Another promised video is being shared this week: my tutorial for the double-wrapped ponytail. This is a great bad-hair-day fix or for when you'd like to keep your hair out of your face but are tired of the standard ponytail. It's a very elegant look and so easy to accomplish. This look works best on medium to long hair.
You will need a hair brush, a handful of bobby pins, a hair tie and hair spray (optional).
Brush your hair until smooth. Gather the sections of hair on either side of your face and allow them to meet at the back of your head. Twist the left side over the right side. Push up to create volume at the crown. Pin in place. You can leave your hairstyle like this or you can tie the rest of your hair into a low ponytail. Take a small section of hair from underneath the ponytail and wrap it around the elastic to conceal it. Pin in place.
Check out my video this week for a visual tutorial. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or subscribe to my channel to never miss a video
Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
Practice a few hairstyles that you can refer to when you are in a rush or are having a bad hair day. This will keep your morning beauty routine quick and you will still look presentable always.
Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic: Lessons in Everyday Elegance comes out on October 27th! Pre-order available now.
I will be speaking and signing books at Pages Bookstore in Manhattan Beach, Thursday, October 29th 7pm.
Comment of the Week
On my recent Look Presentable Always post, Mademoiselle Nomad writes:
I have your book "At Home with Madame Chic" and absolutely love it and have been watching your videos regularly ever since. This particular video came at a very good time in my life. I've had a week where I've been feeling overwhelmed and extremely sad. Because I work from home & remotely, I did not think it was necessary for me to get out of my pajamas. It didn't make me feel necessarily better, so watching you speak of how sad you are right now and still making an effort to looking presentable. It really touched a nerve and it hit home. I realize dressing up nicely every day is more than just the surface ' looking pretty' and more about our attitude. I do believe by looking presentable always it affects our mood, can lift up our spirits and even give us hope to carry on our day. Thank you! And as my birthday present, I will be getting your new book about Poise :)
Thank you! I am so happy you are encouraged to dress well, even though you work from home.
Artistic Recommendation

Thank you to Daily Connoisseur reader, Ann G. Rusky, who painted this picture of Gatsby for me. I love it Ann. You are so talented and you captured him well.
Check out Ann's fabulous art blog here.
See you soon!
The video is set to Air from Suite No. 3 in D Major by Bach.
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Very pretty! I'm going to try it. :)
Love this hairstyle tutorial and even with my short bob I was able to twist the sides and do the half-up version for a pretty hair day on these humid So. Cal. afternoons we've been having. You look so pretty with the full version Thanks, Jennifer, for sharing what you do with us, from the external to the internal. The elegance you share is deeply appreciated.
That is a great, easy style for work. I think I will try it tomorrow. Just a quick question - what nail polish are you wearing in the video? Its very flattering and I would love to try it a it looks lovely. I am usually quite plain with my nails going for nudes most of the time. It would be nice to try a red nail.
This is such a pretty hairstyle and it looks easy enough even I should be able to pull it off. I also like the advice to practice ahead of time. I think this is one of the reasons I almost always just end up wearing my hair down--I will plan on trying a new hair style but never leave myself enough time. Practicing ahead of time would not only allow me to get better at accomplishing the hairstyle but also exactly how much time I would need to get it done. Thanks for always including such practical advice!
This lovely hair-do hopeless for me (sadly) as I have very short hair.
Just a comment and nothing about hair: just watched the DVD of the documentary Iris, about fashionista, 94 year old Iris Apfel. I think she needs Madame-Chic-ifying (my own made up word)! She's the very opposite of the exponent of the 10-item-capsule-wardrobe! But great fun to watch!
Margaret P
Hi Jennifer!
I was reading the Sunday New York Times Arts & Leisure section and discovered that Lincoln Center is going to be broadcasting dance performances from the best dance companies in America to local theaters! This Thursday is Romeo and Juliet performed by The San Francisco Ballet Company. I'll be going with our daughter and can't wait (it is amazing that we will get to see this right here in our small town!)! We also plan to attend the broadcast of The Nutcracker by the New York Ballet Company in December with our whole family. Here's the website in case you are interested:
I loved your hair tutorial this week!
What a lovely surprise to see my comment on your blog! Jennifer, you astound me. You are such a humble, kind and lovely person. Thank you :) By the way, today I wore a beautiful dress with a nice belt, nice shoes, looked so presentable, such a (positive) change in my life. Have a lovely week xxx
Very nice. I just tried it myself. My hair isn't as thick as yours but it still looks quite nice. I just shared this on my blog's Facebook page:
Thank you! I was just thinking the other day that I need something new to do with my hair that is up and out of the way. I get in a bun rut. As always, thank you for continuing to make us better at being better versions of ourselves in all ways.
Dear Jennifer,
I have been reading your blog over a year now but never commented before.
I just wanted to thank you, you really are an inspiration to me!
I am french, and many of your comments resonate with what my mother has taught me. She's a classy and elegant 77 year old, who is always very friendly and thoughtful with other people. I hope one day my daughter will say the same about me!
It doesn't matter how old you may be, you should always continue to look after yourself and have good manners.
As for me, there is one thing that I am hugely impressed with many American women: it is how beautiful your hair is. I have been struggling with my hair forever, it is very curly and dry and seems to have a life on its own. How do you get nice hair and look presentable always without spending too much time? I'd be happy to get your secrets and tips about hair cair routine!
What a cute hairstyle! I can't wait to give it a try! xoxo
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