On today's Natural Home with Jennifer, I'm cleaning our master bathroom... with a twist! I'm using only water and my e-cloths for everything from the counters, to the mirrors, to the bathtub, to the floor.
The e-cloths I use in today's video are the general purpose cloth (for the counters), the glass cloth (for the mirror), the mop head and mop (for the floor), and the new fresh mesh e-cloth scrubber for the bathtub.
Our bathtub was particularly in need of a scrub as I have been using bath oils and masks. I found the scrubber to work amazingly well. I've had the bad experience of having a bath in a tub that was cleaned with a chemical scrubber and felt as though I was soaking in those chemicals. So I really loved cleaning the tub with just water.
e-cloth have generously given us a code: Use code APRILSCOTT for 15% off from April 12-17th for e-cloth
Featured in the video:
Our photo album. I get mine made by Chatbooks and The Daily Connoisseur coffee mug. Also my Jo Malone fragrances.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
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FTC: This post is not sponsored. The links to ecloth are affiliate. All opinions are my own.
Thanks for sharing! I use e-cloths and have for several years and another brand (norwex) also. However, I usually still spray some of my more "natural" cleaners too....I'm going to be brave and try it with only water! :) For my toilets, I do really love the method spearmint scented toilet bowl cleaner.
Hi Jennifer. Thanks for another great video. You make cleaning seem almost meditative!
I was wondering if you have a water softener on your home? I have very hard water and
minerals build up on the faucets and glass surfaces. I’m not sure if just water will work but
am interested in giving the e-cloths a try. I would also love to see how you clean your
toilets- what products you use and your method.
Thanks. Elizabeth G.
Weather report southern coastal Australia- Autumn (or fall) is beautiful with cool nights and clear sunny days. Looking forward to the Easter long weekend with some gardening, sailing , good food with good friends and family.Also may just have a little bit of chocolate😋
Hi, Jennifer! I've been using a similar method for several years, too. I enjoy cleaning the house without having to run out of the room because of the overpowering smells of chemicals. We have really hard water in our town, and we don't use a water softener, so I will sometimes (once a month) use a chemical toilet bowl cleaner to get the hard minerals off the surface. Many of my weekly cleaning and maintenance routines use natural products, though.
Elizabeth G. talked about hard water also. I use regular shampoo in the shower since the build-up is soap. If you know FlyLady.net, then you know her spiel about "soap is soap". It's true and it works! Natural cleaning is the way to go!
Jennifer, I am so impressed with your bathroom-cleaning video using e-cloths and H2O only that I'm going to give it a try myself. I've already discovered that on my wood floors and bathroom marble tiles, water alone works better than any cleaner I've tried...clean and no streaks.
As I've told you before, I've been watching your blog since the very beginning because I just liked your take on personal presentation, demeanor, and manners. I'm still watching because you've never deviated from your original values, expanding them as you've become the mother of four beautiful children over these many years; having now included quick and freezer-friendly recipes, home schooling, even beginning gardening now in your new home. Including your husband, Ben, and children in some of your videos also enriches your family-friendly and family-informative blog while not at all neglecting topics of personal appeal to mothers and "women in general," like your 10-item wardrobe, adding "Romance" to your home, handling stress, especially as it applies to being a parent without losing your poise and authority. I am going to forward that last blog video to the one of our daughters, now age 42, who has born her first child of now 18 months. She's a wonderful mother, but who is now becoming stressed by our grandson's incessive calls to her of "Mumma, Mumma, Mumma" whenever he becomes tired, bored, or out of sorts. As mothers, we all love to know that we are first and foremost in our babies' lives after having given birth to them, having nurtured them within our own bodies, then having provided their sustenance from our own breasts, but after all that, there does come a time where mothers need at least a brief yet regular "respite," from their beloved child's physical and emotional needs just to regroup and rest. That's where "Fathers" can begin to become "Fathers" in every sense of that title.
Hi ladies, thank you for commenting! I am not sure what type of water we have in our home. We do not have a water softener. I need to look Into this!
Patricia, thank you for your kind comment. Your daughter might enjoy Mother Culture, the book by Karen Andreola. It has helped me tremendously.
I appreciate all of you. Thank you!
Jennifer xx
Your bathroom looks radiant and spotless!! Add me to the other 11,000 Daily Connoisseur fans who like to see your cleaning videos! I'm so impressed with e-cloth and I now have four of their products, the two cloths you show here for glass and general purpose cleaning and the Deep Clean Mop and the Flexi-edge Floor & Wall Duster. Because we have three cats, we often get little dust bunnies and fur that sheds and drifts on the wood floors or under tables and furniture. So, I emailed e-cloth with a few cleaning questions and received such a helpful response from a gentleman who gave me some great suggestions.
When you're finished with the two e-cloths, do you rinse them and then let them hang to dry? I ask, because when I want to clean the kitchen countertop, the e-cloth is really damp. Regarding your floors, do you sweep or vacuum them before mopping? I'd also love to see how you clean your stainless steel appliances (the e-cloth representative suggested using one of their e-cloths with Universal Stone, a product that can be purchased on Amazon, apparently. I haven't purchased it yet.) Keep your cleaning videos coming. You make cleaning look like fun and so inspiring!
I enjoyed the video too...now imI going to clean my bathroom 😊 You're right, seeing it sparkling is the best part!
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