Today's giveaway would make the perfect gift for your teenage daughter: the young adult novel, Being Audrey Hepburn, by Mitchell Kriegman, Thomas Dunne Books. (With a title like that, how could I turn it down?)
Here's the description from the publisher:
In Being Audrey Hepburn, Clarissa Explains It All-creator, Mitchell Kriegman, tells the story of a 19-year-old girl from Jersey who finds herself thrust into the world of socialites after being seen in Audrey Hepburn’s dress from the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Lisbeth comes from a broken home in the land of tube tops, heavy eyeliner, frosted lip-gloss, juiceheads, hoop earrings and “the shore.” She has a circle of friends who have dedicated their teenage lives to relieve the world of all its alcohol one drink at a time.
Obsessed with everything Audrey Hepburn, Lisbeth is transformed when she secretly tries on Audrey’s iconic Givenchy. She becomes who she wants to be by pretending to be somebody she’s not and living among the young and privileged Manhattan elite. Soon she’s faced with choices that she would never imagine making – between who she’s become and who she once was.
In the tradition of The Nanny Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada, this is a coming of age story that all begins with that little black dress…
Please enter the giveaway via the rafflecopter widget below. The giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. The winner will be announced on the widget and contacted by email one week from today. Best of luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Today I would love to know... What do you love about Audrey Hepburn? What is your favorite Audrey Hepburn movie? What do you think young women of today could learn from Audrey Hepburn?
Check out my podcast interview with Nicole Longstreath on The Wardrobe Code. We talk all things style, including fashion neurosis, why it's important to look your best, and what I think of those Real Housewives. Nicole's conversational podcast is excellent and perfect for inspiring your wardrobe. Thank you Nicole!
See you Sunday for a Ten-Item Wardrobe Talk-Through!
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Audrey Hepburn a timeless fashion icon .Breakfast at Tiffany love love love.
Hi Jennifer!
I love Audrey! It is her simple elegance that I am truly attracted too. Always a lady! Today's young women could really benefit from her approach to the art of being a lady. What to emphasize and what not too. She is the quintessential woman!
I loved her in My Fair Lady even if they would not let her sing.
"Charade" is my fave Audrey movie - what a fun romp! With Cary Grant, no less! :)
I would love for my daughter to read this! I love Audrey's elegance. An unrelated note, I am attempting a ten - item wardrobe for fall / winter... FINALLY! Thanks for the encouragement, Jennifer! Erin
Gosh, I love them all. We recently watched Charade again, and it was great, of course. But Roman Holiday takes the cake for me!!!
I think what I love about Audrey Hepburn is that she defined classiness, was a true individual, and had great compassion for people.
I love her classic style, poise, and grace.
I loved Audrey's grace under fire. She was always elegant. I also loved what a devoted mother she was.
I love all of her movies but I think Charade because I also love Cary Grant.
I always loved her simple style and her graceful way of movement. And those expressive eyes!
My favorite movie? Roman Holiday and Wait Until Dark. I currently have a couple in my Netflix queue that I have never seen.
What can our young (and older) women learn from her? That no matter how beautiful a person is on the outside (physically), it is the grounded, inner person that makes someone truly beautiful.
I love her understated classic glamor. Mostly, she seemed humble and gentle of spirit. I love, love Roman Holiday.
Today's young women can learn the art of grace from Audrey. She was always a lady, but not someone who could be pushed around. We need more Audreys in this world.
My sick at home daughter is going to watch My Fair Lady for the first time today- her first introduction to Audrey!
"Roman Holiday" is my favorite, although with Audrey it is such a tough decision! I love how she could dress in an effortlessly sexy way, but also remain elegant and understated. That is a talent that seems so lost in our current generation and one I would love to see returned.
I agree with so many. She had a beautiful style that did not display her body in a "come hither" fashion. Nor a "hey-my-body-is-for-sale" way. I cringe when I see some young girls and what they either get away with wearing outside of the house or their lack of class. I just wish there could be a classy, confident wand swept over all the schools for girls. It would make such a difference! I like this Thursday book giveaway! Thanks again for having it.
