Last week I filmed myself every morning so you could see 5 days of outfits: Monday through Friday. This is so you can get a real world sense for how my ten-item wardrobe works and to encourage you about how many possibilities you can have and how exciting it can be!
Many people are under the misconception that they will become bored with their ten-item wardrobe. That is simply not the case. You have your ten core items and you have the extras (like tee shirts, cardigans, shoes and accessories) that pull it all together and make the combinations limitless. It truly makes getting ready in the morning fun and challenges you to put your best self forward every day.
For links to the pieces shown, please check out the original ten-item wardrobe post here.
Here are screenshots from this week's video:

Monday morning shows minimal makeup, a bad hair day fix, my Trouve black silk blouse, Ann Taylor Loft fluid ankle pants and London Sole Henrietta black suede ballet flats.

Tuesday shows my denim Talbots dress, a better hair day and London Sole pirouette leopard with red trim ballet flats.

Wednesday is more casual with my old J Brand jeans, Brass Plum white tee shirt, Bloomingdale's beige cashmere wrap and London Sole leopard with red trim ballet flats.

Thursday is dressier with my Ann Taylor Loft emerald green dress, BCBG black cardigan, J Crew opaque tights, London Sole Henrietta black suede ballet flats and bauble bar bib necklace.

Friday reuses my Ann Taylor Loft fluid ankle pants, Loft leopard print tee, Bauble Bar bib necklace and black ballet flats.
The handbag I used all week was my Jewel navy handbag.
The nail polish I wore all week was the Formula X in Marvelous, a sheer nude porcelain color.
The L'Oreal lipstick is Infallible in mulberry
For more on London Sole click here.
Check out this week's video for a detailed explanation on my stylistic thought process. If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or check out my channel:
Madame Chic Inspiring Thought
This week take record of every outfit you wear. Record it and at the end of the week assess whether or not you are happy with how you dress and present yourself. Note what you love and note what you'd like to change. If you are not yet living with the ten-item wardrobe, consider trying it this month and be encouraged by how many options you actually have when dressing.
Comment of the Week
On this past Thursday's Louise Labé giveaway, Summer writes:
I have been cultivating my mind by trying to be more mindful of others, how I act and how I treat the space/people I live in. That means a lot of books on this subject as well as interacting with others. ;) I can, if I choose to be a very solitary person, so being out and about with others in mamas groups, etc. is a challenge for me to be there, be present and enjoy it. I also joined a book club at my local library. Reading books I would not pick and learning to not give up on them, but consider why someone wanted to read that specific book. Which is really great to gain perspective.
Summer, I love your efforts to to cultivate your mind even if it means going out of your comfort zone!
This week I would love to know... where are you in the process of curating your capsule wardrobe? Are you trying the ten-item wardrobe? Are you encouraged by how many variations there are on daily outfits? Where are you in the quest to look presentable always? Let me know in the comment section or on social media and you could be picked as the comment of the week!
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Thank you, Jennifer - this was great!
Hi Jennifer.
This is one of my favorite videos yet! I appreciated seeing how you put yourself together throughout the week. Every day you looked lovely, yet kept things interesting by slightly changing the look. You gave me some great ideas. Thank you! I hope you do more videos like this.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the Madame Chic inspiration you've brought into my world.
Thanks to you, this is my first season attempting a ten item wardrobe, and I am happy to report that I love it! I noticed I feel great about the way I look when I'm wearing my ten core items and less great if I should put on the few extraneous items that are still hanging around. Given this comparison, it's becoming easier to let the other items go. Wishing you a very happy holiday.
This is my first season using the 10-item wardrobe. I have more confidence and stand taller. Putting more thought into wardrobe planning gives me more outfits that look sharp. I think I saved money on clothes this year too, but look better. More complements are coming my way too. It's fun deciding what to wear and looking good and presentable.
Thank you for sharing your weekly outfits! I found this video to be helpful, especially your point at the end that despite the few items you have, you are able to create many outfits because you have carefully chosen many basics for your wardrobe.
I've realized that is the key to my ten-item wardrobe as well, and also, when I am buying clothing for my daughter. I no longer buy clothing as "individual" pieces that I love, but rather with consideration of where it will fit in the capsule. It has been a fun experiment. My report is that I've noticed the simpler my wardrobe becomes and the more I rely on "basics," the easier getting dressed is and the more chic I feel! Sometimes this may mean passing up something I really love (such as a blouse), but it is better than it sitting in my closet until I find the
"right" skirt and "perfect" heels to accompany it.
Thank you for your inspiration. Although I know this wardrobe is for everyone, it has been extremely helpful for me as I've been going through the different stages of maternity (pregnancy, nursing, etc.).
