I hope that you are having a wonderful summer (winter for our southern hemisphere friends). I am now officially back from my break and am jumping right back in with a highly requested one week of outfits video. Next week I'll let you know all that happened on my break and preview what we have to look forward to this fall. This week's video shows you a slice of life from a very lazy summer's week! I hope you enjoy seeing how the ten-item wardrobe actively works in my life.

Friday- Talbots jean dress with the tailored sleeves
Saturday- Boden striped top with Talbots denim skirt
Sunday- Garnet Hill polkadot dress for day and Rebecca Taylor dress for evening
Monday- Garnet Hill black dress plus heavy gardening clothes (exercise clothes)
Tuesday- A.P.C. linen dress
Wednesday- Boden white tee and Talbots skirt
Thursday- Boden green dress with Talbots cardigan
Friday- Boden midnight blue and green print dress with the tailored sleeves
All of these pieces will be familiar to you. For links and more information on the clothes you see in this video, please refer to my original ten-item wardrobe post for spring/summer 2015.
The Talbot's wedges featured in the video are sadly no longer available on their website. I'm hoping they will bring them back next spring as they are comfortable and very stylish.
If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur
Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
Don't worry about looking perfect every day. It's OK if your hair isn't pinterest worthy or your clothes aren't meticulously pressed. The aim is to do your best, to not let yourself go and to inject some passion into your style!
Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic comes out on October 27th from Simon & Schuster. You can pre-order your copy today!
I am featured on Little Yellow Couch's Style Matters podcast. Check out my fun discussion on all things style with Zandra and Karen.
In Pursuit of the Finer Things is counting down the days until Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic debuts!
Comment of the Week
Gigi writes:
I don't think I've ever commented here before...but I had to pop in to tell you how much you have inspired me.
As a Texas girl, born and bred, and a transplant to North Carolina I have always lived in hot and humid climates. As such, I lived in shorts and tee shirts on the weekends during the extended summers that we have. But, the older I've gotten, the more frumpier I would feel. So this summer, thanks to you, I've begun wearing dresses/skirts on the weekends - instead of just for the work week. And it has totally changed the way I feel about myself on the weekends. Even the husband and son have noticed and are constantly complimenting me on my outfits.
Thank you! Keep it up. Eventually the word will spread to the masses and we will all start dressing better.
Thank you Gigi! I am so happy you are enjoying this process!
Question of the Week
Helen from New York writes:
I need advice on the ten item wardrobe for fall. I work in NYC in the corporate office for a well known luxury company and prefer to wear separates at the office. Mostly trousers and skirts and just an occasional dress. Should I aim for ten bottoms and ten tops or should I streamline even further? I like the uniform idea for me of trousers, shell and jacket however since my office is usually overheated in winter I need to wear tailored shirts or lightweight sweaters. Professional yet comfortable. Like most New Yorkers I wear a lot of black. Your thoughts?
Thank you for your question Helen. I would adhere to the ten-item wardrobe and choose fewer trousers. Ten trousers can be excessive and you might find that you can get away with having between three to five pairs plus as many blouses or tops that you need to get through the week. Remember you do not have to strictly adhere to the number ten, but it's a great idea to streamline and not go overboard either. You might find that as time goes on you can get by with much less (and actually prefer it!). Don't worry about wearing the same thing twice in one week as you can style it to look differently. Best of luck and have fun curating your wardrobe!
Artistic Recommendation
Rose writes:
You may or may not remember I enjoyed your music recommendations in At Home With Madame Chic.
I have found a composer/pianist who works much like Ludovico Einaudi, his name is Giovanni Allevi, I think you would like him.
Thank you Rose! I will check out his music.
See you next week as I share a look presentable always anecdote with you among other musings.
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Hi Jennifer - this is my first time commenting but I have just finished reading through your whole blog (all the way from the beginning!) as well as both of your books and can't wait for the next one! I loved this snapshot of a real week and am happy you are back from summer break with more great posts and videos! My journey to dress well and always look presentable started when I watched the film The Age of Adaline (not sure if you've seen it, but I think you would love it - the main character always looks so put together in a very chic and timeless way). When I stumbled across your book it really put into words a lot of the things I was feeling after watching the film. I love my 10 item wardrobe and opening my closet everyday to pick what to wear. It really is amazing what a difference it makes to put on something nice instead of yoga pants and a tank top or sweatshirt! I work at home part time and in an office part time and I only used to dress nicely for going to the office, but I always felt lazy and sloppy on the days I was at home. Now I put something nice on everyday, do my le no makeup look (bronzer, blush and mascara) and I feel so much better! Thanks for your inspiring words and videos and keep them coming! Also, I just started reading The Lost Art of Dress based on your recommendation and am loving it!
Jennifer, thank you for keeping us motivated with your videos: I am in a middle of a major closet cleanse and following your blog helps me stay on track.
Nora | neolulu.com
I enjoyed seeing your week's worth of outfits. You inspire me everyday.
There you are! I missed you, truly, and am so happy you have returned from summer vacation! I was thrilled to see what you wore for the week and that you added what you changed into when you went out to dinner with your girlfriend, because I made a note to ask, and, hello, you answered my question, with great intuition, so I didn't have to ask.
What an amazing week, Jennifer, and you looked relaxed and beautiful every day. So happy to see you again.
