
# Madame Chic # new book

New Year Message and My Third Book

Happy new year Daily Connoisseurs! It is great to be back on the blog. I hope you all had a restful break.

2015 on The Daily Connoisseur is going to be a very exciting year. We will continue to explore the concepts in At Home With Madame Chic on the importance of living well at home. We will elaborate more deeply on traditional connoisseur topics like the Ten-Item Wardrobe, etc. and we will also uncover new concepts that will enrich our everyday lives in magnificent ways.

This week's video discusses the upcoming 2015 topics and shares the Christmas present I received from Mr. Connoisseur (you will have to watch the video to see what this one is!).

Please check out this week's video to hear more of what I have in store for you. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur

My Third Book!
I am so pleased to now share my wonderful news with you... The week before Christmas break I received my third book deal with Simon & Schuster! I have been working on this book concept for a few months now and am so thrilled to have received the go-ahead from Simon & Schuster.

I won't discuss my work until I'm finished with it, but I can tell you that it will bring us even deeper into the Madame Chic lifestyle and will contain concepts that all readers can incorporate into their lives. We are hoping that the book will be released in time for Christmas 2015 (this year!). Thank you to my agent, Erica Silverman, and my editor, Trish Todd, (the Chic dream team!) for making this happen.

At Home With Madame Chic is mentioned in Redbook magazine this month inspiring people to cultivate gratitude.

I am featured on At Home With Cheryll and Sam's radio show discussing Madame Chic and the art of living well.

BookGirlTV has featured both Madame Chic books in her annual gift guide. Thank you Tessa! (Her YouTube channel is wonderful, by the way, check it out and subscribe if you love books as much as I do).

Rose of Books recommends At Home With Madame Chic for your new year reading resolutions.

Mrs. Shockley of A Home For Elegance loves the affirmations in At Home With Madame Chic.

Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
What are your new year resolutions? Most people vow to eat healthier, lose weight and exercise more. These are great aspirations, but I also encourage you to strive to improve your life in a even more meaningful way. Commit this year to changing yourself for the better: to be present, stand firm with your values and to not be swayed by what is popular, but by what is important to you and your heart. Resolve to be an even better version of yourself this year. I will be there right along with you.


Casey N. writes:

Dear Mrs. Jennifer,

I wanted to thank you so much for all that you have done by writing your books and sharing your life with everyone through your blog. I am a thirteen-year-old girl living in Maryland, and your blog and books have changed my views on life. I have turned my closet into a 10 Item Wardrobe and read your first book cover to cover. I just asked for and received "At Home With Madame Chic" for a Christmas present, and it was definitely one of my very favorite gifts! You are such a great role model for women and girls everywhere. All of the ideas about living have inspired me do do things that I would never have done otherwise. I de-cluttered my room, I wear my nice things always, and always have a refined and positive attitude.

Thank you again and have a Happy New Year!

I wrote Casey back privately to thank her for her kind email but wanted to share it with you here on the testimonials to emphasize how life-changing The Daily Connoisseur concepts can be. To hear such an articulate and inspiring email from 13-year-old girl makes all the work I do worthwhile. Thank you Casey!

Requests for 2015
Please leave me a comment below with any requests you have for the new year. The most popular and heavily requested topics are the ones I will strive to address first so don't be shy and let me know what you would like to hear on The Daily Connoisseur this year.

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Katrina Veenstra said...

Congratulations- Such exciting news! Would love to hear more about how to spot quality (and not just pricey) clothes as well as any home keeping tips and tricks you may have! Looking forward to your posts this year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jennifer!!! This is thrilling news, and I am delighted for you (and for us readers who would like the Madame Chic series to continue forever!). Hooray!!!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Jennifer! It's always a joy to read good news from you.

I'd love to know more about Madame Bohemienne and how she lived her life. I was actually struck by similarities between her and Madame Chic, in acquired wisdom and the art of womanliness, if not similarities in personal style. I've been long interested in better understanding how some French women weave the traditional and the bohemian into their lives.

Congratulations on the new book! I look forward to reading it.

hostess of the humble bungalow said...

What a wonderful way to start the New Year...with a book deal.
Congratulations Jennifer!
I look forward to more of your posts...

Unknown said...

That's wonderful news about your new book, I'm already looking forward to reading it! I really enjoy all of your posts and have especially enjoyed your OOTD/ Wardrobe posts recently. They help me to look at my wardrobe with fresh eyes and see new combinations that I hadn't noticed before. I'm also looking forward to your new posts on quality in our daily lives, I know they'll be inspiring!

SewShort said...

Congratulations on both the book and the lessons! I have a question... Is the real Madame Chic aware of your books ( and her fame!), and if so, have you heard any reaction or feedback from her? Happy New Year! Paula

Ashley Diaz said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! So excited for your next book and so, so happy for you!!!

