
Midnight- Comme les Français

After I lived in Paris for a few months I started to learn the secrets of the city from the locals. Perhaps they waited to see if I was ‘worthy’ of being told the secrets or perhaps they had tried to tell me when I first got there but my French was so bad I didn’t understand what they were saying- either way I was grateful.

It was at one of Madame Bohemienne’s wild dinner parties where a few artsy types were the guests of honor, that I learned about the Louvre at Midnight.

“You haven’t heard about the Louvre at midnight?” they asked me astonished, as I had already been in Paris for a few months.

“Non!” I replied, leaning in over my coq au vin, “do tell!”

Well every so often (usually once a week- but one could never tell- and never really on the same day) a group of musicians played a free concert in the courtyard of the Louvre at midnight. It was spectacular- so special, so romantic! We had to go.

And go we did. I’m not sure how we found out what night they were playing as this wasn’t an advertised thing, but my friends and I, one crisp evening in early Spring, wandered into one of the courtyards of the Louvre and found a string quartet. Only a handful of people were scattered around the courtyard listening to the beautiful music. There were no chairs- people either sat on the edge of the fountain or on a blanket or scarf laid down on the floor.

The quartet played rapturously for about an hour- Mozart, Chopin, Brahms. I remember sitting there feeling so in the moment- so grateful that I was sitting under the stars in this beautiful city, by this beautiful building that held some of the world’s most important pieces of art in its walls, surrounded by friends and listening to this ‘secret concert’- and feeling that life was truly good, indeed…

I’m not sure if the secret concerts at the Louvre are still held at midnight, but if they are and you find yourself in Paris… allez, I tell you- allez


  1. I can't wait to buy your book! That sounds more that awesome.

  2. secret concert. i wish i was there...

  3. How magical. We really live like thugs in the U.S., compared to the French!

  4. One day when I get there, I'm going to remember this!! Gorgeous image.

  5. I had no idea when I was there that such secret cultural things happened at the Louvre. That shows the advantage of living with a French family! xx

  6. Oh how special! It's one of those magical moments you will remember forever.

  7. Linda- Thank you so much! I will keep you all posted on the progress with the book xo

    Thank you everyone for your comments. The midnight concerts are so special. I wish I had discovered them sooner when I lived in Paris. It would be fun to see if they are still happening now!

  8. Where have I been? I remember hearing about this once or twicebut can you believe we never checked it out. I am now waiting for my French honey to come home so I can ask him about this - this is the perfect week for it!

  9. I never knew this! Thanks for letting us know. I will definitely go to the Louvre in the evening some time.

    Btw, I have an award for you at my blog French Mademoiselle. If your blog is award-free, no worries! Just to let you know I enjoy your blog!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Hi! I love reading your blog! Having been to Paris several times myself, I can just picture this concert. I felt totally safe walking around alone at night, an American woman with a very slight command (if I dare call it that) of the language and a deep love for the people. I wish I could go for a few months and just get steeped in la vie Francaise!

  11. C- Thanks for your comment. I'm so happy you enjoy the blog! My book on the top things I learned while living in Paris will be out this (late) fall full of many more anecdotes and observations of my time there :) xo

  12. i'm now reading your book and decided to google midnight louvre concert.. the only hit that came up was yours! i wish i could find out whether the concerts are still happening...

  13. i'm now reading your book and decided to google midnight louvre concert.. the only hit that came up was yours! i wish i could find out whether the concerts are still happening...
