
Packing Notes

1:58 AM 9 Comments
On my last day in London I am able to reflect on what a great holiday I have had. The weather is beautiful here now but even when it wasn’t I was able to appreciate this wonderful city. As Alexander McCall Smith suggests, one must have the ‘right attitude to rain’ in order to live and visit the United Kingdom.Packing...


Hello from London!

12:23 PM 6 Comments
After spending a very relaxing week in Portugal (Santa Barbara de Nexe to be exact), I now find myself in London enjoying the beautiful city- the not so beautiful weather- and the lovely people.The weather was very agreeable in Portugal so I shouldn't complain too much... My days were spent swimming in the pool or laying...


Off to Portugal I go...

12:06 PM 3 Comments
Today I am off to Portugal for my holiday by the sea! I mentioned earlier this week that I would endeavor to do my best with packing light. I must admit, that when initially packing for the trip all of my promises flew out the window and my suitcase was rather stuffed (OK it wasn't 'rather' stuffed... it was very stuffed-...


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