If you would like to call in and ask me a question simply call (805) 292-0346 during the half hour show. To listen to the radio show or submit your question for me online, visit http://blogtalkradio.com/hairartistassociation
I look forward to speaking with you live!
This week's video is called Receive Compliments Graciously. In it, I discuss one of my top tips for cultivating an air of mystery... If you are unable to see the video below, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel: www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur
And now for this week's post...
Two great beauty finds have come across my desk recently and I wanted to share them with you.
Manna Cosmetics Sheer Glo
When I did my last makeup post and video a lot of you with mature or dry skin stated the wish for makeup that is not too matte and provides a glow of sorts to the skin. I took note and when Manna Cosmetics offered to send me samples of their Sheer Glo Luminizer I thought I’d give it a try. Manna Cosmetics describes Sheer Glo as an incandescent liquid that lights up the skin with all over radiance. All you need is a tiny amount, either mixed with your foundation or worn alone on the skin, and you have an instant dewy glow. I like this because it isn’t too over the top and sparkly. Its luminescence is very subtle. It can be used on your face and your body and would be particularly nice on the neck and décolleté for spring. So for all ladies with mature or very dry skin, or who are simply in need of luminizing this is an excellent radiance booster!
Sheer Glo sells for $24
To learn more visit www.mannacosmetics.com
Lashfully Lash Appeal Kit
A few years back (before I had my baby) I got eyelash extensions. I loved the look of eyelash extensions (I got the really natural looking ones) but didn’t like all of the maintenance and expense that went along with them. To get them applied took nearly 3 hours the first time around (!) and regular salon visits, every two weeks were mandatory so as to not look unkempt.
If my schedule ever permits in the future, I might consider getting them again (I’m talking waaay down the line, I don’t see having the time to keep them up anytime soon). But until then, for special events, or for days when I want to feel extra glamorous, there are always false lashes.
Lashfully is a company based in San Francisco, California that has eyelash extension salons in San Francisco, Walnut Creek and West Hollywood. They launched a new at home kit called the Lash Appeal Kit for those of us who aren’t able to get extensions. The company sent me the Lash Appeal Kit to try out.
Now I have to tell you that I am terrible at applying false lashes. I’ve tried so many times (usually the strips found at the drug store) and end up looking... not so amazing. I just seem to be so clumsy with the delicate little things so I was interested to see how a complete novice like myself would fare with this kit.
The kit includes: a full set of individual eyelash clusters in 10 mm and a full set in 12 mm (for real drama). It also includes a flathead tweezer and temporary eyelash adhesive along with comprehensive instructions.
The first time I applied the lashes, I'm not going to lie, it was a bit of a disaster. They managed to look good in the end but I made a few mistakes along the way- namely using too much glue. You only need the tiniest amount of glue on the end of the eyelash cluster. It’s also important to allow the glue to set for 10 – 15 seconds before applying the eyelash to allow it to get tacky. For eyelash novices like me the key here is to practice. With every application, you get better at it (and thankfully each kit provides enough lashes for several applications). Once you get the hang of it, the lashes go on smoothly, right on top of your natural lashes.
Below is a picture of me wearing the lashes. What I like about them is they look natural. They just enhance the eyes but don't scream that they are fake...
Lashfully says if the lashes are properly applied, they can last up to 5 days! I only ever got mine to last one day because when I removed my eye makeup at the end of the day, the lashes would inevitably fall off. So perhaps if you go for the no makeup look and do not wear eye makeup (after all, you might not need it with your enhanced eyelashes) the lashes will last longer.
If you do want them to last more than one day, Lashfully suggest you apply the lashes on clean eyelids that do not have moisturizer on them. Also, they suggest you do not wet the eyelashes for the first 24 hours after application.
The second time I wore the lashes I took a long walk, I kid you not, in a wind storm (hence my messy hair in the above picture!) I was certain that when I got back home half of my lashes would be gone but they all remained intact.
If you only plan on wearing them for one day- or to an evening event, I would recommend applying your eye makeup first, then putting on the lashes. This way you will not disrupt the lashes when carefully applying your eyeshadow and eyeliner.
