
Best Dinners Ever | Early September Meals | Meal Planning is a Homemaker Must

This was the best week of meals ever. It was just one of those magical weeks where each meal was delicious and hit the spot.

Join me as I make Houston's French Dip au jus, a delicious vegetable tart, Moroccan fish with fruit salsa, and Marry Me Chicken. I believe meal planning is a homemaking MUST. I can confidently say that meal planning makes my life easier, keeps us within our budget, and produces better meals for our family. This is the meal planning notebook I use.

I hope you enjoy today's video.

My version of Houston's French Dip Au Jus

Ben and I love dining at Houston's restaurant. Whenever we go I always get the French Dip Au Jus. We haven't been since the lockdown and I have been craving this dish.

Slow Cooker French Dip Au Jus
2-3 lb chuck roast
Medium onion
1 10z can beef consommé
1 cup beef broth
1 Tbs soy sauce
2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
French sandwich rolls (enough to feed your family)
smoked provolone cheese
salt and pepper

I take a chuck roast (usually they are around 2 to 3 lbs), season it with salt and pepper, and sear it in my cast iron skillet with oil... just a few minutes on each side. Then place it in the slow cooker with one sliced onion, one tablespoon of soy sauce and two tablespoons Worcestershire sauce. Pour in one can of beef consommé and one cup of beef broth. Cook in the slow cooker on low for 8 hours.

When the roast is cooked, heat the French sandwich rolls in the oven until they are toasted. I like to spread butter on the inside of the rolls. Place the shredded roast and onions on the rolls. Place smoked provolone cheese on top of the meat and return the sandwich to the oven for another minute until the cheese is melted. Serve with a nice bowl of the au jus (the sauce from the slow cooker). I like to use these au jus bowls. We also serve with French fries (see the recipe for that below).

Air-Fryer French Fries

2 - 3 medium to large potatoes
2 Tbs oil
1 Tbs paprika
1 Tbs garlic powder
salt and pepper

Use a French Fry chopper to chop your potatoes. Allow them to soak in water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water and pat the potatoes dry. Mix the oil, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper with your potatoes.

Please follow the instructions on your Air Fryer for cooking French Fries. Every one is different. For my Cosori model, here is what I did. I pre-heat the Air Fryer to 280 degrees F for 5 minutes. Then I place the fries in the basket and press the French Fry icon. The machine lets you know when to shake the fries half way through cooking. These fries are DELICIOUS. I like them with ketchup, but ranch dip would be good too.

Vegetarian Vegetable Tart
1 9- inch pie crust
3 to 4 cups of sautéed vegetables
1 Tbs minced garlic
(I use mushrooms and broccoli, but you can use any combination of vegetables you like)
One sliced tomato
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups whole milk
2 teaspoons dried sage
3/4 cup crumbled goat cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Sauté your vegetables and garlic in olive oil until cooked through. (I steamed my broccoli.) Place a prepared pie crust in the bottom of a deep dish pie pan and add the cooked vegetables. Whisk together the eggs, milk, dried sage, salt and pepper. Pour over the vegetables. Crumble the goat cheese on top. Brush the pie crust with egg wash. Place in the oven and cook for 40 to 50 minutes or until cooked through. I like to use a pie crust shield to protect the crust from burning and will keep this on the crust the second half of cooking (or the first half). Serve with a side salad.

Moroccan Tilapia with Fruit Salsa
This meal is inspired by Robin Miller's recipe in Quick Fix Meals. I have altered the recipe somewhat and will leave my version here as well.

Coconut oil for frying
4- 6 6oz tilapia fillets
1 Tbs ground cumin
1 Tbs ground coriander
Fruit for the salsa of your choice (I use mango, white peach and fig)
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 lemon squeezed
a small handful of chopped cilantro

Heat the coconut oil in your skillet (I use my cast iron skillet) over medium heat. Season both sides of the fish with salt and pepper and rub in the spices. Fry about 3 to 5 minutes per side or until cooked through. Chop your fruit and place in a bowl with the raisins. Squeeze the lemon juice over the salsa (I like my new lemon squeezer), and add the chopped cilantro. Serve the fish with the fruit salsa on top. I like this with brown rice, steamed broccoli, and chopped tomato.