So great to have you back! I loved the take away of making an effort. I've been getting into meditation and grace and intentionality have been key themes in that lately, which fitted so well with your message. Be intentional in your day by respecting yourself enough to dress well. I travel a lot with work (a good 80% of the time), and thoroughly enjoy the night when there's a new video to look forward to. I can't wait for your 3rd book to come out, I've got it pre-ordered and am looking forward to your upcoming videos and blogs. You have been a true inspiration and when in doubt I do the WWJD (What would Jennifer Do) - It helps that your name is the same as my older sister too, who is much wiser and clever than me so always good to be guided by a Jennifer! Have a fantastic week and enjoy the new home! Bonne Nuit!
This was a great post Jennifer. Please do this again!
Make an effort is the key. No sweatpant, sweatshirt, baggy T, just nice clothes, especially when in public. I usually go to France every year and notice that most French women do "make an effort" whether it is a scarf, lipstick or coordinated outfit, they elevate a casual look and never are sloppy.
Oh dear, I feel so stupid now in my sweatpants and worn out t-shirt... But I just can't imagine how one can stay so chic while having a baby or a toddler (up to two). I mean I need to be on a floor all day long with him, I deal with his sticky fingers numerous times a day (usually he just rubs them in my outfit), not to mention going to a sand box when I need to sit down with him and get dirty literally! I just can't imagine dressing up for all of that 'cause I feel like my clothes would be ruined in no time. How did you do it when your girls were so little?
I loved this video! The less structured vibe was a fun change from your usual videos (which I also enjoy!). Plus it was fun to see your daughter jump in. Keeping it real! It would be great if you could do another video like this with your fall/winter wardrobe as well.
My 10-item wardrobe (beginner's) experience started last time I was pregnant two years ago. Inspired by your first book + some nesting = Bye-Bye old clothes. So many I had been holding on to because... um... I paid for them? I finally told myself, "Whether you keep them or not, the money has been spent and is gone--you aren't getting that back. So it doesn't matter what you spent. Donate it if you don't like it or wear it." My work wardrobe is basically 10 items, but the casual/weekend wardrobe is a slow work in progress.
I'm pregnant again with baby #2. Last time I was fortunate to have some great maternity clothes lent to me. This time I think I'm going to have to purchase--and can I say, maternity clothes are the worst. But since I'll only need them for about 6 months, it's the prefect time to put a true 10-item wardrobe into practice (if I can find any decent ones that won't break the bank)! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Hi Jennifer. You really have simple sophistication down to a science! Thank you for showing your fitness wear. Can you do a post on swimwear, please!!! Thank you!
WOW. I'm surprised at how many possibilities gives you
10 item wardrobe:)
Thank you for sharing this video. I am working on finding pieces that I love and this helps a lot to see how it can work. I have never commented but am huge fan and have read both books and can't wait for the third! Side note: What is the music at the end of your video? I love it so much. It reminded me of the sound track from one of my favorite movies (and classic books), North and South. The music is exquisite in that movie! Thanks for sharing good music, graceful tips even with kids, and a great way to live life!
Welcome back, Jennifer! I find it very inspiring to see what you wear during the course of a week, including the changes you make to do heavy gardening, exercising, etc. I, too, find it important to look presentable even when I'm alone. Partly it's because you never know when there might be some sort of emergency when you must suddenly leave the house, but also because it's demoralizing to pass by a mirror if one looks like a slob. Even if I wear no other makeup, I always do my brows and put on lipstick. I don't even have "grubby wear" anymore. If I am going to do something that will truly destroy my clothes (like painting the house), I will either wear something that I am about to throw out anyway, or buy something at the local Goodwill specifically to paint in, and throw it out when I am done.
I loved this little peek into your every day life. Thanks so much! I especially liked seeing how to fit things like gardening into your wardrobe (i.e. changing your clothes when you are finished). I do a lot of heavy work around the garden and yard and simply need to wear old dirty clothes at times. My husband once caught me piling firewood in my $200 jeans (: Not a great idea! It can be tempting to stay in the grubby clothes all day once you have them on, but surely is worth the effort to clean yourself up and look presentable when the heavy work is done. Looking forward to your fall 10 item wardrobe!!
Hi Jennifer, it's lovely to see you back. That was a fun video which I can relate to as our summer is very hot too. I am more of a jeans/shorts and t-shirt woman but I think if you choose good fit and colour those can work too.
I was thinking that the person who wrote the Artistic Recommendation had exactly the same thoughts as me, then I realised it was me. :)
I am curious what you do for shoes around the house? Do you go barefoot, wear your nice shoes, or have designated house shoes? It's hard for me to feel put together without shoes on, but also challenging to find cute shoes that are comfortable to wear all day long around the house.
I'm so glad to hear heavy gardening is chic! I've always loved gardening, but recently moved to a neighborhood where it seems everyone has a hired gardener and looks at me as if I'm crazy for digging my own holes. :-). I do put on makeup to look somewhat presentable (if I'll be in the front yard), but wear older yoga gear to avoid ruining my regular items.
Thank you so much for doing this! I am one of the readers who requested it. It was fun to see how you dress for your week. And it was delightful to hear about one of your weeks.
Thanks again for taking the time to prepare this post.
Welcome back! I've missed reading your blog. Your such an inspiration that I decided to finally start my own. Will be tagging DC for sure. Can't wait to see the fall wardrobe. I finally finished my own fall capsule. Thanks for the inspiration to wear dresses. This past summer I wore a dress everyday and loved it!!
Hi, Ania!
I am in the same stage of life with my little ones - on the floor and in the dirt in warm weather.
Don't forget that "children are the most important work!" (CS Lewis)
I wear a few dark pairs of comfortable jeans in succession. They do get worn out, but that's life. I use some pretty cotton tops that can take many washes and disguise a little dribble, too. I shop at the end of the season to save on these 'high-turnover' items.
Just enjoy them, dear Mommy!
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