
The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #13 Look Presentable Always

5:56 PM 17 Comments
Yes the last few beauty and style themed posts have all been leading up to this with the simple message: look presentable always.Do you remember the story of my sweatpants with the hole in the knee? Madame Chic’s shock and dismay at the sight of them? Many lessons came out of that embarrassing incident (at least something...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #14 Define Your True Style

3:36 PM 20 Comments
If you are anything like me your closet has at one time or another showcased a rather schizophrenic wardrobe. Bohemian, preppy, urban and god knows what other looks have all been in there in the ultimate attempt to find my true style. The question is- when does the searching stop? French women really seem to know their...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #15 Le No Makeup Look

10:45 AM 17 Comments
Le no makeup look is one of my favorite beauty tricks I learned while living in Paris. (If you couldn’t already tell… I write about it all the time!)As you know one of my favorite activities in Paris was to sit for hours at a café with a cappuccino and people-watch. And while French men were very fun to observe (for other...


The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris- #16- The 10 Item Wardrobe

3:31 PM 18 Comments
I’ll never forget the moment I saw my bedroom for the first time chez Famille Chic. Madame Chic led me to my room and I eagerly took it all in. There was a single bed with a charming velvet coverlet, stately floor to ceiling windows that looked out over a picturesque courtyard, a perfectly adequate desk for me to study...
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