
# beauty # Benedetta

My New York Times Review and Benedetta "The" Eye Crème Giveaway

Before this week's special giveaway begins, I am so excited to announce that Lessons from Madame Chic received a glowing review in the New York Times! As you can imagine, I'm really thrilled (and in shock). You can see the article by clicking here.

Also, I want to thank you for joining me on Blog Talk Radio this morning. I had so much fun chatting with Charlotte Howard and all of you! Thanks again for tuning in. For those of you that missed the broadcast, I will have it posted on The Daily Connoisseur soon.

And now for this week's very exciting giveaway...

Do you remember my video from a while back on My Favorite Deodorant by Benedetta? Well the owner of Benedetta, the lovely Julia Faller, contacted me recently to thank me for my video and to discuss her wonderful products. She has graciously offered to giveaway one of their bestselling and most coveted products, "The" Eye Crème, to one lucky reader of The Daily Connoisseur!

This is such a generous giveaway. "The" Eye Crème sells for $75 on Benedetta.com. The giveaway is open to everyone (not just the United States). To enter the giveaway, please leave me a comment in the section below and tell me the following three things:

1. One thing that you find beautiful about yourself. (This exercise is a compliment to Monday's video Receive Compliments Graciously. It's a good self- esteem booster).

2. How you follow The Daily Connoisseur (Blogger, Google reader, Email subscriber, Twitter, YouTube subscriber, Kindle subscriber, etc.) Please note, you must be a follower of The Daily Connoisseur to enter.

3. Also, unless you have a unique online handle, please leave your first and last name (or last initial) to avoid any confusion when I announce the winner.

Below are all of the wonderful details about Benedetta's eye cream. I will announce the winner one week from today... Good luck!


"The" Eye Crème helps diminish dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles. This bioavailable, fully organic, plant based preparation has a 100% botanical delivery system the body recognizes; transforming dull lifeless skin around the eyes, as it assists your body's defense against aging.

Benedetta make their own extracts using certified organic green tea (tonifying) and amalaki (bioavailable vitamin c) made to cure for two months in certified biodymanic grape alcohol. Seabuckthorn and rosehips are added for their antioxidant efficacy, noted in the eye creme's rich orangy color.

The certified organic and biodynamic essential oils in this formula are specifically chosen for their ability to regenerate the skin while moving the blood and removing stagnation. All joined authentically together in more certified organic and biodynamic ingredients to deliver results that are corrective, prevantative and continued.

A little goes a long way as the botanicals in this formula absorb into the skin easily and effortlessly. This bioavailable preparation may also impart a cool feeling around the eyes, a sign of the active ingredients doing their job.

Best usage: after cleansing with Rosemary & Geranium Creme Cleanser, apply 1/2 pump of "The" Eye Crème to middle and index fingers and pat around boney ridge of eyes from inside corner above eyes to inside corner below eyes. Use daily as a preventative.

For more information on Benedetta visit www.benedetta.com

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hostess of the humble bungalow said...

NY Times! Exciting news Jennifer...

My best feature would be my eyes and I'd like to keep them that way so a cream would certainly help.

I follow you with Google Friend Connect and by email. In case I do not have my own computer I can still get your posts!

I am known as the Hostess of the Humble Bungalow or Leslie L.

Russian Chic said...

Congratulations Jennifer!

I am following you via Blogger as well as watching your YouTube videos.
My eyes are one of my favorite features.

Jennifer, which product do you use to care for skin around your eyes?
Thank you.

Olga L.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I feel I have beautiful, capable hands. Follow you on twitter. AnnBE

Maureen said...

Congratulations on the NY Times review!

I find my willingness to try new things and sense of adventure to be beautiful. Traveling and experiencing new things are immense joys in life, and I simply cannot get enough of them.

I subscribe to The Daily Connoisseur via Google Reader.


Maureen C.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email. I have great fingernails and greatly need some eye creme. Connie M

Phyllis Bourne said...

Awesome review! Congrats, Jennifer.

Also, wonderful talking to you today on the radio. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions.

LittleSister said...

Bonjour, Jennifer,

How lovely a giveaway! My best feature is my eyes, which often smile delightfully. I do work at keeping them line-free and red-free, but the Bennedetta eye cream would be a wonderful addition to the process. (By the way, after your blog post & video, I ordered The Best Deodorant for myself - LOVE it! Merci, Janet L.B.

Mari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lacey R said...

Way to go Jen!! The NYT....wow. I wish I was still getting my subscription!

My best feature is my height. I love being tall! :)

I follow your blog via Blogger as LR @ Magnificent or Egregious or Lacey R.

