
Intermittent Fasting What I Eat in a Day | 2 Days 16:8 Method (No Diet)


I'm back with another intermittent fasting what I eat in a day video. I'm sharing two frenzied days in today's video. I need you to know that I don't curate these (clearly) and want to show you what it's like sometimes for a busy mom. 

This is a "relaxed summer edition" as I tend to go light on the cooking in the summer months. This always refreshes me for fall, when I prepare to make hearty meals again. I hope you enjoy today's video. 

*Disclaimer: this video and blogpost are for entertainment purposes only. Please consult your doctor before trying intermittent fasting. This is not intended to be nutritional or medical advice. 

I've been enjoying whole fat Greek yogurt mixed with flax seeds, and topped with pecans, and seasonal fruit. I'm drinking coffee in my Keep Calm and Remain Classy Mug.  Dishes are by Portmeirion. Rattan placemats and table linens on Amazon. 

I assembled these quick turkey and spinach wraps for lunch today. I like to use interesting spreads when I do these and this time I used a sour cream spinach dip along with Havarti cheese. This was delicious! 

The main thing to remember with intermittent fasting is that it's not about what you eat, but about when you eat. You can combine this lifestyle (with the approval of your doctor) with any way of eating you prefer. I don't do any special diet and (as you'll see in today's video) am enjoying very normal foods today. 

I always take time for tea when I can. This is my famous (in my house, anyway) chocolate chip banana bread. Plates are Spode and teacup is Victoria Magazine. 

For dinner, we enjoyed Indian food. Saag Paneer is one of my very favorites. 

During the summer months, I don't feel like cooking. Does anyone else experience this? I rely on easy-to-assemble meals or quick favorites so I'm not spending too much time in the kitchen. I want to relax just like everyone else. Today shows a sampling of what two busy days look like in the world of 16:8.

I had to go to the doctor unexpectedly today so I didn't have breakfast (only coffee at 7am). We had chicken burgers for lunch with a side of fruit. 

I made my (also famous in our house) jam tarts for tea today. And enjoyed these along with Plum Deluxe Earl Grey tea. JENNIFER10 for 10% off. 

I normally have light dinners, but today, Angel Hair Marinara with Rao's sauce did the trick. Dishes by Spode. Once I finish having dinner at 5pm, I don't eat until the next morning at around 9 am. That gives 16 hours of fasting. I enjoy feeling "done" after dinner.

⚜️What I'm Wearing
Necklace by Jackie Mack  TDC15OFF for 15% off 


📍Please note: the blog will be under construction and moving to Wordpress very soon. I'll make the announcement with more details as soon as I can. Those of you who get this blog delivered into your email might see a temporary pause in email notifications. Thank you for your patience. 

📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in pocket-size in Japan from Daiwa Shobo. 

📍Connoisseur Kids is now available in Poland and Vietnam.

📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for July.

📍*NEW* The Ten-Item Wardrobe eCourse is newly updated and back online with all new video, text, and new lessons. If you have previously purchased the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, you can access all of the new changes for free.

📍If you are looking for more content, consider becoming a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I publish one vodcast every Friday and do one livestream or zoom call once a month. It only costs $1.99 a month. There are also upper tiers available for people who are interested in supporting the channel on a higher level and receiving monthly mentions in the videos. 

On Instagram Madame Chic in Italy...
Comment of the Week
Anon writes, "I have been following your blog and reading your books for years. I love The Daily Connoisseur! I typically do not leave comments on blogs, but today’s post on homemaking is taking me out of my comfort zone and leaving a comment! I think you would really enjoy reading the book “The Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren (if you have not done so already). It is a Christian book on “sacred practices in everyday life”."

Dear Anon, thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely comment and also for the book recommendation. It sounds delightful! 

I hope you enjoyed today's video. Are you trying intermittent fasting? Let us know what your experience is. Your comment could be chosen as comment of the week. 

NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the POISE *NEW course*, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support. 


The Repetitive Nature of Homemaking

To continue my series on the art of homemaking, we are exploring the repetitive nature of our daily work.

