
# fitness # fitness routine

My Rebounding Routine | Jennifer L. Scott

As requested, today I am sharing my rebounding routine with you. If you read my previous fitness update post, you know how much I love using the rebounder. Not only do I love it, but my entire family loves it... even the baby!

The girls will often hop on the rebounder several times a day, giving them great exercise. I like to jump on the rebounder for a minimum of 5 minutes every day, but usually I jump longer than that.

Today, I'm showing you some of the different routines I do on the rebounder. For the sake of time, I only show a few repetitions per move, but you can extend each of these moves to create a longer jumping routine. As a disclaimer, I am not a professional, nor am I a physical trainer. This is just one of the routines that I use. If you have health issues, always consult your doctor before beginning a new fitness routine.

We use the Needak Rebounder because of its excellent quality. I also love that Needak is a family company and all of their rebounders are made in the USA. The spring lubricant mentioned in the video is included in the rebounding kit, along with instructional DVDs and articles. If you need to purchase the spring lubricant separately, you can find it here.

To read about the abundant health benefits from the rebounder, check out my previous fitness routine article.

I hope you enjoy today's video.


Here's another great testimonial for my new eCourse, Chic Financial Principles for Debt-Free Living.

DJ writes, "Hi Jennifer, I finished your debt-free eCourse last night. It was great. I just want to encourage everyone who reads your blog to take this eCourse. There is something for everyone. You put a lot of thought and work into each class and it really shows. As a side note - wow, you live in a beautiful area! I had to watch, the benefits of a debt free life, twice because the first time I was so distracted by the lovely background!!! To all Jennifer's readers - take the class - it's really good!!!"

Thank you so much, DJ! I loved your testimonial and am happy you had such a positive experience taking the course.

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Madame Chic in Japan...

『フランス人は10着しか服を持たない 』 by ジェニファー L スコット _ ーーーーあらすじーーーーーーーーーーーー アメリカの南カリフォルニアに住む著者が、 フランスはパリへ留学したことをきっかけに それまでのライフスタイルを見直し、シック な暮らしの魅力に気づくという、体験談に基 づいた、素敵な暮らしのための本。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー _ 本屋さんでは度々目にしていたので、気にな ってはいたのですが、ライフスタイル本を読 む習慣があまりなかったのと、ミーハーかな (ミーハーです)と思ってしまったりで買わ ずにいた本。 _ 気になるのに読まないのは勿体無いなと思っ たのと、何故か美意識が高まり、〈シンプル で質のいい暮らし〉に憧れたので、購入する ことに。 _ この本で言うと日本はわりとアメリカの大量 消費社会・商業目的なところと重なり、物質 主義的なところがあると思う。 _ その中で欲張らずに、上質なものだけを大切 にするというフランス人のシックな習慣に気 づけた事が素晴らしいなって。 _ アンティークなもの、古いもの。 _ 何を大切にするべきか、考えさせられる。 _ 同時に著者の着眼点や感受性、他文化を受け 入れる能力の高さに驚かされた。 _ 私もパリに行ったことがあるのに、こんな風 に考える事はできなかった。おしゃれな人々 がいるのが当たり前で、自分と何が違うかな んて考えなかったから! _ 留学にも、海外旅行にも沢山行く機会があっ たのに、観光スポットや旅行誌に載ってたお しゃれスポットばかり忙しく回って、〈人〉 から学べるものの大切さに気づいてなかった な。 _ これからは、その国々の人々から感じられる 暮らし方や雰囲気、話す内容に、身だしなみ とか……。 _ もちろん、ランドマークも周りつつ、人から 溢れ出る文化や暮らしを感じられる旅がした いな。本にもあったように、沢山の旅行を!

A post shared by Lumi (@lun_13ook) on

Comment of the Week
Karen writes, "My favorite mask comes from my kitchen- raw honey, cinnamon and nutmeg."

Hi Karen, thank you for sharing your homemade mask recipe with us. I will have to give this a try!

I hope you enjoyed today's video. I would love to know what you like to do on your rebounder. Let me know and your comment could be chosen as comment of the week on the blog. See on Thursday as I share one week of breakfasts.

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FTC: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.


Gumbo Lily said...

You do similar things as I do on the rebounder. I found my favorite way to exercise too, thanks to YOU!

Live Chic and Well said...

Love this video, thank you! I actually bought a rebounder straight after your video the other week where you recommended one. So far I’ve been a bit clueless as to the different types of jumps to do so you’ve given me some good ideas, thanks again.

Sarah www.livechicandwell.com

Anonymous said...

Very excited, Jennifer, as I need something lower impact but really long for the high energy feel. Plus, Eeeeee, looks so fun! I hope your link is affiliated cuz I'm going to Needak next. God bless you, dear!

The Daily Connoisseur said...

Hi ladies, I'm so happy you enjoyed this video! I'll do more rebounder videos in the future. I find them so fun. Thanks again for watching. Love, Jennifer

DD said...

Rebounder? How funny! Everything old is new again! I did mini trampoline aerobic classes 35 years ago. Fun way to exercise.

Pj said...

I have looked forward to watching you demonstrate what you do on your rebounder, Jennifer, and I am not disappointed! Thank you for going outside of your comfort zone to show us! I was in the market for a "mini trampoline" so I really appreciate your recommendation of a Needak. I plan to order one this week. You are a blessing and delight.