What a great giveaway!

marypdx said...

My best features are my ugly feet. I show them proudly and appreciate that, as I was growing up, I never worried about whether my hair, eyes, breasts, figure, etc., were good enough. In accepting my feet as my worst feature it made me appreciate my other features all the more; and, I was not saddled with the usual girlhood angst of "am I pretty enough?" That is beautiful.

I am an email follower and am Mary R from PDX.

Jill said...

Hi Jennifer,

You must be freaking out excited re the NYT review. I mean, hello! Congratulations!

I think my eyes are quite nice, actually!

I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect

I know you mentioned the book wouldn't be available for a couple of days, is that still true? I will go check on Amazon.

XO, Jill Burgess in Brooklyn!

Jennifer Baldwin said...

Congratulations on your NYT review!

My eyes are my best physical feature, but I'd much rather be complimented on non-physical features.

I follow your blog by email.

Jennifer B.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats on your NY Times review, that's fantastic!!! It's really good! Yay! :)

-Dee J.

Slavy said...

I came here after reading the article. :)

The thing I find most beautiful about myself is my wrists. I love that I can encircle my wrist with my thumb and pinky.

I'm following you through Blogger and I look forward to reading through your older posts!


Brigid Helene said...

Salut, J!

I have great hair, which I occasionally have time to style b/w working FT and mothering 2 little dudes.

I follow your youtube channel and your blog via Google Reader.

Je suis Brigid K, in West LA!

Anonymous said...

My best feature is my intelligence which I use to make wise choices in life and to observe others' needs. Email is the way I follow you on the Daily Connoisseur.
I love to ballroom dance- my passion. Kathy C.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,


my eyes are quite nice.

I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect

sujatha s

Anonymous said...

My best feature is my caring heart. I follow you via email. My name is Mickey T.

Mormor said...

I just started using another Benedetta product this past week and LOVE IT! The eye cream would be delightful.

My best feature is my greying hair, which I wear with pride.

I subscribe to The Daily Connoisseur via email.

My name is Alice B. K.

Anonymous said...

Exciting news!

I believe my best feature is my height. Tall gets a lot of attention.

I follow you via e-mail.

Erin T.

Seishin said...

Jennifer I love your post and follow it via Bloglovin and email.

My best feature would probably be my eyes. I'm anxious to try this creme because I have yet to find an eyecreme that creates any noticeable difference.

My name is Seishin Loewenau.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your great review!

I am following your blog by email subscription and youtube. (And I enjoyed your book via Kindle)

My favorite feature is my red hair- it's one of the things that makes me unique, and I've learned to appreciate it as an adult after many tortuous years of childhood teasing. ;)

Sarah W. in Alaska

plum said...

1) I relish beauty everywhere (that was incredibly hard to do, but thank you: it's a great exercise!) 2) following via email subscription (just subscribed!) 3) Jill Whenmouth

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer, congrats on your wonderful NY Times review - I so enjoyed your book!
One of the features I love about myself is my hair. I follow you via Yahoo. Thank you (and Benedetta) for doing the giveaway!

My name is Allison A. from Minnesota

Monique said...

Congratulations on the terrific review! I am intrigued by the eye cream.

I have great hair - healthy, shiny, soft, just the right thickness.

I follow The Daily Connoisseur via email subscription.

Monique L.

Sallu said...

I love my eyes...they are a green-blue-grey that change color depending what I wear.

I follow you on google reader

Ulla S.

Anonymous said...

I am probably older than most of the people responding and I now think my hair is still beautiful, even now being salt and pepper in color. Benedetta's The Eye Creme is a treasured find that I use daily and appreciate all of Julia's creations.

I will follow The Daily Connoisseur via email subscription.

Ellen D.

Priscilla said...

Congratulations on the NY review of your book.

I think the blue-green color of my eyes is beautiful.

I follow you with Google Friend Connect but I have added your blog site to my "favorites" and check it daily.

Thanks for sharing, I love your blog.

Priscilla Y.

Melissa U said...

Hi Jennifer!

What an exciting day for you! I loved listening to the radio interview this morning, you sounded very articulate and natural! I would have been extremely daunted, myself!
Love the new giveaway! As for my answer, I would have to say my most beautiful feature is my wavy, red hair! I follow The Daily Connoisseur via email subscription, as well as on YouTube. Thank you so much and congratulations on your continued successes!

Melissa U.

Anonymous said...

My best feature? My husband finds me beautiful and that's what matters to me.
I follow you on the Nook reader.
BTW--I really enjoyed your book. Is your mystery out yet? I'm always on the lookout for a new mystery.
Kathy Davenport

Karena said...