Marry Me Chicken
This is a very popular dish that I have seen several times on YouTube and Pinterest. I am linking the recipe I used here from Modern Honey. I will also write it out here for your reference with the adaptations I made.

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
1 1/2 lb chicken breast tenders (or 3 to 4 large chicken breasts)
2 cloves Garlic (minced)
1 tsp Thyme
1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
3/4 cup Chicken Broth
1/2 cup Heavy Cream
1/2 cup Sundried Tomatoes (chopped)
1/4 - 1/2 cup Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
Italian Herbs

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a large oven-safe skillet (I use my cast iron skillet) heat oil over medium-high heat. Season chicken with salt and pepper and sear until golden, about 4-5 minutes per side. Transfer chicken to a plate.
Return skillet to medium heat. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Stir in thyme, red pepper flakes, chicken broth, and heavy cream. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring often. Stir in sundried tomatoes and parmesan cheese.
Return chicken to skillet and spoon sauce all over the chicken breasts. Bake until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Garnish with Italian herbs and grated parmesan cheese, if desired.

⚜️ Featured in the video:
Meal planning notebook/ grocery list
Air fryer
French fry chopper
Au Jus bowls set of 12
Slow cooker
lemon juicer
Robin Miller's Quick Fix Meals cookbook
Copper measuring cups
Cast iron skillet
Silicone pie crust cover
Blue & white Churchill plates
Kristin Stepp's YouTube channel

⚜️ Style
Red Nail polish Londontown (Changing of the Guards) JenniferS 25% off
Plum nail polish London Town (Guarded Jewel) JenniferS for 25% off
My bath robe Plush Necessities
French apron
Everlane dress
Earrings SKYE Opale 18K gold freshwater pearl earrings Jennifer20 for 20% off