Today's video is dedicated to my friend, Cliff Simon, who we tragically lost in March of this year. Cliff was one-of-a-kind: a talented actor, author, adventurer, and dear friend. He will be greatly missed. 

In loving memory of 
Cliff Simon
1962- 2021

The Repetitive Nature of Homemaking 
By Jennifer L. Scott 

The repetitive nature of homemaking… something we all have to deal with. What mindset do we need? How should we approach it? What joy can we derive from it? That’s what we are exploring in today’s video.

What prompted me to explore the repetitive nature of homemaking? Filming this video. I’m often doing the same things in my videos… washing dishes, laying tablecloths, straightening the sofas, wiping surfaces. 

Homemaking, particularly cleaning, is a repetitive business, isn’t it? In our modern world, our brains are wired for excitement. Our attention spans are short. We all long for very nice things… certainly interiors. So how does the mundane, repetitive and necessary care of our home… the thing that rarely changes… fit into this modern world? That could be why homemaking is often dreaded, or shall we say, misunderstood? 

 I’ve written about this in my Madame Chic books, but homemaking tasks can certainly be compared to Sisyphus. Sisyphus is a figure from Greek mythology. Zeus gave him the punishment of forever rolling the boulder up the hill in Hades. Well, I’m not going to lie and say that homemaking sometimes doesn’t feel like that. Because it does. We clean something once and sometimes within an hour, it needs attention again! Certainly every day, various tasks need to be done. Over and over again. So, for our brains, which are tuned for excitement. How do we avoid becoming bitter, like I’m sure old Sisyphus was? The key is in deriving comfort and joy from these repetitive tasks. If they are tasks you must do, then you must learn to enjoy them. 

Not all tasks are created equal, and some are more glamorous than others. Scrubbing the walls is not a favorite of mine. I usually get other people to do this, but this particular wall, with its crayon marks and dirt, was really bothering me. These high-traffic areas need cleaning on a regular basis if our homes are to look tidy. So if you’re doing a task that is by nature, rather unenjoyable, focus on the result, which will be a clean, sparkling place. That is enough to bring me joy. But truly, no matter what you’re doing, aim to look on the bright side and find the one aspect of the task, which can spark positive feelings in you. If I’m alone and no one is around, I like to focus on the sounds of cleaning. Those quiet, everyday sounds that we take for granted, but can bring us comfort, can also bring us companionship. If you are surrounded with a loud family, and oftentimes we are, aim to find the joy in that. And hey, give them a broom and they can help! 

 Let’s talk about self-presentation. Because that, for me, brings about joy as well. It’s important that I get dressed and look my best every day. Many homemakers fall into the trap of thinking that because they are doing these mundane, repetitive tasks, they don’t need to dress up for it. So many will sentence themselves to a life of “cleaning clothes”… you know, misshapen, old clothes that you don’t care about if they get ruined. Or perpetual workout clothes. The trouble with this, is that our repetitive homemaking tasks are never going away. They are repetitive. They are Sisyphean. And so each and every day we will find ourselves doing them. So, you ask yourself. Each and every day do I want to wear clothes for drudgery? Or do I want to get dressed and present my true style to the world? Even if it’s just me? Life is short, my friends. Dress to express yourself. Dress for dignity. Put an apron on if you have to. But you don’t want to go through your whole life realizing you were saving your best clothes for that special occasion that never came. When I dress for the day, I feel better. I feel joyous. I feel dignified, even if my task is the same old task I do every day of my life. 

And finally, my fellow connoisseurs, don’t forget to take time for yourself. Indulge in the restorative rituals every day that bring you pleasure. Because yes, we have repetitive cleaning tasks, but we can also have repetitive breaks that revive our spirit and recharge us for what’s to come next. Sisyphus never took a tea break… but we can. I hope you enjoyed today’s homemaking video. 


📍Please note: the blog will be under construction and moving to Wordpress very soon. I'll make the announcement with more details as soon as I can. Those of you who get this blog delivered into your email might see a temporary pause in email notifications. Thank you for your patience. 

📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in pocket-size in Japan from Daiwa Shobo. 

📍Connoisseur Kids is now available in Poland and Vietnam.

📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for July.

📍*NEW* The Ten-Item Wardrobe eCourse is newly updated and back online with all new video, text, and new lessons. If you have previously purchased the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, you can access all of the new changes for free.

📍If you are looking for more content, consider becoming a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I publish one vodcast every Friday and do one livestream or zoom call once a month. It only costs $1.99 a month. There are also upper tiers available for people who are interested in supporting the channel on a higher level and receiving monthly mentions in the videos. 

Comment of the Week
Stacie writes, "I love your tip about sitting down to eat your meals. I have a story I'd like to share. I worked in the OR for more than 30 years, and to say the nurse's lounge during lunch time is chaotic is an understatement. However, there was one nurse that ALWAYS set out her real plate, silverware and glass to have her meal. Sometimes it was a salad she prepared from home or sandwich or chicken strips from hospital kitchen. It was like a little calm in the midst of the storm. I never forgot that and now that I'm retired, I always set a real plate, silverware and glass to have my meals--even if I'm by myself.... Stacie"

Dear Stacie, I loved your story. It expressed how elegant people stand out so perfectly. In the chaos of the lunchroom, she stood out and left a great impression on you. I loved that. Thank you for sharing it. 

I hope you enjoyed today's homemaking video and that it gave you much to ponder. See you soon!



NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the POISE *NEW course*, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: This post is not sponsored.  I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support.  


The Chic Assignment Check-In July 2021 Fauré and Rumi

Welcome to The Chic Assignment Check-in for July, 2021. We are diving into the life of Gabriel Fauré and the poetry of Sufi mystic poet, Rumi. This has been a fun month.

Before we get into the assignments, I want you to know that The Chic Assignment will not occur in the month of August as I will be taking a small break. We will resume Chic Assignments in September. If you are in one of the upper tiers of The Chic Society, your mentions will be going into a different video in August. Also, Chic Society weekly vodcasts will resume in August. 


Chic Assignment No. 1 Enjoy Gabriel Fauré's Pavane Op. 50

Gabriel Fauré was a French composer (1845-1924) and was one of the foremost French composers of his generation. As a lover of classical music, I'm not entirely sure how Gabriel Fauré's work has escaped me until now, but Pavane Op. 50 is one of the most hauntingly beautiful works of classical music I've ever heard. This month I'm sharing an actual recording of Fauré playing this piece that dates back to 1913, Paris. I truly hope you enjoy it. We are learning ten interesting facts about Fauré's life from ClassicFM

Chic Assignment No. 2 Explore the poetry of Rumi 

Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet and Sufi mystic. He believed strongly in music, poetry, and dance as a way of communicating with God and his poems and famous quotes are steeped in deep wisdom.  I find his quotes to be particularly insightful. Here is a resource with some of his famous quotes. You can read his poetry online here.  The Essential Rumi is a book that contains his most important work. In today's video we are reading some of Rumi's most beautiful poems and phrases. 

Chic Assignment No. 3 Do a 15-minute Declutter

You would be amazed to learn how much you can accomplish in 15 minutes. I often set the timer when I'm facing a daunting task like cleaning the kitchen or folding a mound of laundry. We can apply the same 15-minute principle to our intimidating decluttering tasks. This month I shared a 15-minute decluttering challenge that I hope proved motivating for you. 

Chic Assignment No. 4 Prepare your wardrobe for the new season

Summer is upon us and it's time to go through your wardrobe to determine if any changes need to be made to account for the warmer weather. I shared my thoughts on elegant swimwear and ten-item wardrobe summer updates in this blogpost

⚜️ What I'm wearing
Lilysilk white blouse DAILY15 for 15% off
SKYE Lena pearl choker necklace Jennifer20 for 20% off

Thank you to The Chic Society for bringing us The Chic Assignment. The Chic Society is the private membership group on YouTube. Membership is only $1.99 a month. I release a "vodcast" (a video podcast) every Friday and we go live (either on YouTube or Zoom) once a month. There are also two upper tiers who receive recognition in The Chic Assignment check-in. 