Bravo Jennifer! Congratulations!

I will go with my smile which I try to remember to use even on the phone!

I am an email subscriber and GFC.

Art by Karena is my blog-site and I would love to win this amazing eye cream.

Art by Karena!

Madame Henriot said...


Congatulations!!! How exciting, NYT! I am very glad that you decided to self-publish, and the book is such a success!

I subscribe by emails, watch your videos and currently reading your book on Kindle.

You inspired me to take better care of myself. Thank you! I find your views are very similar to mine in many ways.

My best feature? My long, thick hair.

Best of luck,

Irina B.

Anonymous said...

I'm a late bloomer when it comes to beauty (late like 30s!) I was raised by an anti-vanity mom. A friend helped me start wearing makeup when I was 18.

That said, there's not one feature that makes me feel beautiful; it happens when things fall into place, like it did when you felt "superb" in the femininity chapter. Maybe my hair had extra shine that day, or I discovered that navy makes my skin look radiant.

I've been regularly reading your blog since a CNN article lead me to it in Dec '11. Now I have an email subscription.
Thanks!~Dee J.

Jennifer West said...

Something I love about myself....that I only eat totally delicious organic/biodynamic foods, fresh and local if possible, and I have the same philosophy for my bodycare products. I think it must mean that I love myself, taking such care with what is around me.

I am an email subscriber, just signed up. I'm only leaving a comment because I looked up this Benedetta company and they look awesome, perfectly aligned with a person like me. I would love to try their cream, and I will buy the deodorant too. At the moment I'm not using one!! Because I ran out of another good brand, a German deodorant called Logona. Also expensive, also totally worth it. But I want to try this Benedetta company.

Many thanks for the recommendation.

Dien M said...

Hi Jennifer,

I'm relatively new to your blog and follow you on Twitter and via e-mail subscriber but find the information and self-reflective insight so inspiring!

One thing I find beautiful about myself is not something physical but an aspect of my personality. It's that I shake people out of their comfort zone. I don't always get compliments at first - in fact I get criticized about it at times - but over time friends and family realize I do it out of love and to make them think a little bit differently about their lives. And I take their criticism as a compliment, because I know I've touched them somehow.

Congratulations on your NYT Review!

Mari said...

Hi from Paris (yes, there are people here enjoying your book enormously!). It was good to get such a joyful reminder of all the good stuff Paris and Parisians have to offer. Merci beaucoup!

I follow your blog via email subscription.

My best feature: my smile!

My nickname is gazelle.

Kade said...

Hello & congratulations Jennifer,

My best feature is my heart; I nurture it daily to be open, loving, pure, genuine and generous.

I follow your blog via email.

TaTs said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! that was awesome!!! congrats on your review...

My best feature is my personality that is for sure... I am funny and witty... and people are not bored with me. I make people laugh a lot with my sometime very innapropiate comments.

I follow you on blogger I added you as one of my favorites blogs. So everytime I open my blog I see your new postings.

I am known by Tatikto.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and book!

My best feature is my eyes. The eye cream sounds wonderful. I am looking for a more natural eye cream.

I follow you by email and check your website.

Mary T.

PANNA said...

CONGRATS on the NYT review. I love your blog and look forward to each post. Great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity.

My best feature are my eyes, in my opinion at least, and some great eye cream would help keep them that way.

I follow you via email subscription.

Panna I.

Andrea said...

It was the glowing NYT book review that led me to your blog! So I am a new follower, but decidedly a follower.

I happen to think my decolletage is quite lovely--or more accurately my upper chest rather than bosom (but isn't decolletage a great word?). My neck isn't very long, so clothing with an open neck is more flattering on me. Needless to say, I try to be diligent with the sunscreen...

Thanks for all your practical and gracious advice--I look forward to exploring your videos and blog archives. (Oh and your book, too!)

Andrea B.

Erin said...

One thing I find beautiful about myself is my long red hair, which is thick and strong and just, well, gorgeous! It is a very unique red, as well - very coppery and bright - very few redheads can even compete with it. I'm so lucky. Thank you for making me pause to appreciate it. I've just discovered your blog thanks to dailymail.co.uk and plan to continue reading and learning from you and am looking forward to reading your book.

Anonymous said...

My eyes are my favourite part of my body. I follow your fantastic blog via email. Greetings from London! Olivia Igbinidu x

Lindann said...


My best feature is my hair
I follow you on email!
I love all the Benedetta product for sure!!

Lindann Mc!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I have been a fan of yours for about a year now, but have never commented until now - sorry!

I really enjoyed "Lessons from Madame Chic." I devoured it in two sittings and it gave me much to think about and work on in my life.

