I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying the wonderment of the season. Thank you for your messages of condolence on my social media sites regarding my grandmother's passing. Last week was very difficult for me and your messages were greatly comforting. I'm back now on the blog and hope to spend this month of December in celebration of Christmas on the blog. One of the many things my grandmother was great at was celebrating in style. So these blogs will be posted in her spirit.
Today I have two Christmas book giveaways for you on The Daily Connoisseur: The Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans and The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern.
Both of these wonderful little books would not only make great Christmas presents but would also be a great treat for you to read this holiday season.
The Mistletoe Promise
A love story for Christmas from the #1 bestselling author of The Christmas Box and The Walk.
Elise Dutton dreads the arrival of another holiday season. Three years earlier, her husband cheated on her with her best friend, resulting in a bitter divorce that left her alone, broken, and distrustful.
Then, one November day, a stranger approaches Elise in the mall food court. Though she recognizes the man from her building, Elise has never formally met him. Tired of spending the holidays alone, the man offers her a proposition. For the next eight weeks—until the evening of December 24—he suggests that they pretend to be a couple. He draws up a contract with four rules:
1. No deep, probing personal questions
2. No drama
3. No telling anyone the truth about the relationship
4. The contract is void on Christmas Day
The lonely Elise surprises herself by agreeing to the idea. As the charade progresses, the safety of her fake relationship begins to mend her badly broken heart. But just as she begins to find joy again, her long-held secret threatens to unravel the emerging relationship. But she might not be the only one with secrets.
The Greatest Gift
A beautiful gift edition of the heartwarming story that became the Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life.
For almost seventy years, people the world over have fallen in love with Frank Capra’s classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life. But few of those fans know that Capra’s film was based on a short story by author Philip Van Doren Stern, which came to Stern in a dream one night.
Unable at first to find a publisher for his evocative tale about a man named George Pratt who ponders suicide until he receives an opportunity to see what the world would be like without him, Stern ultimately published the story in a small pamphlet and sent it out as his 1943 Christmas card. One of those 200 cards found its way into the hands of Frank Capra, who shared it with Jimmy Stewart, and the film that resulted became the holiday tradition we cherish today.
Now fans of It’s a Wonderful Life, or anyone who loves the spirit of Christmas, can own the story that started it all in an elegant, illustrated edition that’s perfect for holiday giving. It includes an Afterword by Stern’s daughter, Marguerite Stern Robinson, that tells the story of how her father’s Christmas card became the movie beloved by generations of people around the world.
Simon & Schuster have kindly offered to give away both of these books to one lucky reader of The Daily Connoisseur. Please enter via the rafflecopter widget below. The giveaway is for U.S. residents only (terms set by the publisher). The winner will be announced on the widget one week from today. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, for a chance to win 15 Simon & Schuster new releases (including At Home With Madame Chic) enter their sweepstakes here. Best of luck!
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So sorry about your grandmother! I don't do social media, so I didn't know, but allow me to express my belated condolences here. She will still be celebrating the holidays with you, as long as she is in your thoughts and you recollect fond memories of her.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother and send my deepest sympathy. She must have been a wonderful and stylish lady, and I'm so glad that her legacy lives on in you! I've been reading this blog for a few years now, and your writing and videos have inspired so much that is great in my life!
My favorite thing about Christmas is the anticipation: the decorations, the food (preparing and eating), the seasonal outings, Advent celebrations, even complaining with friends and strangers about how much there is to do and how little time in which to do it! Just like every year, but that's what I like about it.
My condolences again on your grandmother's passing. It's an exceptionally difficult time of year to experience a deep loss.
The books look lovely! I'm getting into the Christmas spirit bit by bit. I always love to read Christmas novels in December.
My favorite Christmas movie may be The Holiday! I need to get some popcorn and a glass of wine and watch it soon.
Condolences on the loss of your grandmother, my sympathy goes to your family at this time.
My favorite Christmas movie? It is a tie between Its a Wonderful Life and The Bishop's Wife.
I hope the holidays will warm your heart and spirit with cherished memories of your grandmother. I know she must have been so very proud of her granddaughter.
Sorry about your Grandma. It's a Wonderful live all time fave,
My deepest sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your beloved grandmother. My favorite holiday film is "Christmas in Connecticut" in part because I have fond memories of watching it with my own grandma.
So sorry about your grandmother, Jennifer.
My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas. I also love the old Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Story, and The Muppets' Christmas Carol.
Love Christmas novellas, Christmas cookies and time with family . . . also the carols. Sometimes listen to the carols in the middle of summer when I'm alone!
