Please note: the second half of this article, which discusses the season 3 finale of Downton Abbey, contains SPOILERS. Do not read that section if you do not want to know what happens in the Downton Abbey finale.
But first... the Oscars!
Last night the 85th Academy Awards took place in Los Angeles. For me, it was a night...
Last week I attended the world premiere for the new Disney film, OZ The Great & Powerful, at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood. Palak Patel (the husband of one of my very best friends) produced this film that was directed by Sam Raimi.
The whole event was fabulous from the red carpet that was made to look like...
I've had a terrible cold this past week and am slowly recovering... so there will be no video this week as I can barely speak!
But I do have a few exciting things I wanted to share with you:
♥ Lessons from Madame Chic (Le lezioni di Madame Chic) will be coming out in Italy in May of this year and this will be the cover....
Thank you to all who entered the Benedetta Giveaway last week.
I really enjoyed reading what you love about your skin. So often we focus on the negative— on what we'd like to change about ourselves. I think it's refreshing to focus on the positive.
The winner of the giveaway, chosen via, is:
I've received so many emails from readers... too many to individually respond to! (I am aware this is a high quality problem.) But I do want you to know that I appreciate each and every one.
Because many of you have similar questions, I've decided to start a new series on the YouTube channel called Reader Questions...
I love to do giveaways because it makes me happy to give back to you.
This week I have an exciting giveaway for you from one of my favorite organic, holistic, eco-friendly and (very important) high quality skincare companies, Benedetta.
A little bit about Benedetta:
Benedetta, founded in 1996, is a 100% botanical,...