My Self-Publishing Success Story | Jennifer L. Scott | MADAME CHIC
I am so happy to finally share my self-publishing success story with you. Many of you have heard parts of this story over the years, but today I'm revealing everything! This is a triumphant story about overcoming rejection. It's a story that illustrates the importance of hard work combined with faith.
How did I go from a rejected author to a New York Times bestselling author? Find out in today's video.

One of my first book signings at Anthropologie, Santa Monica.
I often get asked about how I became a writer. Do you have to get a degree in creative writing? Do you have to come from a family of writers? Do you have to get picked up by a big publisher? No one's path to becoming a published writer is the same, but you will definitely glean insight from how I chose to become one.

Signing copies of Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic at Barnes & Noble.
The main point I'd like you to take away from this video is that rejection from others does not have to be the end of the road for you. If you have a passion, find a way to do your passion, market it yourself and your audience or clients will find you. The cream always rises to the top and so will you. Hard work combined with passion and faith will get you places.
The following are some of the people and resources I mention in my video:
Writing class and information:
Al Watt's 90-Day Novel book, LA Writers' Lab and The 90-Day Novel Class
These are the bloggers who I mentioned in today's video. They have always been so supportive!
Easy and Elegant Life, M. Lane's Epic and Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

Visiting my literary agents in New York at Trident Media Group.
Japan News
Watch My Japan Diary from 2015 and My Japan Trip from 2016 and read the Wall Street Journal article on Lessons from Madame Chic being a #1 bestseller in Japan.

The following are the articles that my self-published book was featured in, leading to much of its success:
New York Times article, CNN , Daily Mail

I'm delivering my TEDx talk on the ten-item wardrobe in this picture, which has seen over 1.1 million views online!

Signing copies of At Home with Madame Chic at Pages Bookstore in Manhattan Beach.
My next book, Connoisseur Kids, will be released in the fall of 2019 from Chronicle books. I'm having so much fun working on this book!
If you are longing for more ten-item wardrobe inspiration, enroll in myeCourse on the ten-item wardrobe. With over an hour of never-before-seen video instruction, notes and quizzes, you will feel prepared to create your own ten-item wardrobe. For those of you who already do the ten-item wardrobe, this course will keep you on track and provide further inspiration. The course is self-paced and includes a lively comment section with other ten-item wardrobe enthusiasts. Enjoy!

On Instagram
I love to share your Instagram photos of Madame Chic from all around the world. PinkJulep, an American Expat in London, shares the Madame Chic books and some other favorites...
Comment of the Week
Micaela writes:
Hi Jennifer, I really love your videos and over the past year I have collected all of your books. I came across your channel 2 or 3 years ago in my early university years and quickly became a huge fan! I must say that you have been a very influential role model for me to look up to. I will be graduating and entering my "real" adult life in only a couple of months and I feel like you have inspired me and prepared me for this transition. I have shown my sisters and my girlfriends your work and their eyes too have been opened to the importance of poise and living with purpose. Thank you so much for sharing your passion with the world. Love from Canada, Micaela
Hi Micaela, thank you so much for writing to me and for your kind encouragement. I am very excited to see where life takes you. Please keep us updated on the blog. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!
Thank you for joining me for today's video. I hope it inspires you to go for your dreams. If you experience rejection, don't let it stop you. Be a maker. Be a doer.
Today, I would love to know what project you are working on. Are you a writer? An artist? A musician? A designer? What is your passion? Let us know in the comment section below.
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Take my eCourse on the Ten-Item Wardrobe
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