
Spring Clean the Master Bedroom | Mega Motivation

This video is a collaboration with some of my amazing YouTube friends, started by Dawn from The Minimal Mom. We are all spring cleaning our homes, so check out the playlist to get even more spring-cleaning motivation. 

Welcome back to The Daily Connoisseur. Join me as I spring clean the master bedroom. I plan to tackle other rooms in my home this month so please subscribe if you don’t want to miss those videos. Funny enough I started in this room because I thought it would be the easiest. I know you’re not supposed to do that. “Eat the frog” they say. But this room is my refuge. It’s where I escape to when I need a break. So, I’m starting here in case spring cleaning the rest of the difficult spots in the home with the family requires me to hide in my room for sanity. 

Jeans by Mott & Bow  JLS10 for 10% off 

As I’ve shared before, this room is clutter-free except for my perpetual pile of books. Ben is even more of a minimalist than I am and he keeps all of his electronics, etc. in his office so really all of the mess in this room is mine. Even though this is the easiest room in the home to keep up, I was reminded that even the supposedly cleanest rooms tend to harbor hidden dust. In a bedroom, this can be detrimental. A bedroom must be dust-free as much as possible. 

Bedding by American Blossom Linens  Jennifer20 for 20% off 

 While I’m here, I need to refresh the bed. It’s change-the-sheets day as well. When spring cleaning the hidden places, the rest of the weekly chores still need to be done. People always ask about our bed linens. I’ve told you about these before. They’re from my friend, Janet’s company, American Blossom Linens (Jennifer20 for 20% off) 100% organic and made in America. They are thick, luxurious, and so high-quality. I love them. 

Spring Cleaning 

New life is emerging outside, 
I’m getting restless within. 
Longing for the crisp, purifying air, 
The wind chimes hide the din… 

Of my anxious thoughts. 
Satisfaction sought in this place, 
Hidden spaces gone unnoticed,  
Dust thick enough to trace. 

Trace it, I do, and wipe away, 
The unsightly and concealed grime, 
A spring cleaning for my room, 
And a spring cleaning for my mind. 
                - Jennifer L. Scott 

If you find yourself resisting housework, slow down and make it a present-moment practice. Quiet your mind, listen to the sounds of cleaning: the gentle scrubbing, the rustle of sheets, the smoothing of pillowcases, the tinkle of the fan, the soft coaxing of the wind chime... I’ve tackled the hidden places of this room. And the rest of the spring cleaning will address other grimy places that require attention. If you’d like to join me for those, coming up, please subscribe. I wish you a very pleasant spring-cleaning experience. 

⚜️ Featured in the video
Jeans by Mott & Bow JLS10 for 10% off
Nail polish by Londontown JenniferS for 25% off
Silk scrunchie by Lilysilk Daily12 for 12% off
Spring Cleaning is an original poem by Jennifer L. Scott. All rights reserved.


๐Ÿ“Please note: I am currently in the process of having my blog not only redesigned, but moved to Wordpress. Please be patient during the process as the blog might be temporarily disabled over the course of this month. You can always stay au courant with me over on YouTube to never miss a video. I'm excited to work on the blog and make it a better experience for you, dear reader! 

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๐Ÿ“Join us for The Chic Assignment for April. 

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Comment of the Week
Kimberly writes, "Jennifer, I am a 26 year old mom of 2 ages 6 months and almost 3 years old. I have been in a major slump. It’s been very difficult for me to have motivation to clean my house and the mom guilt has been so real. I started watching your videos on repeat recently and you are the type of mom I aspire to be. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to."

Hi Kimberly, I hope you take this to heart: don't be hard on yourself. Raising young children is exhausting and extremely difficult. I have been though very difficult seasons as well where I haven't felt like myself. I'm so happy that the videos give you inspiration. That is my goal. Please keep in touch!

I hope you all enjoy today's spring cleaning video and that it gives you things to ponder as you approach the chores in your own home. I'll see on on Thursday for a new video. See you then!

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