I love the beginning of each year, as one of my passions in life is improvement and becoming the best version of ourselves possible. I find it so inspiring to see nearly everyone fighting so hard to bring out the best in themselves this time each year. I wish it would continue the whole year through!

For this coming year, I would love to see videos on the following topics:
SCHEDULING- You talked often about scheduling in your "At Home..." book, but I would really love to know specifics. I feel you kept it vague on purpose so that perhaps more people could apply it to their lives, but as someone trying to juggle an almost 4 year old, a 9 month old, running a household, and a business, (not to mention I'm extreme type-A), I would appreciate some detail into how you "fit it all in."
RECIPES- I love all of your Christmas decorations and candy vidoes- My daughter and I made some peppermint candy and dried orange slices this year!- and would love some vidoes on how you bring meals together.

I also loved some of your other readers suggestions on bringing up Madame Bohemienne, as well as the topic of Madame Chic's thought on your quest to bring France's Chicness to the United States!

Thank you for your videos and books- please keep them coming!

juliagray19 said...

Yay!!!!!!!! Congratulations! Please, please do another cookbook video blog!

Ladylike said...

Congrats! So happy to hear about your third book! Something to look forward to! This year I would love to hear more about clearing clutter. It's my task for the first part of the year. I find there are so many interesting aspects, such as whether or not we learned to clear clutter when we were growing up, the internal dialogue that inhibits us from clearing clutter, etc. Thank you in advance!

Ladylike said...

Congrats! So happy to hear about your third book! Something to look forward to! This year I would love to hear more about clearing clutter. It's my task for the first part of the year. I find there are so many interesting aspects, such as whether or not we learned to clear clutter when we were growing up, the internal dialogue that inhibits us from clearing clutter, etc. Thank you in advance!

Berenice said...

Congratulations, Jennifer! You have been a great influence on my life. I have a 2 yr old girl and I think it would be nice to get tips on raising kids the madame chic way :)

loveswinter said...

Jennifer - I would love to learn more about your approach to planning your wardrobes and then shopping for them. Where do you get your inspiration? Do you shop online? I also second the request above regarding how you discern quality garments, as it seems in our current era price does not always equal quality!

Regarding clutter: I once heard a quote that clutter is a result of a delayed decision. This was life-changing for me! I am very interested to learn more about your approach to clutter as well.

Thank you for the wonderful books and Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer! I am so excited for you and your third book. Can I please request a beauty video detailing and demonstrating your evening and morning skin care routines? There have been some great make up tutorials this year, but I would love one just on evening/morning skincare. My New Year's Resolution was to take more time to take care of my body and my skin, so a video on your evening routine would be so lovely. Thank you.

Tess said...

So pleased to hear there'll be another book in the series!

In 2015, I'd love to hear more about being a chic, "together" mother, and a role model to our children in how we go about everyday life.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I was hoping that "the great news" that you had for us was another book in the works! I look forward to it!

I missed your videos over the holidays; even when you are talking about something that is not applicable to me, I still enjoy watching because your warmth just radiates out from the computer screen and makes me feel happier. I especially like the videos about clothing and makeup, as I have clutter licked and don't have kids. And I also would like to hear more about Madame Bohemienne; it's good to have an example of chic that isn't from an aristocratic background.

Emma Knight Peel said...

What a sweet and romantic gift from your husband! Dancing is so much fun! Congratulations on your third book deal. I can't wait to read it! I'm so excited about 2015 and have already taken steps toward my dream life by buying a piano so I can play again, reading the Bible, which I've never actually done, and planning to lease a horse because I'm dying to ride again but can't afford to own one. I'm going to travel and live life to the fullest this year!

Unknown said...

Hi, Jennifer,

Congratulations on a new book!

It would be nice to see your thoughts in a new book on why American lifestyle differs from the French one. For example, I think we walk less because of huge distances here, absence of public transportation, etc. We shop in bulk for the same reasons. Our culture requires us to wear different outfit each day of the week vs. French can wear same clothes for weeks, etc. French go to ballet and museums for fun while we go to a football game. In relation to that would be good to hear how to implement European lifestyle ideas into American way of life without going out of one's way (such as going to an outdoor market for fresh produce every day-great concept, but unrealistic for many American working women).

Happy New Year to you and your family!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year and congratulations on your book! I can't wait to read it. Do you have any advice for chic advice for wedding planning? :)

Charlene said...

Congratulations on your new book deal! Also congrats on the testimonial from Casey. I can't imagine what a difference it would make if all 13 year old girls read your book and really embraced this lifestyle. I think if I were you, I might frame that letter. I'm sure that does make it all worthwhile. Thank you for your writing. I look forward to reading your blog (and new book) in 2015!