The Chic Connoisseurs: 
A Better Life with KAT (Flylady Cleaning System), AAM Truthteller, 
Adrienne Cormier, American Blossom Linens, Alexa Moradi, Allison Jennison-Smith, Amy Kennedy,
A Return to SimplicityA Sparkling Vintage Life, Amy Thibodeaux, Andrea Saavedra, Andrea Andrei,
Angelika Greenhalgh, Angie Helmly, Anny Schreier, Audrey CoyneBewitchedCrafts.com, Ausra Mewa,
Beata, Bliss Peterson, Brenda Ramsey, Candace V, Cari Leigh, Caroline Logan, Catarina Alexandra, Catherine Huang, Chantal Brinkies, Chelsea Kochevar, Clare's Classroom, Cyndie Lake, Dawn, Deb Reardon, Denise Gende, Diana McNease, Elizabeth Doan, Ellie YG, Elizabeth Yang, Efstathia Kositzidou, Freda Masoud, healthywithluba.com
Heather Phillips, Helena O, Jackie W, Jane Lynch, Janet Williams, Jasmine Christian, Jeanetta Loubser, Jennifer Fiedel, Jennifer Lamont Leo, Jennifer Timm, jkp62, Judy Moore, Katherine Williams, Kathy Feliciano,  Katie Kolodzy, Kimberly Campbell, 
Lakeisha Bell Cadogan, Lenora Ellis, Liliedaisy, Lois Shank- Retiree, 
Loraine Tadman, Lori Skees, 
Maria Gerlicz-Pogorzelska, Mary Lewis, Marija B. Bingula, Space.For.Home, Marybeth Nelson, 
Megan Lawrence, Melanie Adkins, Melanie Riddle, Mama Mitzey, Maria Gerszewski, 
Melinda Loustalot, Melissa Ricci, Mercy Burton Russell, Michele Kieffer, Michele Pokorsky,
Michelle Henderer, Michelle the Italiagal, Monique Egelhoff, Monique Hernandez, Natalie Schultz, 
Not-So Desperate Housewives, Olivia Johnson, Pamela Gunger, Paula Ellis, Paula Johnson, P C, 
Petra Willnecker, 
Raye Cage, Rebecca Faltot, Rita Fernandes,  Rona,  Rosh S., Sandra Light, Sarah Vitsas, 
S.E. Spracher - Author of Chewy Marmot , Scott Rea, Shannon Biddy, Sharon Smith, 
Sheila Hopfensperger, Shelly Cabler aka "The Art of This & That"
Shelly Kirby, Sonya Sylvester, Stacy Smith, The Simple Swan, Sue Parker, 
Susan Keyes, Tina Grose, Tammy Griffin,  This and That with Denise Jordan
Tiki Pié, Tracy The Tea Lady, Veronica Staudt, Wendy Cassara, Wendy Somerville, Wilma Dean, Yen Lee, Zauger, Zuzaienka23

The Elegant Connoisseurs

Amanda Dykes, Author
Amiee Floor, Azalia Spa Goods
Brandi Still, Silhouette Artist
Jenny Williams, Carrot Top Paper Shop
Elaine Brisebois, Certified Nutritionist
Katherine Rae
Carli Thom - Living in Loveliness
Caroline Haydu
Guy Blaise
Isabelle Clabaut
Janice Leitner
Jen Carlson
Jet Rowley-Herron
Jina Kay Kenry
Jenny Candelaria
Juliet Keeler-LeBien
Linda Eklof
Marie Caudill
Maria Conder
Melissa M
Prudently at Home

I hope you enjoy this month's Chic Assignment. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. 

NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the POISE *NEW course*, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: This post is not sponsored.  I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support.  


