
Comparing YSL & L'Oreal Burgundy Mascaras | Jennifer L. Scott

The readers of The Daily Connoisseur give me the best recommendations. A few years ago, a reader suggested I try the YSL Faux Cils mascara in burgundy. It was love at first use and that has been my favorite mascara ever since. The only thing I don't love about the YSL mascara is the price. The mascara generally sells anywhere between $27 and $32. When I visit Sephora, I usually purchase two of them, and that carries a hefty price tag.

I was really excited when I heard from a few readers recently that L'Oreal put out their own burgundy mascara, with a much more affordable price tag. In today's video, I'm comparing the two mascaras and give you my thoughts. Does the L'Oreal mascara make a good dupe for the YSL? Find out in today's video.

I applied the L'Oreal Voluminous Primer Mascara first. This step really helps to make the mascara last and appear thicker on the lashes.

Then I applied the L'Oreal Paris Voluminous mascara in deep burgundy.

I compare this duo with my favorite YSL Faux Cils mascara in burgundy, which is an excellent mascara, but also very pricey.

After comparing the two, I am very impressed with the L'Oreal version. I wore the two mascaras on a very hot day when I spent a lot of time outside and neither one of them crumbled or smeared. For anyone looking for a more affordable alternative to the YSL mascara, this makes an excellent dupe.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

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Thank you for being a great inspiration to me. As a fairly new wife and less than a year into motherhood, your advice has helped anchor my household in many ways including how to be a good steward of a thoughtful, well put together closet.
All the best"

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Comment of the Week
Angela B. writes, "I have a Bachelor's degree in Communication and a Master's in Business and can tell you how important it is to have this discussion. The use of social media is more often times than not, a form of communication that people use to "frame" their lives in such a way they appear to be more ____________________ than what they really are. Fill in the blank - well off, well traveled, successful at parenting, educated, well liked, admired for their looks, etc. - when in fact, they are no better than anyone else. Bottom line - the beauty of our lives lies in the journey, the successes AND failures, the joys AND the sorrows, the triumphs AND the struggles - it is our ability to recognize that value and treasure each and every moment that results in true happiness and contentment. Each journey is unique and above all valuable...joy should come not in having others applaud yours, but in lifting others up and cheering them on through the difficult times."

Hi Angela, I really enjoyed your perspective on last week's social media video. I couldn't agree more!

Thank you for joining me today. I would love to know if you've tried L'Oreal's mascara. Have you heard of any other burgundy mascaras on the market? Let us know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.

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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. L'Oreal side looks more defined at the end of the day from my perspective of the video. I recently purchased L'Oreal's Voluminous Lash Paradise and it out performs other expensive brands I have. So as I finish off my expensive options, I may use one coat of that followed by a second coat of Loreal to give it an extra boost. Love both the formula and the price point!

  2. As a redhead with green eyes and very fair skin, I've always thought black mascara was too harsh on me, but for most of my life mascara was black. However, over the past 20 or so years a few options did become available. If I found a brown, I bought it. For a while Almay had a aubergine mascara, but I think they stopped making it. (Purple-like shades are great with green eyes.) My biggest score was when I found Just for Redheads cosmetics (justforredheads.com) started by a redhead. On their first date, her later-to-become husband asked her why, when she had such beautiful red hair, were her eyelashes black?!? Good question. So she started her own cosmetics and skin care line. She sells several ginger/redhead/auburn shades of mascara at various price points. But I don't think you have to be a redhead for them to work on you. They are beautiful colors and just less grim than black!

  3. Hello Jennifer,

    Thanks so much for the mascara recommendation. I don't spend as much on mascara as I do on other cosmetics because I noticed that most mascaras tend to be same. For example, I just bought L'Oreal voluminous mascara (black) from Costco. So, the L'Oreal mascara in burgundy will most likely be perfect for me!

    Warm best~


  4. Actually, to my eye, the L'Oreal mascara made your lashes look thicker from the beginning. I think maybe the primer made the difference there?

  5. Ladylike, from what I have read from books written by magazine beauty editors, mascaras are all basically the same, as there are only a handful of places that make the mascara itself. However. The brushes are patented. These are what make the difference in application. So, if you are using an expensive mascara that you love... clean and save the brush! If you find a cheaper mascara formulation but find that it "goes on funny"... it is probably the brush. Switch it out with the expensive one and see if it makes a difference.

    That being said, I prefer waterproof mascaras, as I wear contact lenses and use eye drops a lot. So I will have to wait for L'Oreal to come out with a waterproof version of this to try burgundy mascara. *Heavy sigh* C'mon, L'Oreal! Get with the program!

  6. Hi Jennifer! I too LOVE a plum colored mascara. I recently tried a more natural makeup line called Dr. Hauschka. The volumizing mascara in “plum” is absolutely amazing! They had a sale at my local Whole Foods market and I decided to give it a try. I know you would love this color and mascara. My two girls are always commenting on my pretty mascara 😊. Plus, it is a more natural line of makeup. Let me know what you think if you decide to try it! -Amy

  7. Hi ladies,

    Thank you for commenting! Gigi, I agree. When I went back and watched the video, the L'Oreal seemed more defined and that was definitely because of the primer. Amy, thank you for the recommendation. Maybe I can review a natural mascara for natural home with Jennifer one day soon! Thank you to all of you for chiming in. I hope you love burgundy mascara as much as I do!



  8. So happy you found a less-expensive alternative to your HG mascara. I'm hoping it doesn't clump on application and I've never tried a burgundy and wonder how it would look on blue eyes. I'm currently using and happy with Maybelline Full 'N Soft in black, because it's for sensitive eyes and ophthalmology-tested, although I would like a bit more lengthening definition with it. Maybe I'll try yours and purchase the primer, too. The Dr. Hauschka line I've seen at our local Mother's Market and I'll have to take a closer look at Whole Foods, so thank you, too, Amy.
