Today I'm making the homemade lavender vinegar multipurpose cleaner I write about in At Home with Madame Chic . This has been a highly requested post, and I'm happy to share it with you in today's video!

Lavender Vinegar Multipurpose Cleaner
1 cup water
1 cup distilled white vinegar
40 drops Lavender oil
Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle, and store in a cool, dark place.
In this video, I use the glass spray bottle and Majestic Pure Lavender Essential Oil, both of which can be found on Amazon. You could also find very affordable plastic spray bottles at many dollar stores.
If you've never cleaned with vinegar before, it might take a while to get used to the scent. The lavender oil cuts through the pungent vinegar. I actually love the way this smells. To me, it's the scent of "clean". Lavender also has many disinfecting properties, and has long been used as an element in household cleaners.
I hope you enjoy my video today. Please let me know if you make your own cleaning solutions at home. What are your favorites?
A French Collection shares Lessons from Madame Chic as one of their favorite books.
Comment of the Week

Hi Lara, so many people compare their lives to what they see from others on Facebook. This is such an unfair comparison. I generally find that people only post the positive aspects of their lives and rarely share the darker times. It is the same as comparing yourself to what you see in a fictional show on television. My advice to your friend would be to focus on the blessings in her own life and not compare herself to others. Maybe a hiatus from Facebook is also in order!
Thank you for joining me today. I will see you on Thursday for an episode of Teatime with Jennifer, where we discuss the Oscars! Until then ...
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