I just watched Charade for the first time the other day. Now I want to find some more...
What do I like about Audrey Hepburn? Her comic timing, her sense of fun, and her love of hats. Seriously - there's a book in my local library entitled Audrey Hepburn in Hats - just what it says on the tin!
I love Audrey's grace and sweetness. My favorite Hepburn movie is Roman Holiday. I like that the story has a realistic ending, but still contains a lovely romance and involves on-location shots of Rome.
Favorite Audrey Hepburn movie? Roman Holiday and How to Steal a Million. ~Angela
Favorite Audrey movie is How to Steal A Million, hands down. She has such effortless style!
Just love her simple, 'less is more' style, film, Roman holiday, what could be better, Italy and Audrey together!
I think there is a lot young women of today could learn from Audrey! Many of the themes of your blog encapsulate the 'essence' of Hepburn, elegence, patience, grace. I am glad that books for a younger audience are being written about this woman as I fear that before we even know it, we will be reaching a generation who has never heard of her - shocking!
Strangely enough, my favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is The Nun's Story, not one for which she is celebrated for her smart wardrobe. But oh my, she wore those habits beautifully.
I can't enter the giveaway because I live in South Korea, but I'll be on the lookout for this novel.
What's not to love about Audrey Hepburn? Her generosity, her attitude, her kindness, her style, her grace, her example, her unselfish spirit...she was the ultimate lady. Isn't that what being a woman is all about
I haven't seen all of her movies, but Funny Face was my favorite so far. I loved how strong and opinionated, yet lovely and feminine her character was. And of course the clothes!
I read in an Audrey Hepburn biography that when she was young, she only had one blouse, one skirt, and one pair of shoes, but she owned thirteen scarves, and she always looked stylish and well-dressed. I loved this because it made me think that Audrey exemplified the ten-item wardrobe, and how to do the best with what you have. I think women today could learn from her simple elegance. My favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is Roman Holiday.
It's hard to pick my favorite. I have a three-way tie between Paris When it Sizzles, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Sabrina.
I love Audrey Hepburn's classic style, so elegant. I always love your book recommendations - enjoyed Queen's Gambit and Sisters of Treason this summer!
I love that she was beautiful, inside and out. I think we could all learn from her regardless of our age.
I just love Audrey Hepburn. She's so classy and elegant and seemed so demure and put together. I miss that elegance of the past.
I think we can all learn from her that it is ok to to beautiful and that class and poise is timeless
I am the biggest Audrey Hepburn fan, so much so that she is my daughter's namesake. She was not only elegant and stylish, but had true grace and a humble and gentle spirit. I love all her movies, but in the spirit of this blog, I think Sabrina deserves a special mention given her character's transformation from an extended visit in Paris.
I love Audrey Hepburn's style of course, but most of all I appreciate her humanitarian efforts with UNICEf. Many young women today spend too much time focusing on their own wants rather than seeing what the world around them needs. They can learn as much from Audrey's style as from her desire to help others. I have to say Green Mansions is one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies.
I could not possibly choose a favorite Audrey Hepburn film. Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany's...She is, for me, one of the women in history who all young women of today should look up to, study, and idolize. Audrey was truly a woman who deserved the absolute best, because she gave the world everything she had to offer.
I love the style and grace Audrey Hepburn demonstrated in her life. I would love to see young women today appreciate not only her impeccable taste and poise but also her commitment to working with UNICEF later in life.
Audrey is an excellent role model for today's women. She was elegant and classy in every sense of the words, not only in her fashion sense, but also as a true humanitarian who devoted so much of her life to helping children through her Fun and UNICEF.
Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday are my go-to Audrey movies. In fact, I may be watching one this evening now! :)
Audrey's style, mannerisms and personality were completely unique and timeless. She proved that simple is best and I strive for her kind of "style". A lot of trends are just that - trendy, fleeting. As for a favorite movie...I'm not sure I can really pick just one but I really did like My Fair Lady ^_^
What I love about Audrey was her style and class in every sense of the word. She also had that sense of mystery that everyone admires but few are capable of pulling off. She was also very philanthropic.
