
How to Have a Good Hair Day (My Favorite Products)

1:31 PM 14 Comments
Hair is very important to this daily connoisseur, and I’m guessing to most women (and men!) that read this blog. Isn’t it true that when you’re having a good hair day you just feel beautiful? I went to a new salon last week and had my hair cut and styled (Valentino from Salon Nesou is wonderful) and received 4 compliments...


How to Live Well- The Master Bedroom

5:53 PM 13 Comments
Last year I did a post on guest bedrooms that outlined everything needed for a perfect spare room. This one is dedicated to your own bedroom- which should have more character, personality and luxury than the guest bedroom.In fact, the master bedroom could be the most important room in your house. It is the room you spend...



Happy Mother's Day/ The Nursery

3:49 PM 18 Comments
I can't believe that this time next year I will be celebrating Mother's Day with my own daughter. I am so excited to be a mother... I am just bursting with joy and anticipation! So in honor of Mother's Day, this blog post is dedicated to all of the amazing mothers that are daily connoisseurs in their own right and especially...


How to Live Well- The Wardrobe

11:05 AM 6 Comments
While one’s wardrobe is not technically a room (unless you have a large walk in closet- and if you do- lucky you!) it deserves its own post because too many of us neglect this oh so important counterpart to our lives. Here are my tips for how to live well with your wardrobe:All wardrobes need constant editing- at the...
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