
A View of London

4:53 PM 12 Comments
It hasn’t felt much like summer here in England- it’s been cold with heavy rains and thunderstorms! Unfortunately I did not pack accordingly. I did pack a 10 item (ish) wardrobe but sadly most of the items I’ve packed are summer attire. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring two Tippi sweaters from J. Crew (one in...


On Skincare: How I Control Breakouts and The Brazilian Peel

10:00 AM 6 Comments
This week’s video (which I shot before I left for England) is a review of the Brazilian Peel Clear Acne Control System being launched at Sephora. (I will spare you the suspense and tell you flat out that I adore this highly effective product). To see the video, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog or visit my...



My Trip to England, A Trio of Discoveries, and The Neutral Dress

6:50 AM 14 Comments
Hello dear readers... I hope you are all having a wonderful summer- and that you are having a chance to rest, relax and rejuvenate. I will be spending the next month in jolly old England (which wasn't so jolly last week with all those riots but hopefully things are on the mend!) While I'm there I will continue...


Cultivate an Air of Mystery- Self Observation

4:34 PM 16 Comments
Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them. -Agatha Christie I’ve discovered a bad habit of mine- nervous laughter. It is not exactly a recent discovery. I’ve always had a penchant for laughing in awkward moments (remember conversations with my mysterious neighbor?)- it is a coping mechanism...



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