
Intermittent Fasting What I Eat in a Day | 2 Days 16:8 Method (No Diet)


I'm back with another intermittent fasting what I eat in a day video. I'm sharing two frenzied days in today's video. I need you to know that I don't curate these (clearly) and want to show you what it's like sometimes for a busy mom. 

This is a "relaxed summer edition" as I tend to go light on the cooking in the summer months. This always refreshes me for fall, when I prepare to make hearty meals again. I hope you enjoy today's video. 

*Disclaimer: this video and blogpost are for entertainment purposes only. Please consult your doctor before trying intermittent fasting. This is not intended to be nutritional or medical advice. 

I've been enjoying whole fat Greek yogurt mixed with flax seeds, and topped with pecans, and seasonal fruit. I'm drinking coffee in my Keep Calm and Remain Classy Mug.  Dishes are by Portmeirion. Rattan placemats and table linens on Amazon. 

I assembled these quick turkey and spinach wraps for lunch today. I like to use interesting spreads when I do these and this time I used a sour cream spinach dip along with Havarti cheese. This was delicious! 

The main thing to remember with intermittent fasting is that it's not about what you eat, but about when you eat. You can combine this lifestyle (with the approval of your doctor) with any way of eating you prefer. I don't do any special diet and (as you'll see in today's video) am enjoying very normal foods today. 

I always take time for tea when I can. This is my famous (in my house, anyway) chocolate chip banana bread. Plates are Spode and teacup is Victoria Magazine. 

For dinner, we enjoyed Indian food. Saag Paneer is one of my very favorites. 

During the summer months, I don't feel like cooking. Does anyone else experience this? I rely on easy-to-assemble meals or quick favorites so I'm not spending too much time in the kitchen. I want to relax just like everyone else. Today shows a sampling of what two busy days look like in the world of 16:8.

I had to go to the doctor unexpectedly today so I didn't have breakfast (only coffee at 7am). We had chicken burgers for lunch with a side of fruit. 

I made my (also famous in our house) jam tarts for tea today. And enjoyed these along with Plum Deluxe Earl Grey tea. JENNIFER10 for 10% off. 

I normally have light dinners, but today, Angel Hair Marinara with Rao's sauce did the trick. Dishes by Spode. Once I finish having dinner at 5pm, I don't eat until the next morning at around 9 am. That gives 16 hours of fasting. I enjoy feeling "done" after dinner.

⚜️What I'm Wearing
Necklace by Jackie Mack  TDC15OFF for 15% off 


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Comment of the Week
Anon writes, "I have been following your blog and reading your books for years. I love The Daily Connoisseur! I typically do not leave comments on blogs, but today’s post on homemaking is taking me out of my comfort zone and leaving a comment! I think you would really enjoy reading the book “The Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren (if you have not done so already). It is a Christian book on “sacred practices in everyday life”."

Dear Anon, thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely comment and also for the book recommendation. It sounds delightful! 

I hope you enjoyed today's video. Are you trying intermittent fasting? Let us know what your experience is. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week. 

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FTC: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support. 


  1. Thanks for such lovely videos. I'm very grateful to you for introducing me to Intermittent Fasting. So far I'm finding it to be a sane, doable, and effective way to get healthier. What are the dishes you were using for the tea with jam tarts? I love them!

  2. Hi Jennifer, Can you tell me which size of the crop top you are wearing ? Just as a guide for purchasing my own. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for mentioning your turkey wrap with spinach dip and Havarti. I tried that (I'm actually eating that right now), and it's delicious! Havarti is my new favorite cheese. The new "roi du fromage."
