
Chocolatt... from Belgium

This year for Valentine's Day I am giving my sweetheart (otherwise known as B) one pound of luxury chocolate from my favorite local chocolatier in Santa Monica, Chocolatt...from Belgium.

I love this tiny shop. Their delicious little chocolates are all imported from Belgium...

So much thought goes into the art and display. Their chocolates are unique and distinct looking. I imagine this is the sort of shop that Hercule Poirot would frequent...

I love supporting tiny, independent shops like this...

And I think B will be very pleased with his gift...

I would love to know... what are you getting your sweetheart for Valentine's day?

P.S.- On Valentine's Day I will be making a big announcement so check back soon! xoxo

Chocolatt... from Belgium is located at 12008 Wilshire Blvd in West Los Angeles. For more information, visit www.chocolatt.com


  1. Thanks for giving me such a good idea on what to do for Valentine's Day! I love to shop in stores like that too... all the chocolate looks so pretty and delicious. A new chocolate shop opened up here not too long ago called Loco for Cocoa...isn't that a cute name?! I think I'll be stopping in tomorrow afternoon for a little something for my husband! (you saved me..I had no idea what I was going to do for him!)

  2. I hope one day I have a sweetheart to give Chocolatts from Belgium!

  3. Lisa- I think you can't go wrong with chocolates. A lot of people think they are cliche and overdone but I love them- especially if they are hand made! Loco for Cocoa is a really cute name. I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Michael- you are a star and one day you will have a sweetheart to spoil with chocolates from Belgium. In the meantime, you should spoil yourself! xo

  4. I live a 5 minute drive away from Belgium, so when it comes to chocolate, I'm very spoiled, having eaten nothing but fine Belgium chocolates all my life! It's nice to know that I could get my Belgium chocolate-fix even in California!

  5. I must say - having enjoyed Belgian chocolates for many years, in Belgium - of the sort you find at family-owned boutique chocolatiers - there is nothing quite so wonderful as those remarkable bits of artful sweetness.

    There are many fine Belgian chocolates available in the US, but for those who haven't traveled and eaten in Belgium itself - it's a culinary treat on a par with France (and then some), generally at less expense.

  6. With the regime and all I had to whip through your post because I didn't want to drool on the keyboard.

    Happy Valentine's day ma chere.

    Can't wait for your announcement tomorrow. I hope it's what I hope it is. I'll tell you if it is tomorrow.


  7. Hopeless romantic that I am, I've bought my Valentine a purple umberella - she'll love it.

  8. Paris Pastry- I didn't know you lived so close to Belgium- How wonderful (and lucky) you are to have such fine chocolate at your fingertips...

    BigLittleWolf- I have always wanted to travel to Belgium. Ever since I fell in love with Hercule Poirot :)

    Tish- I wonder if you'll be right! Can't wait to hear xo

    Zzzzak- What a unique present- I love the idea- it is very much so thinking out of the chocolate box :)

  9. mmmmm...that place must smell amazing inside. everything looks delicious! i wish my boyfriend liked chocolate, but he's definitely lacking a sweet tooth. he's getting a new watch for valentine's day. :)

  10. Oooh yummy chocolat!
    Congrats on new bundle!!!
