
How to Deal with Intimidating Situations (and Other News)

4:44 PM 4 Comments
Before we begin, I want to extend my prayers and love to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy. May you and your loved ones stay safe... How to Deal With Intimidating Situations You are equal to any situation you encounter. Oftentimes we think we might not be worthy or good enough for a situation. We might think people...





The Evolution of the Daily Connoisseur (and How I Spend My Days)

9:59 PM 11 Comments
The Daily Connoisseur is constantly evolving and many of you have noticed that the videos are playing a starring role in the content of the blog. This is completely intentional. I love doing the videos and I hope you love to watch them! It's a great creative outlet for me (I did start out my career in Theatre after all!)...
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