
On my Grandmother- The Original Daily Connoisseur

I spent the past weekend visiting my grandmother in the stroke rehabilitation center. My grandmother has had a tough month. She had a heart attack and two weeks later, a stroke. She is 87 years old- so these sorts of things tend to happen at her age- as my family so aptly reminds me, but it still doesn’t make it easier.

I could easily describe my grandmother, you see, as the original Daily Connoisseur. She is a woman that does not take a moment of her life for granted. She drinks sparkling cider out of her finest crystal, drinks coffee (always black) out of her best china, watches the sunset every day she is able and has pie for breakfast whenever she feels like it. In short, this is a woman who knows how to live- and live well.

She has been like this as long as I have known her. That is why when I saw her for the first time after her stroke, I was in for a shock. The normally vibrant lady I was used to- who loved going to jazz concerts on Sundays (she has a more active social life than I do)- was lying on a bed in the rehabilitation center, looking tired and weak- the left side of her face, slightly collapsed. I observed a quiet moment of sadness within myself but did not want to show it to her.

After spending the day with her, however, I quickly found that her stroke was merely an annoyance- a bump in the road, and that her same spirit and sense of humor still prevailed. She was, after all, still wearing her trademark hot pink lipstick, bribing the male nurses with marshmallows and overall, being an incredibly good sport.

I was happy to tell my grandmother that I have just completed my first novel and I told her when it is published (notice I said ‘when’ and not ‘if’- I am using the power of positive thinking here people) I will dedicate it to her. But until then, I dedicate this blog to her- to my grandmother, Lila- the original daily connoisseur. She taught me that life is worth living- but only if you live it well. And for that, I could not be more grateful.

My grandmother and I are pictured above in a photo taken this past summer...


  1. What a wonderful post and wonderful picture. Knowing how to live life is so important. Best wishes to the Original Daily Connoisseur!

  2. What an inspiring story! I wish your grandmother the best of health.

  3. What a moving, thoughtful post! I send many positive thoughts to your beautiful grandmother for her recovery and to you for your novel.xo

  4. She is adorable; best wishes to her for a speedy recovery. You sound like a fabulous granddaughter, and she sounds like she's been a wonderful inspiration to you.

  5. I enjoyed meeting your Grandmother and wish her the speediest of recoveries! Great post!

  6. I love this post. It's such a glowing tribute to an obviously wonderful woman. I love grandmothers!

  7. Your grandmother is one inspiring lady, how lucky you are.And what a sweet grandaughter to give this tribute. The two of you so happy together.
    Wishing her all the very best and a speedy recovery.

  8. Best wishes to an inspiring lady Lila, what a wonderful post. Keep that lippie on, keep the bribes up and continue to get well Lila. Thank you Jennifer for sharing her with us. Bisous x

  9. What a wonderful example to us all! My thought is that her DC attitude, cultivated and implemented over many years, makes her proof to circumstances that would derail others. Good for her!


  10. Thank you so much everyone. She really is a special lady and I know that all of your nice thoughts and comments are helping her to heal faster. Thank you very much... xo

  11. What a sweet post and I say, you go girl with the pink lipstick!

  12. wish your grandma a speedy recovery.

    yup, life is worth living when for those who know how to live it...

  13. Jennifer, she sounds like a wonderful lady. I can see where you get your spunk and beauty from. My best wishes to Lila for a speedy recovery. xx

  14. You grandmother sounds to be a remarkable and lovely lady. I am sure that she will go on to read the dedication - on the published book as well as on the blog.

  15. DC,
    What a touching and inspiring post. It makes me strive to one day be that type of woman and grandmother ... we could all learn so much by the way she lives her life. THanks for sharing. By the way, if I haven't mentioned before, now is a good time to tell you that you are gorgeous!

  16. Dear, dear Jennifer,

    What an extraordinary post dedicated to an extraordinary woman.

    In all the world, what better gift could one give her granddaughter, than la joie de vivre?

    You express that in every post you write.


    P.S.: Congratulations on finishing your novel. Of course it will be published and then all of us out here who can't live without reading your blog will write about it.

  17. This is such a lovely post I have read it a few times now. You inspired me to ring my Nana who is 86 and very frail - we chatted away for about 45 minutes.

    You're right on with your observation about underneath all the age-related inconveniences they are just the same as they've always been. A beautiful tribute to your Grandmother!

  18. this post is so sweet. i love the photo. i wish your grandmother a speedy recovery from her rough month!

  19. She looks wonderful Jennifer- full of joie de vivre!

  20. Thank you everyone- she is doing well. Yesterday my father told me she read all of your comments and had a big smile on her face. Thank you so much for your kind words xo

  21. Hey J I met your grandmother for the first time today. I spent a few hours with her at the rehab hospital. She is a wonderful woman!

    Reading your post about her I can totally see all the things you mentioned. I think this stroke is definitely just a bump in the road.

    She wanted me to check your blog out and let you know that I have a baby girl, who is a month old now. Congrats on your pregnancy. Get some rest cause I forgot how much you lose once they get here!

    Anyway your grandmother is doing well and looking forward to going home. Oh and she had her lipstick on this morning!

  22. John- Thank you so much for spending time with her! She's the best isn't she? Thanks for stopping by the blog and for the baby advice too :)
