
Can You Have a Glow Up After 40?


Can you have a glow-up after the age of 40? Let's discuss this in today's video. 

First, what is a glow up? 

A glow up is an incredible transformation. The glow up process focuses on the improvement of physical appearance, individual style, overall attractiveness ... a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better.

Clearly there are many aspects to a glow up. Today we will focus on the surface-level aspects involving overall appearance: looking good and projecting that into the world. 

⚜️5 Key Points to an Attractive Glow Up

Glowing Skin

Skin is a big deal as you age. The key is to take care of it and display healthy skin. For me, it's less about erasing signs of aging... those aren't going away and they add character. It's more about embracing your skin as it is and taking care of it optimally. 

I use the Paula's Choice Skincare products and they come at my highest recommendation. Here is a list of what I use on a regular basis. I order these on their subscription. Please use whatever skincare line you love the most! The key is to take care of your skin. You can do that on any budget. It's about being intentional. 

A Vibrant Smile

How did you get those laugh lines in the first place? From so many years of smiling! :) A vibrant smile is a key to your glow up: being happy in your own skin and radiating it through your unapologetic smile. 

Thank you to NixWhite teeth whitening for bringing us this segment. JEN15 gives $15 off. 

Intermittent Fasting

Lilysilk white blouse and black silk trousers Daily15 for 15% off SKYE necklace Jennifer20 for 20% off 

The biggest part of my glow up transformation after 40 can be attributed to Intermittent Fasting. You can read my 18-month update here if you want to learn about my experience. I do the 16:8 method of intermittent fasting and was able to lose 30 lbs and improve my health in immeasurable ways. Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before trying out intermittent fasting. 

Flattering Makeup

We age, but sometimes our makeup routine doesn't. We don't want our makeup look to be stuck in a past decade so it's important to stay au courant with the modern trends by watching makeup tutorials or consulting a professional. Here are some of my favorite makeup brands:

Unapologetic Style

The older you get, the more you realize your time on earth is short. Every day should be spent expressing your true style. The ten-item capsule wardrobe can help you do that as you refine what you wear each day and become intentional about how you present yourself to the world. Check out my recent Core Items post and Extras post for fall inspiration. 


📍Jennifer is a guest on Homemaker Chic Podcast discussing manners for children.

📍Join us for the Chic Assignment for October

📍Jennifer is featured in Colorado Parent in an article on manners for children

📍*NEW* The Ten-Item Wardrobe eCourse is newly updated and back online with all new video, text, and new lessons. If you have previously purchased the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, you can access all of the new changes for free.

📍If you are looking for more content, consider becoming a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I publish one vodcast every Friday and do one livestream or zoom call once a month. It only costs $1.99 a month. There are also upper tiers available for people who are interested in supporting the channel on a higher level and receiving monthly mentions in the videos. 

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Comment of the Week

Cynthia S. writes, "What a phenomenal interview! So inspirational. Jose is such a beautiful person and talented artist, so humble and well spoken. I have known since I was a child that I should pursue a career in art. I have since graduated college, married, and had children. I remember as a first time mother, making and creating and trying to balance motherhood. I decided then that I really had to prioritize motherhood. My tiny house at the time couldn't handle a messy niche. I have truly been in hot pursuit of my dreams again. I appreciate this interview and people who share their art story more than ever! Thank you, Jose and Jennifer."

Cynthia, I'm so glad you enjoyed my interview with Jose Trujillo! I am wishing you the best for your own artistic career.

I hope you enjoyed today's video. I would love to know... have you had a glow up? What contributed to it? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.

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FTC: This post is sponsored by Nix White. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support.  


  1. I certainly hope there is a glow up after 40. I am 71 and striving for a glow up. I started the 10 item wardrobe 6 weeks ago, and am figuring out my style. I have been doing intermittent fasting and increased daily walking in addition to bi-weekly swimming. i feel great and my body should be looking better soon. I have followed your advice on posture so that is improving also. I have had been dealing with some past trauma so I expect to be smiling more. My skin could use more attention, but having a few wrinkles at this age is normal.
    Thanks for all your tips. I have spent the past few months binging on The Daily Connoisseur.

  2. I had never heard of a glow up (guess I'm behind the times), so thank you for educating me, haha. Looking forward to part two!

  3. Please can you go through your daily skincare routine again? I would so appreciate it! Many thanks, Susie x

  4. I love this idea; you've really inspired me! I sat today with my notebook and made a Glow Up plan which involves the things I need to do to do to Glow Up and the strategies of specifically what I need to do to implement the plan. I feel so motivated, so thank you! I really wanted to ask you if you would consider doing a video on habits for living well. I am inspired by your lifestyle because I have always longed to live beautifully as you do however through trauma I have not felt worthy. After much introspection and laying the past to rest, I dream of living each day beautifully as you seem to, but have no idea how to start to produce the habits and changes that are required. I have a good home that's newly renovated, a self esteem that is improving and really want my behaviour to reflect the attitudes and habits consistent with living beautifully as I deserve - not only physically in my appearance but also in my every day life. Thank you for your inspiration and for sharing your life with us.