Also, I was so pleased you mentioned Talbots in your video! I have fallen in love with their ladylike dresses as well. I also love that they carry a range of sizes (such as petite), so their clothes have a tailored fit. I love the shirtdress on you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I am very inspired by your ten item wardrobe and your 2 books. While I am not quite at ten items yet, I have significantly reduced the number of items in my wardrobe. This has actually resulted in more wardrobe freedom and better daily outfits- as I can now see everything I own at a single glance. I loved your "week of outfits." Please do more of these type of videos.
Being a minimalist by nature, I've employed a capsule wardrobe for a while now. I find that I actually have more options on what to wear with fewer items than I had in my younger days with a stuffed closet. I buy the highest quality I can afford, which for me means usually buying from a consignment shop. Serendipity and synchronicity always seem to work in my favor, and I eventually find exactly what I am looking for. I don't buy trends -- everything has classic lines and neutral colors. I don't buy it unless I love it and I think it looks amazing on me. And most importantly -- it must be able to work with everything else in my wardrobe or I don't buy it... even if I love it and it looks amazing. There are a couple items in my wardrobe that seem superfluous (extra jeans that just don't look as well as my favorite pair), so I put them in another closet to gauge whether I actually need them or not. I recently had my long hair cut into a long reverse-angled bob so that I can -- hopefully! -- have fewer bad hair days. The cut is easier to style and keeps its shape better than my long hair did. As for makeup, I put at least a touch on every day, even if I am not going anywhere. It does make me feel so much better... happier even. And if I do have to suddenly run an errand, I won't be trying to cast an invisibility spell over myself. I notice that people treat me better when I dress up more than the average person. Like a celebrity, even. I kind of like that!
It's such a lovely video, Jennifer, thank you for sharing :)
After 18 months of sorting, buying, choosing oh so carefully online and in real stores (I find my initial 2 second response to an item of clothing can absolutely be trusted!)I am finding your 10 item wardrobe to be liberating and very happy-making as in I have a smaller set of clothes that I love to wear, I can put on an outfit, feel happy, relax and get on with my day (and enjoy the compliments)
I recently purchased my first pair of beautifully fitted white jeans since 1971!
Thank you so much, Jennifer
Barbara x
Hi Jennifer, I think you are gorgeous and very smart! It has taken me about 18 months to get my 10 item wardrobe sorted out. It wasn't that difficult for me, as I have always been a "quality over quantity" girl, but through careful thought, planning, some shopping, and a lot of wardrobe subtracting, I have a fun and exciting 10 item wardrobe. And just love it! It really is easy and liberating. I have taken photos of my clothing items and they are saved on my phone, so when out in the shops I can look at that belt/skirt/blazer and see if it will actually work with my 10 core items. If it doesn't work with my core items, I simply put it down and walk away. Everything works, everything matches, and I don't ask myself, "what am I going to wear"? Thank you so much!
Jennifer, I loved this post, a true illustration of how "less is more"! Would love to see more posts like this... Jill
I have one question. After following and reading so much information about how French women dress, I have been left to wonder what they wear when they clean the house or do yard work? I think your 10 item wardrobe would work for work and/or out and about times, but when you have some real work to do, dirty work, cleaning, etc. What would you wear?
This was a great idea for a video! I'd love to see more like this.
I've just started my fourth season of capsule dressing, but only my second with the ten-item wardrobe. I have to say, it makes putting together a capsule so much easier when you begin with a set of ten main pieces. I like to think I'm midway through my wardrobe journey. I'd like to get to a point where my "extras" is a year-round set of items, and my ten core items rotate each season.
Love the video today Jennifer; especially your leopard flats! I have painful plantar fasciitis in my foot and need new shoes that will accommodate custom orthotics. Do you know if any of your London Sole shoes have removable inserts that I could replace with orthotics and if so, which model of shoe would be best? If not, who at your store could help me? And/or do you sell your shoes anywhere in San Diego in a store?
This was the perfect, timely post. I find that having the smaller wardrobe takes some thought and planning, which I just realized I don't always feel like doing!
As I was thinking that I may need more clothes, I realized that you used so few pieces for this week of lovely style. I didn't even look in my closet to see what I have to wear for the week. Shameful, but true!
I appreciate this little enlightenment. I realize what I truly need to put together an outfit - a scarf, belt, bag, but not more clothes! Thank you, once again.
I really enjoyed your video today! It was great seeing the various ways you constructed your outfits from your ten item wardrobe, it gave me lots of inspiration and made me determined to strive more with my wardrobe choices. More videos like this would be wonderful!
Hi Jennifer.
What a great video! It's nice to see the ten item wardrobe "in action". I'd love to see another with you showing us a few combinations using just one or two key pieces.
