Ciao Italia

Le Lezioni di Madame Chic was published in Italy last week by Piemme. Ciao Italia! I'm enjoying hearing from my chic Italian readers and look forward to connecting with you more in the future!

Walking into my local Anthropologie yesterday, I was so proud to see Lessons from Madame Chic displayed on their front table alongside Ines de la Fressange's Parisian Chic. Back in the beginning when I was trying to get my book published, a literary agent told me it would never happen because Ines' book had just been published. So glad I didn't listen to that advice... there is clearly room for both. Please let this be a reminder to all of us to follow our dreams— no matter how many people try to dissuade you. Thanks to my facebook friends for all of your encouraging feedback and support!
Vanity Fair
Lessons from Madame Chic is described as teaching 'subtle panache' in July's issue of Vanity Fair in an article that discusses the French woman genre phenomenon. It's an interesting article and a great mention. On newsstands now!
Have a wonderful weekend... See you next week! x
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Congratulations on all your publications, your hard work & self belief is paying off!! I have Madame chic on my kindle & just treated myself to the hard back copy. Keep up all the great advice, posts & inspire me & I know that by reading your articles & watching your videos I can become the lady I wish to be. Best wishes Maria. UK. xx
Congratulations, Jennifer! It's been so much fun to witness how all this has developed, and it's so well-deserved. Is there any chance that you'd write a "Lessons, Part Deux"? I know it would be a hit!
Congrats Jennifer! Good for you for listening to your heart! Kathryn :)
Eventhough i am Spaniard I live in Italy and will buy the book :)
Nice blog. Continue like this. R
Hello Jennifer,
I'm Brazilian but I'm living in Milan, Italy. I read about your book on the Brazilian blog It Girl, and I bought your e-book in italian. I loved it. It's very simples, the message it's clear e obvious. Show us how to enjoy the life on the way simple and funny. Living in Italy I learned some lesson of your book but not with every details wrote in you book. I hope to read others books from you. Congratulation!
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