I think my most beautiful feature is my smile, but my husband would say my wild, naturally curly hair.

I follow you on blogger.

Thanks for all your videos and thought provking posts and congratulations on your success as an author!

I would adore the eye cream; it sounds wonderful.

Caroline C.

The Tweed Oyster said...

What a fantastically generous give away! Also, good challenge following the 'Compliments' post!

I find my 'silence' intangibly beautiful (when it's required...) My hands are quirky, a red manicure does them no favours. But I find them beautiful and unique as they are such a part of my livelihood and thus sort of tell my story.

I anticipate weekly email alerts since I found The Daily Connoisseur and Lessons from Madame Chic. This has been a great accompaniment as I slowly emerge from a long dark UK winter and attempt to [passionately] organise, beautify, and enjoy my daily routine.

All the best Jennifer, thank you for the inspiration!

The Tweed Oyster!

Cokie DiBenedetto said...

I am told I'm a good listener by my friends. As to my physical attributes I would say my eyes. I used to wear "coke bottle" eye glasses and only focused within 5" of my eyes without them. Then thamks to science I had the lenses in my eyes replaced and no longer need glasses at all. A miracle! I love my eyes and do everything I can to care for them so I would love to try a new cream. I follow you on your blog twice a week. Cokie D (hummingbird lady).

Seikkula said...

I am a 41yr old mother of 4 and I love that I have the confidence to go out in public with just a dot of lipgloss because my inside happiness shows on the outside! I follow the blog and just started following on Twitter!

shaundra55 said...

Congrats Jennifer!

My best feature is my eye color. They change between blue and green and usually have some yellow times. They are unusual which makes then interesting. They also fit my personality since I'm an out side of the box kind of person.

I check up on you recently though blogger and sometimes youtube.

I'm so happy looking at the Benedetta line. I love their deodorant and looking to take the next step with some of their other products. I would love to start with the eye cream. Thank you so much.

Shaundra S.

Catherine said...

I absolutely LOVED your book... Congrats, Jennifer!

I feel that my best feature is my sense of compassion toward other people and animals.

I follow your blog, and look forward to all your fabulous tips... especially all things FRENCH!

Catherine H.

YanaNYC said...

Oh wow 50 comments, I hope I am not too late.

Congratulations on your New York Times review! That's truly amazing, and I can only imagine how excited you must be!

1. My dark blue eyes, which change color depending on my mood.

2. I follow your blog via Blogger and I am subscribed to your YouTube channel.

3. YanaNYC, Yana W.

JulieVR said...

1. My laugh
2. Twitter
3. @JulieVaughn

Congrats on NYT review!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of myself is my intellectual curiosity. I love learning about new things and thinking about what I've learned or experienced.
I follow you by getting emails of your blog postings. I also check out your posts (archive) on your blog. I loved your book.
My on line "personna" is either "Portland Frenchie" (I'm from Maine) or JacquiB.
Jacqueline Bucar

Dawn Terrell said...

Dear Jennifer,

I have a beautiful spirit that radiates kindness. :)
I follow you as an email subscriber.
I am Dawn Terrell from Georgia

Anonymous said...

I love Benedetta products!

I find my hair beautiful. It's short and curly!

I follow through email subscription.

Serafina Costanza

Mindy said...

What a dream come true, Jennifer! Congratulations on your success!!!

One of your recent posts made me realize how lucky I am to have been born with very long, dark eyelashes. As a young child, people would stop to ask my mom (who has fine, blond lashes) if she let me wear mascara. Thirty some years later I am still lucky enough to skip that step in my beauty routine. Thank you for reminding how much I should appreciate that physical feature!!!

Your posts are so informative. I follow you via email and Google reader. Thank you for all of the research you do to lead us to a good product or idea. It is really appreciated! Right now I am working on something that I have always put off -- finding my signature scent. It has been fun!

Thanks again,
Mindy Gillum

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jennifer, that's awesome news!

Favorite physical feature...my glowing skin!

I follow you by email :)

~ Nichola des Lauriers

DGreen said...

Hmm, my best asset is my smile I think.

I have been a follower on rss on my bookmarks list for a long time and have your book on my kindle! Also on blogger I think, I get confused with all the ways.

My name is Debra Green from the UK and did you know that your book was in the Daily Mail newspaper over here? A really nice piece.

Anonymous said...

My eyes. They are brown and big. I like to think that they are expressive (so an eye cream would be so helpful...)

I'm a google reader follower since... almost the beginning of your blog, I think. I never miss one of your entries.

Cristina R.

