You know how it is at the end of a very long day when you feel like you just can't go on. You just want to watch your favorite show or read a book or just go to sleep. But the problem is that the mess from dinner hasn't quite been cleared up yet... and the living room could probably do with a once-over...
Usually at...
I hope you had a great weekend! This week's video discusses three different beauty topics that are on my mind:
Pür Minerals
Pür Minerals sent me their 4n1 Pressed Mineral Powder to review. It's great! It provides full coverage and is packaged in a pretty little compact made of recycled materials— perfect for when you...
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Last week was very special for us as we celebrated our youngest daughter's first birthday. I can't believe the year has flown by so quickly. We marked the occasion with delicious food, homemade cupcakes and a puppet show of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Here is a picture...
Sara Sabaté, Lisa Eldridge, What We Eat & Ten-Item Wardrobe Follow Up
The Daily Connoisseur
7:00 AM
In this week's video, Ten-Item Wardrobe Follow Up, I answer questions such as: Do I really wear those clothes everyday? and What do I do with clothes from prior seasons?
If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: