This week I (and inadvertently Gatsby) am featured on La Bella Figura along with 8 other fashionable bloggers. We all share our fashion insights and are pictured in our "go to outfits". I am the third blogger featured... see if you can spot Gatsby!See the article he...
Yesterday I spent the afternoon cooking with Madame Sportif (my French neighbor). We spent four hours cooking, eating and chatting. I unearthed a wealth of information on how to live Comme les Français and cannot wait to share it with you! In the meantime, I have been poring through my journals and was recalled of a...
In The Lost Art of Gratitude, Alexander McCall Smith’s latest novel in the eternally enjoyable Isabel Dalhousie series, Isabel and Jamie discuss the theory that we are all Sisyphus, in our own way.You remember Sisyphus- the mythical king who was punished for all eternity by having to roll a boulder up a hill only to watch...
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my wonderful readers on The Daily Connoisseur. I consider myself to be very fortunate to not only have one, but two Valentines (Gatsby and B, you see) and this year is even more special because I have a big announcement… we are having a baby! B and I are elated (I actually can’t believe...
This year for Valentine's Day I am giving my sweetheart (otherwise known as B) one pound of luxury chocolate from my favorite local chocolatier in Santa Monica, Chocolatt...from Belgium.I love this tiny shop. Their delicious little chocolates are all imported from Belgium... So much thought goes into the art and display....
After I lived in Paris for a few months I started to learn the secrets of the city from the locals. Perhaps they waited to see if I was ‘worthy’ of being told the secrets or perhaps they had tried to tell me when I first got there but my French was so bad I didn’t understand what they were saying- either way I was grateful....
I spent the past weekend visiting my grandmother in the stroke rehabilitation center. My grandmother has had a tough month. She had a heart attack and two weeks later, a stroke. She is 87 years old- so these sorts of things tend to happen at her age- as my family so aptly reminds me, but it still doesn’t make it easier.I...
Last week, my post On Why We Don’t Use the Best Things We Have got an overwhelming response. So many of you could relate and we all asked ourselves the same question- Why do we do this? What are we saving our best for?So to explore this question further- I’ve been using only my best of everything this past week and have...
Right off the bat I was very eager to help Madame Chic in the kitchen. I love to cook and I love French food so I wanted to take full advantage of learning her secrets. How was it that she managed to produce a delicious three-course dinner every single night without even so much as glancing into a cookbook? It was...