Ten Ways To Be Effortlessly Polished | Elegant Behaviors

In continuation of my series on being elegant and polished, I am sharing ten more ways to be effortlessly polished. These tips focus more on being rather than "looking". I do hope you enjoy today's video


Equally important to how we look is how we behave. They both go hand-in-hand in exuding elegance. Today we are going to examine how we carry ourselves and how we treat the spaces around us as well as other people...

Carry yourself gracefully From your posture to the way you walk, carry yourself gracefully. Here’s a trick: set up a camera and film yourself doing an activity (like cleaning the living room). This will allow you to see yourself as others see you. You might notice you hunch your shoulders when you get stressed, or that you tend to stomp your feet instead of lightly walking gracefully. Aim to be intentional about how you carry yourself for a polished outcome. 

Eye contact Eye contact vs. shifty eyes… which ones seems more calming and grounded? We all know it’s eye contact. No matter who you are speaking to, give them your full attention with eye contact. Avoid looking over their shoulder or at other people, which gives the impression that you are not listening to them or interested in what they’re saying. 

A clean car I get an F- on this one… I do. But I will try to get better at it. If your self-presentation is neat and your home is neat, well… your car should be neat too. Avoid trash and excess bags and clothing and whatever else ends up cluttering up the car. Go for a tidy interior and exterior to extend elegance to the road. 

A clean handbag If we look polished, but our handbag doubles as a miniature trash bag, we are sending mixed messages. Elegance and poise should extend everywhere and our handbags are no exception. Regularly clean out your bag and discard of trash or reallocate important things that don’t belong there. 

Take Your Meals Sitting Down This one is big. It’s very hard to be elegant while walking and eating at the same time. After all, how can you focus on your food? There are a few exceptions, such as when you get an ice cream at the beach, for example, but in general, we should aim to sit down to a properly set table to enjoy our meals. Walking and eating at the same time is not chic. 

Taking your time (not rushing) There are times to rush and times to not rush. In general, we do not want to rush through our everyday life. Don’t allow others to rush you either. 

Having a calm demeanor is in stark contrast to a rushed/ harried demeanor and goes a long way toward projecting poise. Not overreacting When we get mad, whether in traffic, or in conversation with someone, the elegant thing to do is not overreact. Remain uber-calm. Put on your Mona Lisa smile, if you must. Watch your breathing, posture, and eye contact. Refrain from saying something you’ll likely regret later. Pause. Walk away. Do whatever you need to do and refrain from lowering your standards.  

Air of mystery How much do you share on social media? Is it too much? Do you share too much of your children? Of your problems? Of your triumphs? Do you overshare what happens to you throughout your day? Assess this because poised and elegant people are also mysterious, in a good way. Check out Lessons from Madame Chic for more on this topic. 

What experience do you give from start to finish? It’s true we are not responsible for making other people feel things, but we should be interested in what experience we give people from start to finish. Before we meet in person, we might communicate by email, for example. Are your emails appropriate and professional? When we meet them, we give a first impression. Are you dressed appropriately? When we close our conversation we leave them with a feeling of how it went. Did they feel that they were heard? Being conscious of what experience we give people from start to finish is key to garnering poise. 

Be well-spoken Elegant people avoid base swear words. They also avoid excessive filler words (like, um, you know). They also phrase their sentences beautifully: “I would like vs. I want”. I will be doing a follow-up video on this subject so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss it.


📍Please note: the blog will be under construction and moving to Wordpress very soon. I'll make the announcement with more details as soon as I can. Those of you who get this blog delivered into your email might see a temporary pause in email notifications. Thank you for your patience. 

📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in pocket-size in Japan from Daiwa Shobo. 

📍Connoisseur Kids is now available in Poland and Vietnam.

📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for July.

📍*NEW* The Ten-Item Wardrobe eCourse is newly updated and back online with all new video, text, and new lessons. If you have previously purchased the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, you can access all of the new changes for free.

📍If you are looking for more content, consider becoming a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I publish one vodcast every Friday and do one livestream or zoom call once a month. It only costs $1.99 a month. There are also upper tiers available for people who are interested in supporting the channel on a higher level and receiving monthly mentions in the videos. 

