As you know, we are getting ready for baby chez moi. This has caused us (mainly me) to organize, declutter, rearrange, fluff and generally reevaluate our living situation. I’m having good fun doing this- and all of this housework has caused me to ponder thoughts on how to live well, domestically.That is, after all, what...
B and I don't really leave Santa Monica very often but this weekend the weather was so nice we took a trip to Beverly Hills. I realize that most of my readers are not based in Los Angeles, so I took some pictures of the city to share with you...
These are the high rises on Wilshire Boulevard...
The Beverly Hills...
Recently I received an email from Lana, a reader of The Daily Connoisseur. She wanted to know more about Madame Chic’s fashion sense and lifestyle. She had such great questions I decided to devote an entire post to the subject and have attempted to answer her questions below.For those of you who are new to the blog,...
I recently did a post On Why We Are All Sisyphus, where I continued the discussion from Alexander McCall Smith’s book, The Lost Art of Gratitude, about the sad, repetitive nature of certain cyclical tasks. Many of you responded and told me reasons why you are like Sisyphus. I loved your answers… there was talk of blow...
As I write this I have a volcanic clay mask (by Epicuren) richly slathered on my face. Applying a mask is a ritual I have been doing once (sometimes twice) a week ever since I lived in Paris. Before living in Paris- skin care was not something I paid much attention to. Admittedly I was still very young when I was in...
It’s been a while since I’ve done a beauty post. And it could be because I have not bought as many new products as I usually do in the last few months, but rather have been trying to use and appreciate what I already have (strangely difficult in the beginning, but easier as time goes on...) I have, however, managed to...