
The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #17- Deprive Yourself Not

6:42 PM 12 Comments
Of pastries that is. When I first arrived in Paris I would regard the shop windows of the Patisseries with simultaneous longing and fear. The desserts looks so delicious- so tempting. What if I ate them and gained weight? Finally, I just succumbed and figured "when in Paris"... (I could always hit the gym when I got...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #18 Cultivate an Air of Mystery

9:17 PM 24 Comments
Last week my husband babysat while I went and treated myself to my first manicure/ pedicure in a long time. Being somewhat sleep deprived and feeling highly unglamorous, I was very much so looking forward to the experience. I did have a wonderful time (mani, pedi and 10 minute shoulder massage… heaven!) but the experience...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #19- Only Use the Best Things You Have

5:52 PM 21 Comments
I learned the hard way when Madame Chic questioned why I would wear a holey pair of faded sweatpants to bed. In France, it is de rigueur to use the best things you have on a daily basis. And why not? As it has been said before, life is short, why save your pretty pajamas (for example) for another night?Living with...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #20 Snacking Is So Not Chic

4:29 PM 17 Comments
Mindless snacking that is. Trust me- there was no errant box of Cheez-its laying about by Madame Chic’s sofa (actually they didn’t have a sofa… but you get the idea)...There are many things that are simply not done in France and mindless snacking is one of them. Of course there is nothing wrong with the occasional afternoon...
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