On Instagram Lessons from Madame Chic on Instagram...

Comment of the Week

Sandra Sallin writes, "You won't remember me but about 10 years ago I asked you if I should start a blog. Other's had said no, but you said "Yes." Well, 10 years later I still have the blog but I also have 25,400 followers on Instagram and all of this at 80 years old. Thank you for the encouragement. It was your Yes that made me start all of this.Thank you."

Sandra, I do remember you and I am absolutely thrilled that you went on to start your blog. I'm linking it here so all can check it out. Congratulations!

I hope you enjoyed today's video. Let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to expand upon. I enjoy this subject so much.

NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the POISE *NEW course*, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: Today's video is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support.  


Ten Years on YouTube | Reacting to my First Video + Q&A


It's official. I've been on YouTube for TEN YEARS. In today's video, I react to my very first video from ten years ago. I also answer all of your YouTube questions and let you know what it's like to be a YouTuber in 2021. 

I started my YouTube channel in 2011, with the intention of building an audience and marketing my books. At that time, I was in the process of self-publishing Lessons from Madame Chic (after experiencing countless literary agent rejections) and I knew that if I wanted my book to be successful, I'd have to come up with a marketing strategy. I enjoyed watching YouTube back then and figured I would start my channel and market my books on YouTube and my blog. 

It proved to be a winning strategy as Lessons from Madame Chic caught the eye of CNN and The New York Times. In the spring of 2021, I signed with an excellent literary agency, Trident Media Group, and we sold Lessons from Madame Chic to Simon & Schuster. The next ten years saw me publish four more books, and along with raising a family, have been the busiest years of my life. And by some miracle, I am still on YouTube! Today I answer all of your questions about YouTube life. I hope you enjoy today's video

⚜️ My books on Amazon
Mademoiselle Chic (available in Japan only)

⚜️ What I'm Wearing
More Breton stripe options: Breton slub tee by Mer-Sea & Co.
Mott & Bow jeans JLS10 for 10% off


📍Please note: the blog will be under construction and moving to Wordpress very soon. I'll make the announcement with more details as soon as I can. Those of you who get this blog delivered into your email might see a temporary pause in email notifications. Thank you for your patience. 

📍Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic is now available in pocket-size in Japan from Daiwa Shobo. 

📍Connoisseur Kids is now available in Poland and Vietnam.

📍Join us for The Chic Assignment for July.

📍*NEW* The Ten-Item Wardrobe eCourse is newly updated and back online with all new video, text, and new lessons. If you have previously purchased the ten-item wardrobe eCourse, you can access all of the new changes for free.

📍If you are looking for more content, consider becoming a member of The Daily Connoisseur through the MEMBERSHIPS feature. I publish one vodcast every Friday and do one livestream or zoom call once a month. It only costs $1.99 a month. There are also upper tiers available for people who are interested in supporting the channel on a higher level and receiving monthly mentions in the videos. 

Comment of the Week
Justyna F. writes, "I always look forward to your videos. It doesn't matter what they're about (tho 9 times out of 10 it's a helpful video) but your overall attitude is so calming! Your content is uplifting and I find myself more and more almost frantically seeking out calm havens in this turbulent world. Your channel is one I can count on time and time again to be a safe, classy, feminine haven for me to retreat to. I send you all my love and thanks! ❤️"

Thank you, Justyna. As I mention in today's video, I really do appreciate supportive and kind comments like yours. You keep me going. Thank you!

I hope you enjoyed looking back at my first video and life on YouTube. If you have any more YouTube questions, please leave them in the comments. I'll see you on Thursday!

NEW* Join The Chic Society on YouTube and become a member of The Daily Connoisseur.

Visit my newly designed Author Website

Shop my Amazon page for a comprehensive list of my favorite things and mentions on the blog.

Facebook facebook.com/JenniferLScottAuthor

Twitter @JL_Scott

Instagram @dailyconnoisseur

Take my affordable eCourses on the POISE *NEW course*, debt-free living, and efficiency at home

FTC: Today's video is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links. Thank you for your support.