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<<向巴黎夫人學品味:Madame Chic的20堂優雅生活課>> 在我的書櫃歷經幾番斷捨離後,這本書依舊優雅的佇立在我的書櫃當中。 <<向巴黎夫人學品味>> 不只是值得一看,更是值得收藏的一本好書。同時,它也是我接觸極簡主義的啟蒙之書。 作者在學生時期以交換學生的身分到法國讀書,她在法國寄宿家庭的所見所聞與在美國家鄉時大相逕庭。寄宿家庭的媽媽(作者稱其時尚夫人)的生活藝術大大的震驚及影響了作者的價值觀及未來。作者將時尚夫人精緻優雅的生活秘訣傳授給讀者,讓讀者能夠更有方向的調整生活中的細節,往心之所向的美好生活邁進。 ✏️Part 1 飲食與運動 •吃零食一點都不時尚 •不要放棄美食的樂趣 •運動不是例行公事,而是生活的一部分 我們幾乎都忘記如何「好好吃飯」。用餐時因為怕胖所以斤斤計較著澱粉和卡路里,焦慮感成為我們最親密的飯友,每一餐都形影不離的陪著你。正餐沒吃好,心理與生理都沒有的到應有的飽足,萬惡的零食就能趁虛而入。所以不管你吃飯時多麼戒慎恐懼,體重還是不減反增。 書中提到大部分的法國人都不吃零食,他們視三餐為享用美食的重要時刻(特別是晚餐)。從食材、擺盤、餐具到擺設都非常講究。在你身體與心靈都吃下營養美味的食物後,就一點也不想吃百害而無一利的零食了。因為不吃零食,你也不必再為正餐後那高熱量但優質的甜點感到焦慮了,盡情地享用它們吧! ✏️Part 2 時尚與美容 •十件精品衣櫥 •掌握最適合自己的風格 •無時無刻儀容得體 這個單元開啟了我走向極簡衣櫥的這條路,原本是衣櫃炸裂一族的我,這一章它完全刷新了我的三觀。我開始好好省視我在衣服購買上既盲目又浪費的惡習,並試著找出那些自己喜歡且合適的風格。坦白說這不是一個簡單的過程,但你絕對會因此獲得多不勝數的好處。 坦白說十件精品衣櫥未必能讓你省下治裝費(因為你可能會添購很高價的單品),但我能跟你保證你的錢再也不會被浪費掉,每一分錢都能紮紮實實的為你加分並帶給你自信與快樂。 自從開始極簡衣櫥後,我就再也不買無法試穿的衣服了。依照以往的經驗,許多網購(且不能退貨)的衣服,在我收到後十件有八件讓我感到不如預期。無論是衣料的色差、質感或是穿在身上合身度,都不是隔著手機電腦可以預測的。買衣服的管道有很多種,但我拒絕再用賭博的方式來買衣服,省下那些不小心買到垃圾的錢,你可以拿來買更高層次的舒適衣服。 ✏️Part 3 美好生活 •只用好東西 •拒絕新唯物主義 •尋找單純的快樂 這裡的「只用好東西」,並不是指一定要全身名牌,只用高級的餐傢俱等。作者的說法跟近藤麻理惠的「怦然心動」有點像,既然是日常生活要用的東西,就請選擇你最喜歡的。有時候價格便宜的東西很容易讓我們放鬆思考,進而買了很多根本不需要或是不那麼喜歡的東西堆在家裡。這時候你就要知道,我只用最好的東西,不需要可有可無的垃圾。 有件事蠻常發生在從前的我身上的,就是我願意花七八千去買一雙打了三折的精品高跟鞋(我一年大概穿兩次高跟鞋而已),卻在挑選洗髮乳時因為喜歡的那瓶要貴上五十元而猶豫不決,最後還是挑便宜的買回家。我們討厭自己被貼標籤,但又特愛買那些能給自己打上標籤的奢侈品,弔詭的出奇。我之後會再詳細發篇名牌價值的文,在這簡短提醒大家,少掉許多多餘的標籤,能讓你過上更有質感的生活。切計!需要的東西買最好的,不需要的東西就算免錢都不要。 本書雖然完全沒有提及極簡主義,但法國人的生活態度卻將極簡主義詮釋的相當完美。用理性的態度看待時尚,用精緻的藝術來經營生活;這就是極簡主義的中心思想,也是令人嚮往的法國女人。 #向巴黎夫人學品味 #法國女人 #madamechic #極簡主義 #極簡生活 #膠囊衣櫥 #capsulewardrobe #斷捨離 #斷捨離練習 #好書推薦 #好書分享

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Comment of the Week
Sandra writes, "Jennifer - I made every single recipe this week. Even the merengues! Having the potato skins tonight and pizza tomorrow! It was delicious and beyond easy. ☺️ Thank you! I still don’t understand how you spend so little on food. I have a family of three and my groceries are so much more than yours! Oh yeah - wait - I live in NY. 😕"

Sandra, I'm so glad the recipes were a hit! I hope you enjoy the recipes in this video as well!

I hope you enjoy the meals this week. If you make the dishes, please let me know. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on The Daily Connoisseur.

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FTC: This video is not sponsored. I also use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links which means I get a small commission from any purchases made at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.


  1. I made the French Dip with Au Jus last night for our dinner, and it was delicious! My mom also follows your blog, and she plans to make the Marry Me Chicken. We always let each other know if we've tried one of your recipes. Thank you for giving us positive, inspiring content to discuss!

  2. Hi Lindsey, Thank you for letting me know! I always love when people report back to say the recipe was a hit. Nothing better. Thank you and say hi to your mom from me! :) ~Jennifer

  3. I made the French Dip sandwiches with venison from our freezer. It was delicious!! Even my somewhat picky 5 year old loved it. Thank you for sharing!!
    PS- I wrapped leftover sandwiches in foil and reheated them in 350 degree oven a few days later. They were still fabulous!

  4. No kids here, but always looking for meal planning inspiration. I made the French Dip and the instant pot rice and beans. Both were a huge hit! The sandwiches were as delicious leftover if not better, as the first night. The rice and beans were also super easy and very flavorful. Both are keepers in my book. I so enjoy your books, blog and You Tube channel. Please keep the meal planning videos coming.