Who wouldn't love Audrey Hepburn? She was elegance personified. pooper...the image of celebrities is often different from the reality. I love love love Audrey Hepburn's screen persona. She had 2 troubled marriages, had an affair with William Holden while he was married with 3 children, had an affair with Albert Finney while she herself was married, and was a lifetime heavy smoker. These are things I have read online so take them with a grain of salt. But my point is, Audrey's elegant appearance and work with UNICEF are positive qualities, but I am not sure that she should be idolized or seen as a role model for young women. She was a flawed human like all of us. I do admire her clothes, beauty, and style and commend her work with UNICEF.
I am very big admirer of Audrey Hepburn! I love so many of her movies- Breakfast at Tiffany's followed by Roman Holiday than Two for the Road! Audrey defined genuine charm and grace. I feel like a lot of the young ladies today could look to her and find someone who overcame great odds and persevered. She also had impeccable yet simple elegant look for her personal style
My hubby and I just had a Breakfast at Tiffany's brunch in our home in August for our young friends Ron and Lisa who dressed up and could pass for Audrey and George Peppard in the movie!! Pix here:
I did everything but the egg bake vegan since our Audrey is vegan. I had not heard of this book; thanks for sharing Jennifer as it looks really cute. Blessings.
I like Audrey Hepburn for her poise, class, elegance and subtle sexiness. She has a gentle and positive demeanor. I think she showed real fortitude in her life and real resilence im the face of hardship. I am partial to Breakfast at Tiffany's.
My favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is Sabrina! Love that she attends cooking school in Paris. Two of my favorite things combined- food and France!
I think the young women of today would learn grace and elegance but also that "sexy" is not whom ever can show the most skin. Audrey could show that individuality is beautiful and to embrace ones self - flaws and all.
-Jennifer- I LOVE Your blog. Very excited for the new book .... YAY!
Thank you for the chance to Audrey. Loved her in Sabrina, love that she was always a lady and fun, and I admired her work with Unicef. She rose above a horrible childhood to be a real lady.
I love the way Audrey Hepburn always seemed to know what looked good on her and worked for her body-type. She dressed classically and always exuded confidence in whatever she was wearing.
I think women could learn to be confident, feminine and elegant from Audrey Hepburn. A rare combination indeed! what I love most about Audrey Hepburn--her first name of course!!
Audrey Hepburn was lovely, talented, passionate and generous toward needy children. I adored her in "Love in the Afternoon". She had real princess energy; so her roles in "Roman Holiday" and "My Fair Lady" were also perfect fits for her. Women today could take a cue from her self-respect.
I absolutely love Audrey Hepburn. I can't quite pin down exactly what it is about her that I love, there's too much. She's ladylike, but you can tell she still has fun. I appreciate the fact that ladylike doesn't mean you have to be perfect, and I think Audrey displayed that. Her humility, kindness - the way spent her time was a reflection of the fact that she saw others as more valuable than herself. Ladylikeness wasn't simply an outward thing for her (dress, mannerisms) but it was a way of loving others.
And Funny Face is my favorite Audrey Hepburn film.
Mary Grace
I love that Audrey's poise and style are timeless. I watch Audrey films--Charade, Breakfast at Tiffanys, My Fair Lady--and simultaneously want to look as put-together and be as comfortable in my own skin as she. Her cigarette pants and black flats were something I copied BEFORE it was everyone's look once again!
Hey Jennifer!
My favourite Audrey movie is probably Funny Face. I absolutely love it! She's just a style icon, and as a fashion major, I love all of her movies.
Hey Jennifer!
My favourite Audrey movie is probably Funny Face. I absolutely love it! She's just a style icon, and as a fashion major, I love all of her movies.
Audrey Hepburn personified grace, style, and talent. She embodied class and is inspiring as a young woman who didn't bend to the world's demands; she remained true to herself.
Audrey Hepburn knew that true beauty came from within. Her Beauty Secrets poem shows just how beautiful she was....I have it hanging on my bulletin board in my sewing room.
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