Welcome to meditations on homemaking: a week in the life. In today's video, we do all sorts of baking: a blueberry breakfast cake that my son helped me with. I used canned blueberries for this as we are not able to get fresh fruit as often because of the quarantine and it turned out beautifully.
Before we discuss the video further, I would like to thank everyone who is taking my new eCourse, Carry Yourself with Poise.
Susan writes, "Thank you Jennifer, I am so glad to have discovered you. You are an encouragement to so many of us who want to set a good example of what it means to be a woman of "noble character" in a world that seems to have lost its way. You are appreciated!"
Thank you, Susan! I'm so happy you enjoyed the course!
Back to today's video...
My daughter and I also experimented with sourdough. We made a starter and four days later made the bread. It turned out well! My only critique is that it could have tasted more "sour", but the kids said it was the most delicious bread they ever had! Here is the recipe for the starter and the recipe for the San Francisco sourdough bread.
We are also planting potatoes in bags as an experiment this year. I got a 3-pack of potato growing bags and we are growing Princess Larette and Blue potatoes. I am still waiting for my sweet potatoes to come in. I ordered the potato shoots from Burpee. So far I am still waiting for the shoots to appear. Once they do, I will add more layers of soil until it comes to the top. I will keep you updated on how the potatoes do!
Homemaking can be beautiful, rewarding, and deeply satisfying. I hope you enjoy today's video.
I have included links to other items featured in the video here for your convenience.
Kitchen equipment
kitchen Aid
Citrus press
copper measuring cups
French cloth napkins
Paula's Choice SPF 50
Vitamin C boost
Londontown Nail Polish (shade is Cheerio) JenniferS for 25% off
Londontown hand serum JenniferS for 25% off
A'DEL Natural Cosmetics is the makeup used
Silk scrunchie is from Lilysilk
Jumpsuit (from Morning Lavender)
Blue & white dress (linking a similar one here)
Mott & Bow dark denim jean JLS10 for 10% off
Slippers are from Plush Necessities
📍Take my new eCourse, Carry Yourself with Poise. There are so many amazing ladies on this course, bonding and building friendships as we rally around elegant living.
📍I am featured alongside my friend, Nikki, in The Dispatch this week on homemaking and looking presentable inspiration.
📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for April.
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📍Thank you for your wonderful support of my new book, CONNOISSEUR KIDS.
📍Check out my affordable eCourses: *NEW* Carry Yourself with Poise, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living, and How to be Efficient at Home. Please note, I am updating and revamping the ten-item wardrobe course so it is temporarily off sale. Those who have purchased the course will still be able to access the old one and when I revamp the course, they will access the new content for free.
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Comment of the Week
Lynn from SoCal writes, "Hello ladies,
One really doesn't see people dressed well very often, but I am reminded of a time quite recently while waiting at a red light when I saw something a bit unusual.
I was leaving a shopping center and there was a parking lot of a restaurant to my left. As I sat in my car waiting for the light to turn green, I looked over and what caught my eye was an older gentlemen, in a full suit (including fedora hat!) exiting a car. The man walked over to the passenger side of the car, opened the door. Exit an older lady, also dressed to the nines in a dress that hit just below the knees, sensible heels, nylons and the requisite leather handbag.
As he offered her his arm and they walked toward the restaurant, all I could think was, "I love them!"
And by the way, the restaurant? McDonald's. It was a Sunday and they had probably just come from church, but I still thought they were fabulous and the sight of them made my day.
Hello Lynn, I loved your observations of the older couple. I enjoy people watching for this very reason. Thanks for sharing this charming story.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. I'll see you soon!
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FTC: Today's video is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.
Beautiful Jennifer, simply beautiful, I was so touched I nearly cried.
I loved this video, Jennifer. I could almost smell the bread baking and now Yeast is on the grocery list!
I loved this video,Jennifer. And now yeast is on the grocery Thank you!
Oh Jennifer, what a beautiful voice you have. I replayed the last bit of video just to hear it again.Stay well.
This was so calming to my soul. Could you tell us the name or source of the musical selection in background please?
Jennifer, I loved your video. Lovely and inspirational from beginning to end: making blueberry breakfast cake; making one of my favorites, sour dough bread; planting potatoes, and sweetest of all, holding close your smallest, youngest child and singing to him. Beautiful. Your baby may not consciously remember that time with him, but he'll remember it innately in the person he becomes.
That was such a beautiful and peaceful video which was a welcome respite from all that is going on in the world right now. The music enhanced the mood of it as well. I made yeast bread for the first time recently. It was relaxing and turned out well. Bread fresh from the oven with butter is the best. I used my Kitchen Aid and would like to make more but haven’t been able to find yeast In the stores. Someday!
Thank you, Jennifer. Watching this was a lovely break from unpacking in my new place--and motivation to keep going so I can enjoy a beautiful, ordered, calm space tonight.
You mentioned dry hands. Even though I wear gloves for dish-washing and cleaning, my hands are always dry, with cracked and irritated skin. The frequent hand-washing is really doing a number on them these days and I've tried everything to keep them moisturized, from gentle creams to my own homemade balms.
The best: my boyfriend gave me some shea butter recently and it works amazingly well! It's actually helping my skin heal. Hope this helps others who have 'angry' hands. :)
Hi Jennifer! I was wondering what your older kids do while baby naps. I have one napper and one has grown out of it, but she's loud, lol. Also, I have a vintage clothing collection that I rarely wear. It's very special and I don't want to ruin any of the pieces because they are literally irreplaceable. Would you recommend I incorporate them into regular wear? I usually save them for church. Thanks!💜
Hi Jennifer, I am tempted to make the bread. It looked really good in your video. However, after reading reviews on allrecipe, I am a bit unsure. Did you use dry yeast together with sourdough starter together? Did you feed your starter every day? Thank you. Love from Singapore.
Ladies, thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate them! It is very late at night so I can't get to answering every question, but I wanted to tell you your presence here is valued.
Megan, I answer your question in tomorrow's comment of the week.
Also for the reader from Singapore, you should try the recipes. I am not sure if they are the best sourdough recipes out there. I only feed the starter when I use it to replenish it. Many bread starters do not require yeast in them but this one does.
Ann, the music is copyright free music from Epidemic Sounds.
Thank you all so much for watching!
Love, Jennifer
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