
End MS Charity Event, Technical Issues and Book Update

Dear Readers,

I have a very exciting charity announcement... If you love tennis and will be in the Los Angeles Area on November 14th, please check out the amazing charity event called: Ojakian Tennis Celebrity Pro-Am to End MS. This event will take place at the Jack Kramer Club and is geared at raising money for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

Ojakian Tennis will host celebrities, professional tennis players and tennis enthusiasts from around the country. This exciting event begins with junior and adult tennis clinics, followed by the official Celebrity Pro-Am tournament. The day wraps with a fantastic cocktail party, silent and live auctions, and an awards ceremony.

For tickets, please visit www.ojakiantennis.com.


**Technical Issues Update** The technical issues on The Daily Connoisseur seem to have been sorted out. Google Friend Connect was down for a period of over 24 hours and this seems to be the culprit. Thank you!

For those of you that are not a regular on Blogger, I have recently added a new feature whereby you can subscribe via email and receive new posts from The Daily Connoisseur in your email inbox. Simply enter your email address in the space provided (see top right) and then confirm your subscription by checking your email and clicking on the provided link.

**Book Update**

I have finished the second draft of my mystery novel today **celebrations!!** And will commence with the third draft, final changes and finishing touches tomorrow.

And finally, thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I so greatly appreciate your reading, following, commenting and subscribing on The Daily Connoisseur... you keep me inspired.


Jennifer xx


  1. Congratulations on completing your draft! Hope you do some celebrating before you start your third draft.

  2. You must be so excited and somewhat relieved (now on to the next draft!:) Congratulations!

  3. Oh, that is good news and a fine achievement! Congratulations. :) :) :)

  4. Thank you Belette, Rebecca and Scentscelf :) I am so happy. Belette- I would normally take a break in between drafts but I am feeling the momentum and will take advantage of it by continuing... Belette and Rebecca- can't wait to hear more about your books! Scentscelf- is there a book in the making?? ;)

  5. Congrats on your draft! That is amazing. :)

  6. Congratulations Jennifer on completing the second draft! And so the blogging is inspiring the writing by the sound of it! xx

  7. Excellent news that you have finished the draft. I hope it will be available over here when it is finally published.

  8. Well done! This is the exciting stage ... the last lap of the circuit. xx

  9. Congrats on the completed draft!

    I'm currently doing NaNoWriMo for the second year, and hoping to actually get something DONE this time. I love my family, but they are major time-suckage. It's difficult to write when one is snatching moments here and there...

    Would love to read a snippet, should you care to post one.

  10. Hey, Jennifer. Getting my weekly fix of your blog, and was looking back at older posts on your writing journey and found this one in 2009 regarding a mystery novel you published. Am highly anticipating your newest, but could you tell me where to find this one, as I'd love to catch up and read it. Am so excited for you! xxxLMK

  11. LMK- Thanks so much that's really kind. My mystery novel has not been published yet. It is actually finished but I plan on releasing it in 2012. Because I am self publishing I decided to wait to build my reader base before publishing the mystery as it is very near to my heart! Meanwhile, the book on Paris will hopefully be out by November of this year (if not sooner!) It is ready to go I am just working with the design team and approving proofs. Thanks again for your interest I will keep you updated xo
