️ Chic Assignment no. 1 Enjoy Wynton Marsalis performing Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in Eb with the Boston Pops Orchestra, conducted by John Williams.

Are you enjoying this performance? Perhaps because we are in the age of Covid and gatherings like this are no longer happening, this performance really made me want to get dressed up and go to the symphony. Hopefully one day soon. Wynton Marsalis was so incredible here. His rendition sparkled and brought perfect justice to this excellent piece.

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Today we are going to learn more about the composer, from his biography on Philharmonia Baroque.

⚜️ Chic Assignment no. 2 Enjoy the poetry of Dorothy Parker
I discovered Dorothy Parker as a teenager and have been fascinated with her ever since. I own a very well-read volume of her poetry. She was a troubled figure and her poetry could be dark at times, but her writing was also incredibly brave and witty. I can't wait to dive into her poetry with you this month.

In today's check-in we are going to read her biography as well as some of her best poems.

Check out Dorothy Parker's Collected Poems

You can also learn more about her and read some of her most famous works for free at the Poetry Foundation.

Rondeau Redoublé (and Scarcely Worth the Trouble, at That)
The same to me are sombre days and gay.
Though joyous dawns the rosy morn, and bright,
Because my dearest love is gone away
Within my heart is melancholy night.

My heart beats low in loneliness, despite
That riotous Summer holds the earth in sway.
In cerements my spirit is bedight;
The same to me are sombre days and gay.

Though breezes in the rippling grasses play,
And waves dash high and far in glorious might,
I thrill no longer to the sparkling day,
Though joyous dawns the rosy morn, and bright.

Ungraceful seems to me the swallow's flight;
As well might Heaven's blue be sullen gray;
My soul discerns no beauty in their sight
Because my dearest love is gone away.

Let roses fling afar their crimson spray,
And virgin daisies splash the fields with white,
Let bloom the poppy hotly as it may,
Within my heart is melancholy night.

And this, oh love, my pitiable plight
Whenever from my circling arms you stray;
This little world of mine has lost its light ...
I hope to God, my dear, that you can say
The same to me.

⚜️ Chic Assignment no. 3 Stock your pantry for the upcoming winter
I recently shared a glimpse into our prepper pantry (many of you liked victory pantry). I encourage you all to stock up responsibly as we head into the next season. Who knows what is in store? Being chic is being prepared. You can check out my Amazon prepper pantry store here. 

⚜️ Chic Assignment no. 4 Transition your beauty routine for the change in season
I have been making subtle changes to my fall beauty routine. I've been enjoying the darker plum shades from London Town (JenniferS for 25% off at Londontown). I've also been changing my makeup colors to fit the more muted and earthy tones of fall. How have you changed your beauty or health routine? 

Featured in the video:
⚜️ My earrings SKYE Theodora 18K gold earrings Jennifer20 for 20% off

The Chic Society: Become a member of The Daily Connoisseur to get exclusive monthly live streams, access to my weekly members-only Vodcast, and more. There are three tiers available, the lowest is only $1.99 a month. The two upper tiers get recognition in the video today. I'm pleased to introduce them to you below:

The Elegant Connoisseurs

All the King’s Morsels 

Awesome Possum Powers 

Azalia Spa Goods 

Dressed for my Day with Kay Harms 

Freedom Moms with Ashley Buffa

Inspired by Nikki stationery   

Julie Kolman, My Confident Closet 

Katy Rose, Artist 

Dressed for my Day with Kay Harms 

Lovely Bits by Nicole Brignolle

Rosenda Valenzuela from the Little Pink Casa 

 Oh Wondrous Grace Chronicle  (I am featured in their September issue)

Tina Hugall from Outschool

The Secret OWL Society digital planners by Michelle Rohr 

Sturm Brothers Jewelry  Mrs. TJ Sturm

Something to Cherish 

 Katherine Rae

Mercedes Gilligan

AAM Truthteller

Carli Thom

Christine Bolla 

Caroline Haydu

Denise Gende

Jet Rowley-Herron

Heather Barrera 

Jenny Candelaria

Leslie Morris Gather n’ Grow

Linda Eklof

Marie Caudill 

Maria Conder

Melissa Ricci

Prudently At Home

The Chic Connoisseurs 
A Better Life with KAT (Flylady Cleaning System), American Blossom Linens, Alexandra Salar, Allison Jennison-Smith, A Sparkling Vintage Life, Angelika Greenhalgh, Anny Schreier, 
Audrey Coyne, BewitchedCrafts.com, Bliss Peterson, Brenda Ramsey, Candace V, Catherine Huang, Chelsea Kochevar, Clare's Classroom, Deb Reardon, Diana McNease, Emily Kazak, Freda Masoud, Happy on the Homefront, healthywithluba.com, Heather Phillips, Helena O, Jane Lynch, Janet Williams, Jasmine Christian, Jessica Ortega-Mabry, jkp62, Judy Moore, JulieMarieVh, Leslie Ring, Liliedaisy, Loraine Tadman, Lori Skees, Maria Gerlicz-Pogorzelska,  Space.For.Home - Marija Bingula, Marybeth Nelson, Melanie Riddle, Melinda Loustalot, Michele Kieffer, Michelle Henderer, Michelle the Italiagal, Monique Egelhoff, Monique Hernandez, Natalie Dougherty, Natalie Schultz,  
 Not-So Desperate Housewives,  Olive B, Paula Ellis, Paula Johnson, Petra Willnecker, Rebecca Faltot, Sandra Light, Sarah Vitsas, Scott Rea, Shannon Biddy, Sharon Smith, Sheila Hopfensperger, Stacy Smith, The Simple Swan, This and That with Denise Jordan, Tiki Pié, Tracy Lopez, Wendy Cassara, Wendy Somerville, Yen Lee     

I hope you enjoyed this month's assignment. Tag me with your findings with the hashtag #TheChicAssignment Also, leave a comment here and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week. 

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  1. Thanks, Jennifer, for highlighting Dorothy Parker. I read her work and about her extensively when I was younger but have not thought about her in years. I cannot think of a more invigorating time and place to be than around the Round Table trading barbs with Dorothy and her New Yorker pals. I've always thought I would have fit in well! Thanks for the reminder of one of my favorite wits.

  2. Just read/listened to two of your books. I also finished listening biographies of RBG (RIP), and Sandra Day O'Connor. I think those two exhumed poise. Not being emotional in "boys club" and still keeping their femininity. That shows class. I think.
    Also your part of the book about wearing your best every day. You are right. I work in a hospital, so I have to wear scrubs at work. But I do t have to wear them to or from work. And 5 years ago when I started wearing nice clothes to and from work, people would constantly ask me where I am coming from, or if I have a date? My answer was "yes, date withy family".
    But now they just accept it as normal for me. So tell your viewers. It will take time (3 years for me), but people will stop noticing