My condolences regarding your grandmother, Jennifer. I just saw this. So wonderful that she gave you the gift of style, which you surely have, inside and out. Blessings for the holidays. :)
Even though is is not technically a Christmas movie I love While You Were Sleeping. :) The Holiday is good too though.
I love all the lights and decorations. I also love receiving Christmas cards from friends and family and giving them. I always come up with a new way to make the envelopes pretty. I love it!
I celebrate Christmas for the joy of it but also as another day, not the only day that I'm thankful Christ came to this earth that all might have a chance at eternal joy and peace!
Merry Christmas and thank you for the giveaway.
Also, thinking of you in his holiday season and for your recent loss.
First of all...love your books, blog and youtube channel : ) I celebrate Christmas because it is the holiday that honors the birth of Jesus, my Lord and savior. It can be hard to remember that this time of year with all of the hustle and bustle, but I try to make it a priority to remind my family of the true meaning of Christmas.
Thanks for all you do!
May the many happy memories with your grandmother continue to fill your heart.
Christmas stories add to the family togetherness this time of year. Nice giveaway!
Deepest condolences on the passing of your grandmother.
My favorite holiday movie is White Christmas. I view it every year
To honor the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and His wondrous love is the true reason I celebrate Christmas. I cannot even imagine a world without Christmas.
Christmas is about the Spirit. And that is what I love the most. It truly is that magical time of year when our hearts seem to grow larger than we ever thought was possible. Oh, that we could keep that special feeling all through the year.
There is almost nothing I love more at Christmastime than putting on my comfy cozies and settling in with a happy Christmas movie and a warm mug of hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows. Some of my favorites are It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, White Christmas, and of course, A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Jennifer!
May all your Christmas dreams come true . . .
There are so many wonderful Christmas movies it's hard to choose just one. Remember the Night from 1940 with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray is not so well known, but it's a very touching story! Love your blog...
Favorite Christmas movie: It's a Wonderful Life.
Quite unbelievably, I've never seen 'It's a Wonderful Life' - and now I want to read the book before seeing the movie!
My favorite thing about Christmas is the celebration mood - the lights, the presents, the ornaments, visiting family, meeting old friends. I wish we brought more of that into our everyday lives - why not celebrate other people each day? Wear a nice pair of pumps at the dinner and listen to some music afterwards. :)
So sorry for your loss.
I love everything about Christmas... the tree, the decorations in stores, the music, the snow. I have so many favorite Christmas movies, but I have to say my ultimate favorite movie is The Grinch (original animated one) - it was tradition for my family to watched it every year.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Good Morning, Jennifer!
I am so glad to see that you have returned to the blog. I think it is so lovely that you are honoring your Grandma through your blog, and the spirit of the season.
Although it is not a Christmas movie, I always watch Anne of Green Gables with Megan Follows during the Christmas season!
Melissa U
My favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story. Mostly because my dad and I just crack up and it drives my mom and husband crazy.
Oh, these books sound lovely and I'm so intrigued by "The Mistletoe Promise." Thank you for these wonderful #TheDailyConnoisseur #MadameChic giveaways!
My favorite thing about Christmas time is a greater awareness to reflect my kindness on to others, no matter if they are friends, family, strangers or new acquaintances. How I do this: I call or write people I wouldn't normally see on a day-to-day basis; I donate to an animal charity; I recycle my clothes to an organization like Working Wardrobes; I find a way to laugh and smile each day.
Jennifer, wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas holiday and thank you for sharing your kindness with us. ^_^
Jennifer - extending deepest sympathy to you and your family for the loss of your grandmother.
Thank your for introducing us to new, quality reads and for the opportunity to win them.
I celebrate Christmas to rejoice in the birth of the Savior and to remember all the wonderful things he's done. My husband and I love to spend time with our families and enjoy our Christmas tree, which is a fun combination of both of our treasured childhood ornaments.
They both sound like great reads. Thanks for the giveaway.
Once again, sincere sympathy on the loss of your grandmother.
Favorite movie...It's A WOnderful Life. My husband loves is also, works in a small bank, and thinks he IS George Bailey. He is to me ! Last year he turned 60 and as his birthday treat ( his bday is 12/24 !!!) I took him to the REAL Bedford Falls in Seneca Falls, NY....he got to meet the real ZUZU !!! Merry Christmas with happy memories of your grandmother and the holidays you shared !
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So sorry for your loss. My favorite Christmas movie is 'It's a Wonderful Life.' A close second in 'The Polar Express,' I love the music.
"What is your favorite Christmas movie?" Can't decide between Die Hard and Love Actually :)
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