
Summer Updates

Bonjour Everyone,

I hope you are all having a delightful summer. I'll be taking some time off from the blog. Taking care of a toddler and a baby is fun and rewarding but it's also exhausting and I need a break to refresh my little grey cells (as Poirot would say :) ).

Summer Ten-Item Wardrobe

Many of you have asked about my summer ten-item wardrobe. I've only purchased one dress to update my wardrobe (the full story is explained in my video). But this dress, from Anthropologie, is the dress of the summer for me. I love it! And it's machine washable too. Who could ask for more?

Book Signings

I have two book signings coming up in August:

Saturday, August 10th 11am at Anthropologie Rancho Cucamonga
7812 Victoria Gardens Ln
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739

Thursday, August 29th from 1pm to 3pm at Anthropologie Santa Monica
1402 3rd Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
RSVP (coming soon)

I hope to see you there!

Check out my summer dress and more in this week's video. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

Even though I won't be blogging for a few weeks I still look forward to connecting with you on Facebook and Twitter.

Have a wonderful summer...

See you soon! x

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  1. The book club sounds like fun! Count me in. I've never read the book as of yet.

    Have a wonderful summer break :)

  2. I second the book club idea. I read The Four Agreements a long time ago, would love to hear a good discussion about it.

  3. Have a lovely break Jennifer. I like the idea of the book club and will read the book during our winter, I read about it on a blog this morning.

  4. I really like this idea of a book club -- looking forward to exchanging thoughts.

  5. I will join in reading the book. I just finished your book and I loved it. I finally went to actual professionals for an update to my hairstyle and also had my brows shaped properly (work in progress!). I am so pleased with the results. I am working on my capsule wardrobe and I chose a new signature scent,Chanel N○ 5. I never even considered this perfume before you mentioning it. I could go on and on. My heartfelt thanks to you for sharing the lessons and inspiring positive changes in my life. Hugs to you!

  6. Have a wonderful break Jennifer and enjoy your family! Kathryn :)

  7. Have a well-deserved break and I'll read the book on my break too (winter school hols in Australia). Thanks for your ongoing inspiration. I'm thinking about capsule wardrobes as I pack for our time on our holiday farm. Nice to see how basic skinny jeans and cashmere jumpers are just as fine in the city or the country by just changing to Wellington boots etc.... although we really do more wine tasting and fireside reading than actual farming... :)

    Of interest to me is how I've had to really fight the urge to keep browsing clothes ( mostly online) and battle my 'need more' shopaholic tendencies. I realise I've got into the habit of browsing (and buying) being almost my hobby!! Instead I'm realising how much more spare time I have to read, sew, cook, play with my children, meditate, walk etc by just reducing my urge to 'consume'. Scary to realise how much time you can waste. BUT I like the way you can still love clothes and truly enjoy getting your seasonal wardrobe sorted out without feeling you need to be a shopaholic or renounce shopping all together. Very 'French' probably to care about your appearance AND have time to read philosophy etc :)

    Have a lovely holiday. Jane x

  8. You are going to be sadly missed. I am new to your blog and have been nibbling at your archived messages daily. There is going to be a void in my daily routine.

    With your help, I've realized that I shop as a hobby. As a designer and artist, colors, patterns and style are my interest, and I've found I search for some new ideas at sites that tempt me to BUY: JCrew, Anthropologie, Gap, Boden, etc. Your book and your comments help to be the voice of my conscience reminding me to keep it simple and let go of clutter.

    I really do hope you enjoy your time off. I look forward to your return. A book club is a GREAT idea.

    Best of luck. I hope you find the peace of mind you need.

  9. Hello Jennifer!!! I've just read your book and I must admit it's really amusing and inspirating. I can't wait to make some changes in my wardrobe and in my life too (it always starts with the wardrobe, huh?) but I also have a few questions. How have you managed to maintain your French lifestyle when you were back in the USA? I'm courious.

  10. Hi!! I'm Luisa from Rome.
    Last week I spent my holiday in Sardegna and during the holiday I read your book. I found it very very gorgeous: yesterday I went to shopping and I thought at your advice about le Garde-Robe Express :)
    Many compliments for your book! I want to write a post about it on my blog!
    Kiss you!
    Life, Laugh, Love And Lulu!!
    Facebook Page

  11. I'm excited about the upcoming book club. I have heard about this book, but have not read it yet. I'll be sure to do so this month.

    As for Lessons from Madame Chic, I love it! Your ideas are brillant. I know your beauty suggestions are big hits here on your blog, but I was most taken with your lifestyle suggestions.

    Since reading, I have made a point of supporting the arts more. I even went to my first opera this spring and loved it. Season tickets will be purchased next year.

    I have also really enjoyed using my best things every day. This has given me a real charge in my daily life. I feel more elegant and confident in all areas of life and the fact that I didn't have to buy anything new in order to get this feeling was quite revolutionary!

    The next idea of yours that I am going to try is to give myself a home manicure. I bought the supplies you mentioned in your YouTube video and will give it my best go.

    Thank you for sharing your experience and suggestions. It is such fun to be a Daily Connoisseur!

  12. Hey Jennifer! My name is Isabella and i'm from Brasil! I just read all your book that here is called "Madame Charme" (sorry for my english :) I just loved it. I love Paris and the french people but i didnt realize how charming and enchanted can be their lives! Thank you for the experience!!!!

  13. Hey Jennifer! My name is Isabella and i'm from Brasil! I just read all your book that here is called "Madame Charme" (sorry for my english :) I just loved it. I love Paris and the french people but i didnt realize how charming and enchanted can be their lives! Thank you for the experience!!!!

  14. I was planning on reading the 4 Agreements this summer, so I'm totally in to join your club! I'm leaving for Paris in 48 hours and am using you as inspiration to bring a 10 item wardrobe. I'm putting much more thought and effort into my packing, but I am so excited to have a small suitcase full of outfits I know I will wear. Thanks!

  15. I was already planning to follow your blog on Bloglovin' after reading about it on the Thoughts and Thimbles blog, but then you threw in a Poirot reference right at the beginning! Yes! :)

  16. Hello, my name is Aleksandra and I from Poland. Two days ago, I bought your book Lessons from Madame Chic, and I think it's really awesome. Book is really helpful, and I would like to be like Madame Chick :D :D

    Thank you very much for this book.

    Kisses from sunny Poland