This is the highest quality set of false eyelashes I’ve ever tried and if you have a knack for applying false lashes (or the patience to learn), and like the look, I highly recommend this kit! The Lashfully Lash Appeal Kit sells for $48. To learn more visit www.lashfully.com
Thank you to Lashfully and Manna Cosmetics for allowing me to try your products and share my finds!
See you on the radio this Thursday! And get ready for a very special giveaway later this week...
Until then I would love to know... What are your thoughts on luminizers and lashes? And do you receive compliments graciously?
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Both are too high maintenance for me to really consider. At 47 base or powder look heavy and fake on me. Have found grapeseed oil to be a proven complexion brightener and spot concealor my go tos. My eyelash curler and Maybelline mascara are all I want/need. Have considered the lash-enhancer treatment Latisse, but am still thinking on this one. Both are good tips tho.
Will try to listen to your radio interview. But if not, perhaps for those of us who miss it in real time it would be taped and available to listen to in the future?
Exciting horizons are approaching you on your journey! Bravo, Jennifer! oxo
Thanks, J! Have you reviewed "tube" mascara before? When I've tried it I end up a little clumpy, but I did not have much practice. The claim is it will not smudge and is extra safe for sensitive eyes. To remove you pull the tubes off (looks like a spider!). Love the book and the blog--keep up the great work helping us stay "presentable always!".
LMK- I have considered Latisse too- but can't do it while pregnant/ nursing. Will do my research for future though! The lashes too high maintenance for me to do every day (although I do love the look) but are wonderful for nights our or special events, etc. Then again there are some ladies that wear them every day! I will definitely post a link to the radio show on TDC when it is available. Thank you!
Ms. Kathryn- I have never heard of tube mascara before- I will have to research it- it sounds fascinating! I have been on a life long quest to have fuller lashes (as you know from my Favorite Mascara video :) Thanks for the recommendation
Congratulations on your radio interview! And what a timely post regarding compliments. I have a young son, and many times compliments have been directed toward him. For e.g. he is an early crawler, so it always attracts moms of babies his age to compliment. I know this is not my own doing that he is crawling, but I always deflect them. Next time, I will say thank you, or even say, "Did you hear that, baby? This kind lady complimented you on your hard work -- so keep up the good job!"
Thanks for the tip on receiving compliments gracefully, I need to do some practising on that one! Eyelash extensions are extremely expensive here in Norway so I probably won't be spending my money on it. Might try falsies for a special occasion, though. The luminizer sounds like a lovely idea, but I wonder if it will work for my combination skin that tends to get a bit shiny towards the end of the day:) Congratulations and good luck with the radio show!
I have never tried fake eyelashes, too high maintenance for me! But it does give a great look.
Congrats on the radio interview!
Claire- I love it. And what a great lesson to teach our children. xo
Nanne- Yes eyelash extensions are expensive- even here where lash bars are popping up everywhere. I suppose it is priorities for people- When I had them I rarely wore eye makeup and didn't need mascara so while they were initially high maintenance they saved me time down the line. I'll probably get them again one day. I'll be sure to blog about it :) My skin gets shiny/ oily as the day went on but the luminizer didn't highlight that in anyway- and that was a concern of mine too. Have a great day! xo
LR- Thank you! Like I said w/ Nanne above they are high maintenance but save time down the line bc you don't have to wear eye makeup. (not that we have to wear it anyway but you do get what I mean :) I will use the false lashes for a night on the town when I want to look glam :) xo
I love your spin on accepting compliments -- so true. It has taken me several years to arrive at a place where I am comfortable accepting them. I now say "thank you," without deflecting, but I also try to find something lovely to say to the person who gave me the compliment. I often add, "You made my day brighter" -- and I can tell this means a lot to the compliment giver :-) Good luck with your interview!
I read your book this month and realized that I have been deflecting compliments most of my life. I think I learned to do that when I was a teenager, sort of as not bragging or acting snobbish. The past few weeks I have made an effort to stop that. I put a lot of effort into most areas of my life, I shouldn't dismiss that to make others feel better. Congrats on the radio interview!
Thank you for the information on the Luminizer. I certainly will look into that.
Lashes? I don't think I want to be bothered by extensions but.. I have started using Latisse and it works. I saw the diference it made on two friends lashes and deicded to go for it. I thought it was too expensive, but I've been using the same bottle for months and now my lashes look really nice.
Enjoyed your compliments video. Always so much to learn.
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