

Double-Wrapped Ponytail Tutorial

9:44 AM 11 Comments
Before we begin this week's post I'd like to thank you for your enthusiastic response to my piano performance for you! I am so happy you enjoyed it! And even better, many of you said you felt like playing the piano again (which was my goal all along). To keep me on my toes, I aim to give you a few piano performances each...


Jennifer Plays Mozart's Alla Turca

8:45 AM 41 Comments
Determined to learn Alla Turca on my summer break. Slowly but surely I'm getting there. When I learn it do you want me to play it for you on YouTube? #Mozart #SeekOutTheArtsA photo posted by Jennifer L. Scott (@dailyconnoisseur) on Aug 4, 2015 at 1:08pm PDT This summer I asked if you'd like me to play Mozart's Alla Turca...


Avoid Being Dumbed Down: Cultivate a Skill

9:28 AM 20 Comments
Last spring I did a video called, Refuse to Be Dumbed Down. What a response that received and is still receiving! This week I am giving you active tips and a challenge on how you can avoid being dumbed down by our modern culture. Tip #1- Cultivate a long-lost skill You loved playing the piano as a child, but haven't...


Ten-Item Wardrobe Look-Back SS 2015

7:25 AM 17 Comments
I am doing more ten-item wardrobe videos focusing on the process because I want to provide them as a companion piece for all of you who are doing the ten-item wardrobe for yourself at home. Today I am recapping the wardrobe for spring/summer 2015. I discuss which pieces will stay and which pieces will go, my reasons...
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