
Dress Codes with Richard Thompson Ford and Jennifer L. Scott


I had the pleasure of interviewing Professor Richard Thompson Ford, author of Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History 

This is an excellent read that gives so much insight into the history of fashion and how dress codes have truly shaped history. You can learn more about Professor Ford on his website dresscodes.org and find him on Instagram @professorofstyle

Dress Codes by Richard Thompson Ford

From the description on Amazon: In Dress Codes, law professor and cultural critic Richard Thompson Ford presents an insightful and entertaining history of the laws of fashion from the middle ages to the present day, a walk down history’s red carpet to uncover and examine the canons, mores, and customs of clothing—rules that we often take for granted. After reading Dress Codes, you’ll never think of fashion as superficial again—and getting dressed will never be the same.

I loved that the book really put things into perspective and made me challenge my own ideas about fashion and dress codes. You'll see some surprising insights throughout our interview.

I truly hope you enjoy my chat with Professor Ford

⚜️ What I'm wearing
Karina Dresses "Abigail" dress in Botanical
Necklace by Jackie Mack Designs JENSCOTT15 for 15% off
Nail polish by Londontown " Mojave Mauve" JenniferS for 25% off

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On Instagram

Madame Chic in good company with Victoria Magazine... 

Comment of the Week

Sylvia M. writes, "I think we should save space for mood as well. Some days a woman may feel romantic, or sensual, not sexy necessarily, another day edgy, yet another day more tailored. A woman's moods as well can be reflected through her wardrobe."

Hi Sylvia, I loved your comment. It's so true that we need to take our mood into account when we are dressing. I couldn't agree more!

I hope you enjoyed today's interview. Let us know what you thought of my conversation with Professor Ford. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. 

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  1. Jennifer, thank you for bringing this book to our attention. I was fascinated with the historical detail surrounding fashion and dress codes. The intro grabbed my attention right away regarding the straw hat riots. I have pictures of my father with his straw hat from the 1920's and now have to wonder if he suffered the fate of so many that day in Manhattan.

    Dress codes should be very relevant to remind people to dress appropriately for any occasion.

  2. You might find this article interesting:
    Grandpa Style: Why 20-Somethings Are Dressing like Senior Citizens


  3. This was fascinating to listen to! So many areas of history I have wondered about too, and many of those questions were answered. I would like to read this book. Thank you for the wonderful interview!