ACl said...

Hi, congratulations on your new book number 3. If at all possible either as a blog/ video or in your book I would love to hear more about healthy eating Madam Chic style, I have already started making the super Green Smoothies you have written about and they are amazing - thank you
Thank you also got being such an inspiration I am sure as many of your readers will have already written you have certainly touched many people's lives for the better through your writing. Thank you.

Deb said...

Congratulations Jennifer. I can't wait for your third book. I've read your first book over and over and it's changed so many elements of my life for the better. I just wish my 13 year old would read it! Your second book is (hopefully) winging it's way to my bookshelves as I type.
Happy new year to you and I look forward to your posts and videos throughout 2015.

M.C. Sommers said...

I'm so excited for another book!

I have loved reading your books and always feel so inspired, but I think it would be fun if you did something like 30 days (or any set period of time) to being more chic. You could give us assignments like decluttering or cooking a nice meal. I guess I need a little help in applying some of the great tips you give us!

Soyokaze said...

Happy new year and congratulations, Jennifer!
I'm so happy that you are starting your year with the right foot. I was wondering if you could approach the topic of small talk, specially with people you may not see again (you know, people you meet at a bank, or in the bus, or at a dinner). I really dislike the idea of just talking about the weather or someone's job in those occassions. My mum is great at small talk, but sometimes I feel she says too much of the private life in the process, and it makes me unconfortable. So, any tips? :)
Thank you!

Dianna said...

I would love some advice on shopping for clothes. I hate clothes shopping, and I rarely manage to bring home things that I love and that will work for me. How do you make that decision at the store and what do you consider? How do you find nice, simple clothes in a world of furbelows and inferior quality?

I am looking forward very much to reading your third book. Congratulations.

Lori said...

I would love it if you would give a mid-season review of your wardrobe choices, particularly since you chose several pieces from Ann Taylor Loft instead of APC. Can you compare the quality, durability, comfort, care needs, etc. of both brands. Is the lower cost of the LOFT brand worth the tradeoff in quality?

Kathryn Bechen said...

Dear Jennifer,

Congrats on your third book and you'll be happy to know I am donating THREE bags of clothes from my tiny closet soon and have now chosen three face-flattering colors only to wear now and buy as I update my wardrobe in the future. I've always thought I HAD a streamlined wardrobe until I read your books and now I feel I'm really on my way to an even better wardrobe M.O. Blessings for 2015.

Kimberly said...

Congrats on the dance lessons and the new book!

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer! I had a few topics in mind that I would love to hear your thoughts on.

The first is handbag maintenance - they are so often a pit of cluttered doom. How do you keep yours tidy, what do you keep in your bag, and how do you choose which bags to purchase and carry?

My second idea stems from investing in quality items. I have been trying to invest in more quality items but am often put off by the price tag. I know what quality costs but have trouble swallowing it. How did you shift from cheap, easy purchases to meaningful investments?

I sent my hugest congratulations on social media but again I send my best wishes for your new book!

Evaline said...

Hi Jennifer-Congratulations on your third book!

I am wondering what you and your readers think about men's style in North America currently. I personally find most men's style to be extremely boring. Most have very short boring hair styles and wear dull clothes. Day after day. How do the sons of stylish women grow up to be men with zero style? Yes there are a few stylish men, but most look pretty dull. Thoughts?

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer! I have another topic for your consideration...

How does Mr. Connoisseur feel about the Madame Chic lifestyle? Does he love art, peonies, and pies? My Englishman is very much a country boy (all things plaid and antlers!) and I am wondering how you balance a chic lifestyle with a quirky man in your life! To discuss it less personally, how do you balance a ladylike existence in a room, house, office, or family full of manly men?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Congrats, and seriously looking forward to your next book! I read "At Home with Madame Chic" and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Inkfanatic said...

Jennifer, Happy New Year to you!!
I am VERY excited (for you & all of us!) to hear about your upcoming book! I ADORE the Madame Chic books!! I've read them both, and might just re-read them this year as I find them so inspiring! (I'm documenting the books I read this year, and I definitely want to have them on the list!
I'm looking forward to learning more about quality at home. I feel we all deserve and should strive for that!!
I know the simple changes I've made as inspired by you (10 item wardrobe and such), have made such a huge difference in my life already!
Congratulations on your new book deal!

Ekaterina said...

Congratulations on your new book! I can't wait to read it. As a 15-year-old girl, I thought that Casey put into words exactly what I felt for you and your books. I only talk about Madame Chic around my mom, but Casey's letter makes me feel more confidant (because I'm not the only teenager out there that likes Madame Chic) to talk about your books even though people may think I'm rather strange.