I had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing the authors of Paris Nights: My Year at the Moulin Rouge
Cliff served as principal dancer at the Moulin Rouge, and I could not wait to interview him about his favorite things to do in Paris. I hope you check out our fun interview as we discuss our favorite city, along with the lovely Loren Stephens of Write Wisdom.
If you are unable to see the video above, click here, look in the sidebar of this blog, or visit my channel www.youtube.com/TheDailyConnoisseur
Here is the description of Paris Nights from Amazon:
Little did Cliff Simon know that a single phone call and a one-way ticket to Paris would ultimately change his life forever. Now the acclaimed television and film actor shares his journey from Johannesburg to the Moulin Rouge to Hollywood in his debut memoir, Paris Nights: My Year at the Moulin Rouge.
From a young age Cliff Simon knew he was headed towards big places. Having grown up as both a skilled gymnast and a competitive swimmer, performance was in his blood. But with the onset of Apartheid and the looming threat of war, he and his Jewish family soon retreated from Johannesburg, South Africa to the London countryside. Before he knew it, he joined the British swim team and was near Olympics-bound with a full-ride offer to a United States university. But something wasn't quite right. Instead, Cliff returned home and enlisted in the South African Air Force. Cliff's habit of impulsive risk-taking would continue but ultimately pave the foundation for an experience most of us would only dream of.
After he was honorably discharged, twenty-seven-year-old Cliff worked a series of odd jobs at a resort near the Indian Ocean until he received a phone call from an old friend inviting him to join him at the iconic Moulin Rouge. Here begins the story of Cliff's meteoric rise at the Moulin from swing dancer to principal in the glamour filled show, Formidable; his offstage encounters with street thugs and diamond smugglers; and the long nights filled with after parties and his pick of gorgeous women. Encounter the magic, the mayhem, and the glory that was and still is the Moulin Rouge.
Follow Cliff on Twitter @cliffmsimon, Visit his website www.cliffsimon.com and IMDB page
Learn more about Loren Stephens on her website, Write Wisdom .
Please note: Paris Nights contains adult language and themes and may not be suitable for younger readers.
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Great job, Jennifer. Can you please tell me where you got your statement necklace? I remember it from last year. Also, can you please do a post on all of your fine jewelry and costume jewelry pieces and how you choose when to wear which. You always look elegant and never overdone.
Crazy! I just finished that book! I'm a huge Stargate SG-1 fan.
I am surprised that you advocate for this book which does not seem to be in alignment with your values. You talk about women who are scantily dressed and push against that, but at the Moulin Rouge there is full on nudity and exploitation of women. Could you please explain how this fits with your values? Thank You.
I so enjoy all of your books and blog posts. Your thoughtfulness and poise are always apparent and so appreciated. This post was, as usual, delightful. I love how you actively seek out the arts and openly show your support for other creative people. As expected, your guests were charming and interesting. It was delightful to get to imagine how wonderful it must have been to sit at a cafe table sipping coffee and admiring the sun rising on Paris after spending the night performing. Thank you for this post, and thank you to your guests for sharing their thoughts and experiences, and thank you for all of your efforts to make the world a little more creative, fantastic, and chic.
So often in American society, women's bodies are demonized, and put down, most often by other women. We allow this. We allow a naked breast to have an 'R' rating in American films, when violence, murder, blood, and dead bodies squeak by with 'PG'.
I saw the 'Faerie' show at Moulin Rouge in 2011, and I adored every moment of it! It was bright, colorful, exquisite, and a glorious celebration of the female form. The dancing, the singing, the costumes, the sets, the music... all spot-on. This is one of the most beautiful shows I have ever seen. It is pure performance artistry. I was quite sorry when it ended, and the house lights came up.
If I have one criticism about Moulin Rouge or Crazy Horse Paris (LOVED this show as well), it's that the champagne they serve the audience is kind of mediocre.
I would not have known about this book if you hadn't reviewed it here! Thank you for this interview and post! I plan to purchase this book soon :)
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