I also know what you mean about dress lengths. Most dresses these days are above the knee, and it's hard to find longer lengths. My solution - vintage! I have just discovered a great vintage store in my city (Melbourne, Australia) and the dresses are almost all knee-length or longer. The bonus is they are often cheaper but better quality than most of the new fashion out now.
Thanks for all your great advice!
I loved this video--it was really helpful to see your 10-item wardrobe in action. After I read your book, I de-cluttered my closet, and am amazed at how many more options I now have that I actually wear. Had a lot of clothes that were just taking up space and not being used--now I can see easily what I have to work with, and I challenge myself to come up with new combinations each time I get dressed. I also started making a list of the combos that I like, so I can use them again! Thanks!
You do it so well!
I've been doing the 10 item wardrobe for about a year now and have not been bored in any way. I love that it takes me seconds to decide on the outfit for the day. I find that I'm getting more creative when it comes to putting together an outfit, and much better at dressing appropriately for any occasion. Pair that with my no make up look and a good cut that looks good (most) days without too much fiddling, and I'm out the door and on the bus in minutes!
Great video. Thanks for sharing. Simple and elegant as always.
May I just say how much I LOVE your videos each week, Jennifer. You inspire me each and every time. As I've said before, I think you are adorable and I watch your videos regularly. Even at my age, you're an inspiration.
I must tell you that I bought the Ann Taylor sleeveless blue and red print dress and I love it, for its length and fuller skirt. I don't like to wear sleeveless dresses, but this one feels so good and I top it with a cardigan or jacket. It just feels good to wear.
Also, yesterday, I went to Ulta and bought the L'Oreal Infallible lipstick, and I wore it tonight for the first time and it's still on my lips after a sushi dinner out! So, your recommendations are always the very best. Thank you!
Again, sending appreciation for your kindness.
Vicki ^_^
I have changed out my 3/4 sleeve cardigans for long sleeves since the weather is now colder. I am at 16 core items which works well for me. I can mix and match and make multiple different outfits with these and the extras. I tend to wear the same accessories all the time so need to vary these for even more options. I am becoming more creative in my outfits and love seeing how you put outfits together. thanks for sharing.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother Jennifer. Cherish all your wonderful memories of her.
I am LOVING this! What a life changer! I have never been super fussy over my appearance, but I do like to look put together, and this is the ticket, right here. A few core items, a few extras, and I'm done. Easy Peasy. No stress, no worries. And I'm ready for what the day brings. Work, Play, Taking care of our matter...I'm set now. Don't have to think about it. When a friend calls last minute to go to lunch, I'm ready. No messing around.
Why didn't I know this for my first 50 years? lol. No worries now. Jennifer, you are THE BEST for sharing this. You just made life SO MUCH better for so many people!!! THANK YOU!
Dear Jennifer,
I enjoyed both your books and keep coming back to your blog to learn more about the way you live. I find your outlook refreshing and wish you could write more 'living' posts.
Hi Jennifer,
I stumbled across your site when I became obsessed with the idea of minimalism - you know, 33 item wardrobes, owning 100 items or less (which seems just crazy!) and so on. So when I saw your 10 item wardrobe I was intrigued.
So I started clearing clutter - I was already hyper-organised - but I had become convinced that I just couldn't do with less - even though your French wardrobe kept calling my name. Then I read about the loss of your dear grandparent. I don't know why, but it just snapped me into focus. I realised that clothes are just things and things are not important, people are! I know, genius aren't I? And so, last weekend my ten item wardrobe was born. Already, I can't even recall what I donated (that's how critical they were)and I am so happy when I look at my little capsule...there are no words!
Thank-you Jennifer - we (all of us who follow you) are looking more beautiful and living life with greater panache than ever before. What an inspiration
Hi all,
I'm really really really intrigued by the idea of a smaller wardrobe. I just wonder though, in my current million-clothes-system I wash big loads at a time. It feels more economical and environmentally friendly. I guess you often need to only wash a couple of items at a time with this system? Or what is the washing routine around this, please?
Except for underwear, I usually re-wear things for several days. I guess you do that too?
Hi Anna,
I definitely re-wear some items. However, I do live in a hot climate so this isn't always possible. I have a bit of ick factor about placing anything that has been worn in the cupboard with clean clothes, but lucky me I space to hang and air out anything that I intend to re-wear. Usually I would re-wear a pair of trousers in the course of the week, for example. But by Saturday morning everything that has been worn gets washed and on Sunday I iron. I haven't noticed any difference in the size of my loads because my habits are the same as before. I was wearing 20% of my clothing 80% of the time. The difference now is that the 20% is all there is!
Love this comment!
I am going to be mindful and apply this at home. I have a lot of okay clothes that I never where
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