C. said...

Congrats congrats!! :)

Well since this little bottle of eye magic seems quite the catch I shall also submit my answers:

1) I find my voice most beautiful. Singing means that my entire body is my instrument and singing makes me feel alive. I am currently trying to make it my career as well, bringing together a life of art and love and beauty.
2) I follow you on the Google Blogspot follower-thingy.

--Cristin Colvin :)

Elizabeth said...

Well done on the NY Times review!

My favorite thing is my figure. I have curves in all the right places and an itty bitty waist. I'm not a supermodel but I look "classic" and find I can pull off a lot of different looks.

I follow via google reader and I am Elizabeth R. from Elizabeth Lives :)

Unknown said...

It's nice to know that so many good things are happening for you.

I follow you via Google reader and twitter.

I've always been complimented on my skin and hair, but truly, I am most pleased with my teeth.

AdicaRoy said...

New to the blog because of the Times article!

My best feature is my skin, which inexplicably seems to be getting better as I get old, thanks mostly to good genes, religious cleaning, and habitual SPF use.

I am now following you with Google Reader, which is one of my favorite things about the internet.

Addie M.

Becky said...

Just recently discovered you on YouTube and am anxious to read your book via Kindle.

My best feature would be my hair. People are always commenting and complimenting me on it,which has always been a mystery to me! I am a 55 year old and wonder some days why people think my hair is so great. I have never had it professionally colored (I do it myself) but have the same stylist I have had for 30+ years.

Thanks for all your fun work. Love hearing and learning anything I can about Paris! My favorite place in the world!

Becky P.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. Congratulations on the success of the book -- truly deserved.

Christina P. said...

Thank you Jennifer for your lovely book and the entire blog. Watching your videos makes my lunch hour less boring!

My best feature is my figure, flat-chested and all. Recently an elderly lady came to my work and said to me "You have a beautiful figure". I took a breath and thought of you advice, simply smiled and said "Thank you". I did not mention that it was due to a fast-acting metabolism or amazing family genes. Why should I? I am working hard to cultivate my own air of mystery!

I recenly began following your blog via email. My name is Christina P.

Crostini said...

I just "discovered" you,your blog and book after reading about your book in the New York Times

My best feature would probably be my compassion and tolerance. I try not to wig out over too much, though that is not always easy to do!

I just started following you, as in right this very minute I signed up and will continue by following your blog and if you are on Twitter, I will occasionally check that also

I am always in search of new skin care products and at 55 I really do need some industrial strength to at least slow down the process!

My user name on some sites is Crostini but to friends and family I am Stephanie Allori Hillis!

Stephanie Allori Hillis

S said...

I think I have nicely shaped hands.
I subscribe via Google Reader.
-Stacy M.

Unknown said...


I'd say it's a tie between my eyes and my dimples. (I lean towards the dimples.):)

I follow you on Google Reader (after a reference via the Simply Luxurious Life). And to be completely honest, I don't know how I got on without doing so earlier.

Kathy said...

Eye cream sounds awesome! I would say that my legs are pretty nice. I subscribe to your lovely blog via google/blogger. Thanks for offering the give away!

Kathy Allen

Lisa S. said...

Hello! I love your question. I would say I like my dark, shiny hair with a premature gray streak in the front. I like being a little unusual. ;)

I adore your book and am reading it for a second time right now. That's how I found your blog and now I follow you via email, twitter and YouTube. I guess that tells you how much I enjoy your point of view.

Lisa in Atlanta

MichelleV said...

So happy I found your book and your blog! Taking a trip to France in June and you're providing lots of wonderful advice!

I think my best feature is my smile and positive attitude...

I follow you by email subscription.
Thank you :)
Michelle V.

musikelle said...

Hi Jennifer,
First congrats on all the great recognition your getting.
My favorite feature is my lips, they are full and I like to pretend they are like Angelina Jolies :).
I follow you by e-mail.
Ami B.

Renee said...

My favorite feature is my eyes. Great feature for the giveaway.
I am an email subscriber
Renee J

I LOVE Benedetta! I use the cleanser and I can really see results!

Karena said...

You are keeping busy regardless, do listen to the doctor though. I am so excited for you.

Love your new cut, I am getting mine done later this week...

I hope you will come and see the feature I have on an amazing sculptor.

Art by Karena
The 2012 Artist Series

Unknown said...

I love the way my smile and laugh can become infectious. =)

I subscribe through Google Friend Connect.

On the web I am known as Countess Andrea, everyone else Andrea Reyna.


mhitchens said...

I love my red curly hair and fair skin. I follow you on Twitter. You can find me on Twitter as @RoyalSophistiKate.
